Rake: The Familiar Stranger



Rake is the Ruby build tool. Most Rubyists have at least used it in passing. But how well do you really know it? This presentation was given by Josh Nichols at the December 2008 Boston Ruby Group meeting. See the presentation at http://vimeo.com/2496890

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Josh Nichols technicalpickles.com

The Familiar Stranger


Josh Nichols technicalpickles.com

Ruby Make

What is Rake?

Josh Nichols technicalpickles.com

A Ruby build tool

Ruby what?

Josh Nichols technicalpickles.com

A tool for automating tasks on the command line using plain ol’ Ruby

Which means...?

Josh Nichols technicalpickles.com

• Define a task

• Make the task do something, maybe have it depend on other tasks

• You’ve probably already used it

• rake db:migrate

• rake test

What would you use Rake for?

Josh Nichols technicalpickles.com

• The basics of Rake

• Creating re-usable tasks for Rails

• Creating re-usable tasks for any Ruby project

• Testing


Josh Nichols technicalpickles.com

# Rakefile (or rakefile or rakefile.rb or Rakefile.rb)

require 'rake'

desc "Hello World!"task :hello_world do puts "Hello World!"end

Hello World

Josh Nichols technicalpickles.com

(in /Users/nichoj/Projects/rake_demo)rake hello_world # Hello World!

rake_demo $ rake -T

Josh Nichols technicalpickles.com

Hello World!

rake_demo $ rake hello_world

Josh Nichols technicalpickles.com

• desc

• provide a human readable description for a task you're about to define

• rake -T doesn’t show the task without this

• task

• provide a task name (can be a symbol or string)

• provide a block

• it's just ruby, yo

Defining tasks

Josh Nichols technicalpickles.com

• FileUtils module is included

• cd, pwd, mkdir, mkdir_p, rmdir, ln, ln_s, ln_sf, cp, cp_r, mv, rm, rm_r, rm_rf, install, chmod, touch

• FileList lets you specify a pattern for files/directories, then use it as an Enumerable

• FileList['**/*.rb'].each {|f| puts f }

Defining tasks: playing with the filesystem

Josh Nichols technicalpickles.com

require 'rake'

desc "Clean the build directory"task :clean do rm_r 'build'end

desc "Make a backup of all ruby files"task :backup do FileList['**/*.rb'].each do |f| cp f, "#{f}.bak" endend

Defining tasks: playing with the filesystem

Josh Nichols technicalpickles.com

• Easily declare a dependency on another task

• A task that is depended on will only be run once... even if you run multiple times

Dependencies between tasks

Josh Nichols technicalpickles.com

require 'rake'

task :give_presentation => :prepare_presentation do puts "So there's this thing called 'Rake'..."end

task :prepare_presentation => :take_nap do puts "Just preparing, nothing to see here, move along"end

task :take_nap do puts "zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz"end

Dependencies between tasks

Josh Nichols technicalpickles.com

(in /Users/nichoj/Projects/rake_demo)zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzNothing to see here, move alongSo there's this thing called 'Rake'...

rake_demo $ rake give_presentation

Josh Nichols technicalpickles.com

zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzNothing to see here, move alongSo there's this thing called 'Rake'...

rake_demo $ rake take_nap give_presentation

Josh Nichols technicalpickles.com

• Would be annoying to have a flat namespace

• This isn’t C!

• Rake has the concept of namespaces

• rake namespace:task_name

Group related tasks

Josh Nichols technicalpickles.com

require 'rake'

namespace :presentation do task :give => :prepare do puts "So there's this thing called 'Rake'..." end

task :prepare => :take_nap do puts "Just preparing, nothing to see here, move along" endend

task :take_nap do puts "zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz"end

Define a namespace

Josh Nichols technicalpickles.com

• Just declare the task again, but with dependencies

• These get added to whatever dependencies

Extending tasks: more dependencies

Josh Nichols technicalpickles.com

namespace :presentation do task :give => :prepare do puts "So there's this thing called 'Rake'..." end

task :prepare => :take_nap do puts "Just preparing, nothing to see here, move along" end task :prepare => :watch_tvend

task :watch_tv do puts "Previously on Heroes..."end

task :take_nap do puts "zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz"end

Moar dependencies

Josh Nichols technicalpickles.com

• Rake comes with a few bundled

• Rake::GemPackageTask, Rake::PackageTask, Rake::RDocTask, Rake::TestTask

• Just instantiate an instance in your Rakefile

Rake::TestTask.new do |t| t.libs << 'lib' t.pattern = 'test/*_test.rb' t.verbose = falseend

Using off the shelf tasks

Josh Nichols technicalpickles.com

... cuz I ran out of time to make slides

Cue live coding

Josh Nichols technicalpickles.com

Done, and done.

Josh Nichols technicalpickles.com


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