Preparing for Schweissen & Schneiden 2013 in Essen, Germany


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The Launch Pad in Much, Germany

Thursday, 09-12-13 – AMI GmbH, Much, Germany

Testing the M88 Weld Head

Thursday, 09-12-13 – AMI GmbH, Much, Germany

Testing the M88 Weld Head

Thursday, 09-12-13 – AMI GmbH, Much, Germany

Prepping Equipment

Thursday, 09-12-13 – AMI GmbH, Much, Germany

Thursday, 09-12-13 – AMI GmbH, Much, Germany

Thursday, 09-12-13 – AMI GmbH, Much, Germany

Thursday, 09-12-13 – AMI GmbH, Much, Germany

Thursday, 09-12-13 – AMI GmbH, Much, Germany

Thursday, 09-12-13 – AMI GmbH, Much, Germany

Xavier is ordering some more wet paint from Wedge

Thursday, 09-12-13 – AMI GmbH, Much, Germany

Saturday, 09-14-13 – On the show floor in Essen, Germany

Hanging sign over the AMI booth

Setting up the booth

Saturday, 09-14-13 – On the show floor in Essen, Germany

Saturday, 09-14-13 – On the show floor in Essen, Germany

Setting up the Narrow Groove system

Saturday, 09-14-13 – On the show floor in Essen, Germany

Setting up the equipment

Saturday, 09-14-13 – On the show floor in Essen, Germany

Xavier is testing equipment

Saturday, 09-14-13 – On the show floor in Essen, Germany

Setting up the booth

Saturday, 09-14-13 – On the show floor in Essen, Germany

Stephen and the set up crew

Saturday, 09-14-13 – On the show floor in Essen, Germany

Saturday, 09-14-13 – On the show floor in Essen, Germany

Setting up the equipment

Saturday, 09-14-13 – On the show floor in Essen, Germany

The Model 88 Weld Head setup with wire feeder

Saturday, 09-14-13 – On the show floor in Essen, Germany

Setting up the booth

Saturday, 09-14-13 – On the show floor in Essen, Germany

Fusion welding equipment corner – M205 WDR / M217 WDR

Saturday, 09-14-13 – On the show floor in Essen, Germany

Setting up the booth

Saturday, 09-14-13 – On the show floor in Essen, Germany

Setting up the booth

Saturday, 09-14-13 – On the show floor in Essen, Germany

The M217 WDR with Compatible Weld Heads

Saturday, 09-14-13 – On the show floor in Essen, Germany

Weld Head “Christmas Tree”

Saturday, 09-14-13 – On the show floor in Essen, Germany

M88 Weld Head with M327 WDR Power Supply

Saturday, 09-14-13 – On the show floor in Essen, Germany

Connecting the cables

Saturday, 09-14-13 – On the show floor in Essen, Germany

Ready for the show

Sunday, 09-15-13 - On the show floor in Essen, Germany

Sunday, 09-15-13 - On the show floor in Essen, Germany

Setting up the booth

NGT system with DV2-DAS in the front

Sunday, 09-15-13 - On the show floor in Essen, Germany

Sunday, 09-15-13 - On the show floor in Essen, Germany

Ready for the show

Ready for the show

Sunday, 09-15-13 - On the show floor in Essen, Germany

Day #1, Monday, 09-16-13
