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Preliminary Task

Adam Pawsey

Flat plan front page

The title selected for my first front page on my flat plan is a red coloured one. Against the background it stands out greatly and is easily readable.

This is the school logo. It is good to include as it will help give a corporate identity to the magazine and help it keep to the school colour scheme

Here is a banner I designed using publisher. It adds excitement to the page as without it. The page would look too bland.

Flat plan Front page V2

The title is in bold and is big across the top of the page. It is also in red whereas the rest of the front is white. This will help it stand out to the reader.

In the centre of the page there is a diagram showing the positioning of a medium close up student. The title has overlapped the head of the student so that the photograph is not a obstruction to the title.

This is the flat plan of my front cover. To start the design I placed text boxes and boxes on my publisher file. I then drew out a figure of a medium close up of a student using shape tools.

Flat Plan Contents PageFor my contents page I created a theme which I would use throughout my magazine. To do this I used the custom shapes and text boxes to create the flat plan design.

The title again is the same colour and font of the one on the previous cover page. However the title is now slanted but still stands out from the rest of the page.

Here is the first version of my contents column. The box is long and in a portrait layout. This is as the contents will look more professional and readable if they are listed vertically.

This oval shape will hold a picture of the school from birds eye view from Bing maps. This is as it will give readers a view of the school before they have begun to read the magazine.

Flat Plan Contents Page V2Here is my newer version of the contents page. This newer flat plan version features a coloured band going down the side which helps make the page look less plain and more eye-catching.

My newer flat plan shows a more likely insight into how my contents page will look. This contents page features an aerial view of the school in a round bubble shape border.

On this improved version I also created a new design for my contents. This made it easier to match up title with page numbers and more aesthetically pleasing and more like current magazines.

Running throughout my flat plan pages is a footer featuring the name of the magazine and the page number. The colours of the font remain linked to those used in the borders and title headings to maintain the theme.

This is my style sheet it sets out the colour scheme which I will use throughout my magazine task. It also shows examples of pictures which I can use. The Titles have been listed as possible candidates to be used in my magazine.

Final Front pageI have changed the font from my flat plan so the title could be bigger, bolder and more noticeable. The title is also shorter this allows the individual letters to be bigger as there is a larger space to fill.

The colour theme has changed completely from the flatplan. I created this change as the white writing will stand out more on a darker coloured background. Even though the main colours of the theme have been changed the theme remains constant throughout the magazine.Here is a picture of a medium

close up of a student. The Opacity has been turned down toGive the effect of a reflection onto the sixth form building.

The whole image is in black and white besides the school logos and the student. This makes them stand out to the reader and makes the magazine more eye-catching.

Contents pageThe title of the contents page continues with the theme set in the front page of the magazine by showing the same font and colours and size. However this is different from the flat plan as the white is made to stand out more from the purple background then the red.

The contents box is different from the flat plan as it is less complex and more simple. This is as it is easier for the user to focus and read the contents if it is not to flashy of distracting.

The contents also features a welcome message from Mr.Hickey The head teacher. This is important as it allows the Magazine to be introduced to the people buying it.


This picture was taken so that it could be in contention to be featured on the front page of my magazine. However because of the angle of the shot I decided that it would be better if I was to find a picture of a student from a lower angle so that it is a clear medium close up shot.


Here is an earlier version of one of the pictures I was going to choose to feature on the front cover of my magazine. However after reviewing the photograph I noticed that the camera was to far away for a good medium close up. This prompted me to take another picture from lower down and closer to the subject.


This was another picture that was in contention to be used on the front cover of the magazine or contents page. However looking at this photograph and the positioning of the people in it I am aware that the people are not of medium close up and are not of a suitable range to be clearly seen on a magazine. This is why this photograph hasn't been used.


This was the picture that I finally decided to use on my front page. I chose this image as unlike the others I took it is from a lower angle. This makes the choice of image being a medium close up a lot more obvious as the shoulders and chest is quite clearly in focus. I also chose the image as I like the action of the student reading over his notes. Setting an example to those who look at the magazine.


The first thing I did was change the background colour to black and white using a filter. I then pasted the logos on top in colour. I then wrote magazine in a similar font and style to the college font. I turned the opacity of the student down to 42 percent to give the impression of a reflection onto the school building

For the manipulation of this image. I simply duplicated the background layer so that the theme would run throughout my magazine. I then simply inserted two boxes and the text to run inside of them. The only other thing I did was use the lasso tool to go around the image of Mr hickey. The using bing maps I found an aerial view of the school pasted it into a oval border and changed the opacity down keeping with the theme set in the front page of the magazine

The blue background image was one I found on the internet while looking for backgrounds. To modify this image I selected image and adjustments. And replace colour. I then selected the dark blue using the colour dropper and selected the new appropriate colour. From this I got my final background for my magazine.

I believe my magazine is effective as it is very eye-catching and professional. The front cover works well for a magazine as it has a large bold title which instantly attracts readers. It also features details about the school such as the logo and the website. The contents is effective as a school magazine as it fits with the theme and general colour scheme set in the front cover. I also has the same text layout and transparent pictures.

End product

As you can see the final product is very different from the flat plan. This is because when creating the front page I noticed that a reflection would look good and professional for the student medium close up. Using a student on the front page is significant as it shows the onlookers the schools working ethos. I used a picture of the front of the school so the reflection would look more realistic. This reflection was not included on my flat plan.

End product

Compared to the front page. The contents page flat plan and actual one are more closely linked. The high angle shot of the school. The introduction to the magazine and the contents column. However there is a new edition as I have inserted a photo of Mr Hickey. This is significant as it gives a face to the magazine so the people reading it know who is in charge of the school and get a sense of the surroundings via the picture.

Feedback From student 1

I really like the colour scheme that has been used throughout the first two pieces. I gives the magazine a professional look. If the school went on to sell it, it may be something I would purchase.

Feedback From student 2

I probably wouldn't buy this as I don’t read many magazines however I see this magazine as being professional and eye catching and believes it serves the purpose of being a school magazine very well

Feedback From student 3

I see the clear purpose of this magazine. It is ideal as it is a usual format for the school magazine. It also features a picture of the school both on the front cover and the contents page. Overall I would buy this product as I believe that the quality of the magazine would continue into the later pages.

My evaluation

I believe that my magazine Is professional and appropriate for a school magazine. I believe that if it was compared to other magazines or put on sale with other magazines it would not be out of place. If I was to do this task again I would try to create a more appropriate flat plan that I would be able to stick to throughout the whole project without having to change it too much.