PPT Presentation Business Video Brochure Designing


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Presentations through PPT PowerPoint, Videos & Brochure Designing crucial to Biz

We had hand-drawn images, slides, overhead projectors and a lot of gadgetry to make our presentations effective. Times have changed and so have technologies. Animation and Multimedia tasks have become sophisticated. Presentations are no more limited to classrooms. They are everywhere. Just walk out of your office and there stands a mobile company salesman voicing structured rhetoric about products that are blurringly set in peep holes. Right across him stands a girl balancing a crystal clear container drawn from a zero-bacteria can and the perspiring pedestrian cannot wait to have a sip. Lovely presentations and effective ones too.

But Microsoft isn’t satisfied. Like always they are one-up on the competition. They have Powerpoint Presentations evolved in 1990 and in current versions MS Office PPT 2010 for Windows and MS Office PPT 2011 for Mac. The net and visual media are all over the place. Be it a school auditorium or a boardroom, a presentation has now come to be synonymous with PPT Presentation.

PPT Presentation begins with the creation of a theme. A theme is a coordinated set of fonts, colours and graphic effects appearing at the top of a page that can be applied to the entire document. It also includes the slide master and slide layout for background options.

Audios (recorded narrations) and videos can be suitably mixed to give audio-visual transparency to the presentation. Graphical content like Charts or Diagrams can easily trounce a monologue that would rather invite a resonant drone of a snore. Animations and Transitions inserted in the right places in right dosages can be very appealing. Because of their hyper effect of overdoing animation can be a total distraction for the original presentation. The Screen Layout could get the audience focused. A poor picture can also turn them off.

The PPT Presentation can even be made with notes appearing on the side and slides published in handouts. With the large repertoire of tools available it is necessary to get it right the first time. Rehearsals are possible so we need not miss out on anything. All the same the whole PPT Presentation is to be trimmed to a manageable size so that everyone hears the last word on the subject.

Logo Designer has a very difficult task to bring out an image of the organization. All organizations are instantly recognizable from their Logo. A consistent digression that is any part of the logo makes a dent in the company’s reputation and a change of Logo will then become an imminent necessity. However, unless there is an overhaul or merger or massive diversification the Logo will continue to stand tall and is by itself a brand identity or trademark for the organization.

Brochure Designing is another arduous task. A Brochure contains a Company’s products, its facilities, capabilities, objectives and achievements. The material, contents and target specificity can take the organization to great heights. It has to be borne in mind that competitors may have even better products or facilities. But a catchy designer with the right mix of graphics and content can disable competition with a brochure that can impress the decision maker and the market as a whole.

PPT Presentation is pretty simple to start with. If we have a PowerPoint program Word and Excel also become available automatically. To begin with we download a free PPT file and open it with PowerPoint. We can now examine the slides and learn to add pictures and titles, One has the option of doing the PPT presentation himself or employing professionals to do the same. Before signing out let us hear this from Vint Serf, “Power corrupts and PowerPoint corrupts absolutely.”

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