PLAT-20 Building Alfresco Prototypes in a Few Hours



SIDE provides a set of tools that enable the developers to customize Alfresco very easily. From a single data model, we will show you forms, views and complex objects (automatically generated) that can be combined in a matter of minutes to build a fully functional prototype. We will show you direct dashboard customization by the user through the use of views and charts generated by SIDE from a single data model. SIDE is available in open source.

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Build a prototype in less than one hour with SIDE

by @sidelabs

Who am I?

Jean-Christophe Kermagoret



•BlueXML co-founder

•Specialized in MDSD, Web architectures and Alfresco

The promise

•Build a prototype in less than a few hours one hour


•Why a prototype?

•Why SIDE?

•A promise... or a dream?

•Proof by example

Why do I need a prototype?

•To show master of Alfresco

•To show focus on user needs

•To impress my (future) customer

•To make screenshots

•To differentiate from competitors

•To show professional tools

Prototype Requirements

Required Features

•Easy to use

•Understandable by end-users

•Usable by consultants

•Usable by developers



•SIDE has been developed to achieve this use case

In fact, SIDE can produce:

•An Alfresco Share Application

•A Domain Specialist Application

•Not only for prototypes

Who is SIDE?

SIDE is an open source project:

•Funded by BlueXML (Alfresco Technology Partner)

•It stands for Sustainable Integrated Design Environment

•It implements a MDA paradigm

•It's Technology Independant

•Alfresco as a RI (Reference Implementation)

•Download SIDE for Alfresco, CE:



SIDE Fills Prototype Requirements

Easy to Use

SIDE-Labs provides graphical tools:

•To design content types

•To design input forms

•To design search forms

•To design views

•To design portal

Understandable by End-Users

SIDE-Labs uses models in its heart:

•Models are readable

•Models are understandable

•End-users can participate

Usable by Consultants

SIDE-Labs is conceptual

•You want to convince you understood its needs

•Focus on user needs!!!

•No technical skills are required

•Domain and commercial skills are preferred

•Consultants just need to know how to start Alfresco

•Salesperson can participate

Usable by Developers

SIDE-Labs may be technical too:

•You want to invest more time in your prototype

•Ask for a web developer (with java, html, js and css skills)

•Refi ne consultant's prototype

•Improve forms and views through usual skills

•Add code

•Still, no alfresco skills required (for prototypes :-)


SIDE Value Proposition

An Alfresco Share Application (ASA)

SIDE-Labs generates an Alfresco Share Application

•For your customer

•Focused on its needs

•Totally functional

An Alfresco Share Application (ASA)

This application provides:

•Customized input and advanced search forms

•Customized document library

•Customized detail page

•Customized data lists

You still have work:

•To polish the UI

•To write workfl ows and glue code

A Domain Specifi c Application (DSA)

SIDE-Labs generates components

•Components are REsT enabled

•Assemble them like a mashup application

•Create a Specifi c application

You still have work:

•To polish the UI (forms, interactivity, ...)

•To write workfl ows and glue code


Prototype Building Process

•First, we need a data model.

•Then, generate other models

•Form model

•View model

•Portal model

•Finally, deploy them

•Improve the models


Win the competition

•Deliver the “2 for one” message

•ASA for complete ECM features (advanced users)

•DSA for heavy used ECM features (common users)

•Create a portfolio (screenshots, video)

•Give all these materials to the sales Manager

•Repeat your demonstration


For the next few months, we'll work on:


•SIDE SDK (so you can adapt existing generators)

•SIDE for Alfresco 4.x

•SIDE Share (fl exible alternative to Alfresco Share)

•SIDE for Mobility (iPad, iPhone, Android)

•SIDE for the cloud (Web tools for users and consultants)

•JS Support for Business Rules

How to Contribute


•Ask for help (forums)

•Enter bugs in the tracking system

•Write documentation on the wiki

•Adapt SIDE generators to make 4.0 appear sooner

•Design models and applications

•Write generators for mobile technology

•Become a committer and show the direction

Download SIDE for Alfresco, CE:

