Practical REST in Grails 2.3




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dan woods@danveloper

Introduction to Grails 2.3 REST

The Concept of a “Resource”• Map data to a URL Endpoint• Traverse object graph through URL mappings• Provide serialization in your favorite format• Driven by the HTTP Request’s Accept header

• Limitations:• The whole URL graph needs to be explicitly defined for

mapping nested Resources

Introduction to Grails 2.3 REST

Defining a Resource• Decorate your domain object with the @Resource Annotation• Map to a URI via Annotation or UrlMapping• Use built-in, good-for-most-things RestfulController, or…• Build a custom controller to handle your specific use-case

Introduction to Grails 2.3 REST

Customizing Resource Behavior• Regulate response formats through the @Resource annotation• Determine read/write behavior• In turn, writable actions will get 405

• Customizing response

Introduction to Grails 2.3 REST

Resource Renderers• Provides inherent support for versioning• Built-in Renderers like DefaultJsonRenderer, HalJsonRenderer

offer some standard support• include/exclude properties• Handling versioning

Introduction to Grails 2.3 REST

Resource Renderers• Custom Renderers satisfy specific needs• Intercept the response activity to influence the output• Allow for changing the response structure• This is the place to put business logic that responds with a non-

standard view• Preferred over JSON.registerObjectMarshaller• Auto-wireable Spring beans

Introduction to Grails 2.3 REST

Resource ControllersFrom the JAX-RS Spec…

"Adopting the MVC terminology, JAX-RS resource classes are comparable to controllers"

• Grails maps a RestfulController to the Resource’s URL, so the @Resource is not the handler, it just represents the handler!

Beyond the Basics

Custom RestfulController• Overload how resources are resolved• Custom binding logic• Interface with services for object composition• Business Logic: “Only show me healthy applications”

• Using the respond method• Control the response format this way

Getting Practical

Let’s get practical…

Getting Practical

Obscuring Ids• Custom RestfulController• Overload queryForResource, listAllResources

• Custom Renderer• Only expose the properties that you want people to see

• The @RestIdProperty strategy for building HAL Navigation

Getting Practical

Resources as a Concept• Nothing hard-ties a Resource to a domain object

• Can be backed simply by a command object

• Good choice for providing data in a format that is domain-specific, but brought in via service call

Getting Practical

Using Hyper-Media Practically• Built-in Grails rendering constructs don’t favor reusability

• grails-rest-renderers plugin can provide some simplifications to building pragmatic hyper-media renderers

Getting Practical

Security?Great article about REST Security from Dave Syer (@david_syer):


Summary:Oauth: "one of the key reasons for OAuth2 to exist is so that

Client applications do not need to collect user credentials. Here is where the learning curve for OAuth2 gets steeper.”

Form Login: Difficult to drive RESTful interactions since failures are redirected to login page

Basic Auth: Maybe the best choice