Real-time search in Drupal. Meet Elasticsearch




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Flexible and powerful open source, distributed real-time search and analytics engine for the cloud


Flexible and powerful open source, distributed real-time search and analytics engine for the cloud

RESTful API on top of Lucene library

Why use Elasticsearch?

● RESTful API● Open Source● JSON over HTTP● based on Lucene● distributed● highly available● schema free● massively scalable

STOP! Why not SOLR?

Setup in 2 steps:

1. Extract the archive2. > bin/elasticsearch

How to use it?

> curl -XGET localhost:9200/?pretty

> curl -XGET localhost:9200/?pretty

{"ok" : true,"status" : 200,"name" : "Infinity","version" : {

"number" : "0.90.1","snapshot_build" : false,"lucene_version" : "4.3"

},"tagline" : "You Know, for Search"


> curl -XGET localhost:9200/?pretty


> curl -XGET localhost:9200/?pretty

node + port

> curl -XGET localhost:9200/?pretty


> curl -XGET localhost:9200/?pretty

query string

Let's index some data

> PUT /index/type/id

Where?It's very similar to database in SQL

> PUT /index/type/id


Content type,Entity type,

any kind of type you decide

> PUT /index/type/id

Which?Node ID,Entity ID,

any kind of serial ID

> PUT /mysite/node/1 -d

{"nid": "1","status": "1","title": "Hello elasticsearch","body": "First elasticsearch document"


> PUT /mysite/node/1 -d

{"nid": "1","status": "1","title": "Hello elasticsearch","body": "First elasticsearch document"




Let's GET some data

> GET /mysite/node/1{ "_index" : "mysite", "_type" : "node", "_id" : "1", "_version" : 1, "exists" : true, "_source" : { "nid":"1", "status":"1", "title":"Hello elasticsearch", "body":"First elasticsearch document" }

> GET /mysite/node/1?fields=title,body

Get specific fields

> GET /mysite/node/1?fields=title,body

Get specific fields

> GET /mysite/node/1/_source

Get source only

Let's UPDATE some data

> PUT /mysite/node/1 -d



> PUT /mysite/node/1 -d






Let's DELETE some data

> DELETE /mysite/node/1

> DELETE /mysite/node/1



Let's SEARCH for something

> GET /_search

> GET /_search

{"took" : 32,"timed_out" : false,"_shards" : {

"total" : 20,"successful" : 20,"failed" : 0

},"hits" : { results... }


Let's SEARCH in multiple indices and types

> GET /index/_search

> GET /index/type/_search

> GET /index1,index2/_search

> GET /myapp_*/type, entity_*/_search

Let's PAGINATE results

> GET /_search?size=10&from=20

size = results per pagefrom = starting from

Let's search oldschool

> GET /_search?q=title:elasticsearch

> GET /_search?q=nid:60

+title:awesome +status:1 +created:>1369917354


+title:awesome +status:1 +created:>1369917354

The ugly encoding =)

Query DSL style

> GET /_search -d

{"query": {

"match": "awesome"}


> GET /_search -d

{"query": {

"field" : { "title" : { "query" : "+awesome -poor", "boost" : 2.0, }}


Queries & Filters

Queries & Filters

full text search

relevance score


not cacheable

exact match

show or hide

lightning fast


Combine Filters & Queries

> GET /_search -d

{"query": {

"filtered": {"query": {

"match": { "title": "awesome" }},"filter": {

"term": { "type": "article" }}

} }


and Sorting

> GET /_search -d

{"query": {

"filtered": {"query": {

"match": { "title": "awesome" }},"filter": {

"term": { "type": "article" }}

} }"sort": {"date":"desc"}


and Facets

Facets on Amazon

> GET /_search -d

{"facets": {

"home_team": {"terms": {

"field": "field_home_team"}



> GET /_search -d

{"facets": {

"home_team": {"terms": {

"field": "field_home_team"}



Give your facet a name

> GET /_search -d

{"facets": {

"home_team": {"terms": {

"field": "field_home_team"}



Your facet filter can be:

● Terms● Range● Histogram● Date Histogram● Filter● Query● Statistical● Terms Stats● Geo Distance

"facets" : { "home_team" : { "_type" : "terms", "missing" : 203, "total" : 100, "other" : 42, "terms" : [ { "term" : "hou", "count" : 8 }, { "term" : "sln", "count" : 6 }, ...

STOP! I want this in Drupal?

Development directions:

1. Search API implementation2. Field Storage API

Available modules:elasticsearchSearch API elasticsearch

Field Storage API implementation

Elasticsearch field storage sandbox by Damien TournoudStarted in July 2011

Field Storage API implementation

Elasticsearch field storage sandbox by Damien TournoudStarted in July 2011

Elasticsearch EntityFieldQuery sandbox Commited today! =)

Let's DEMO

Elasticsearch sandbox here:

Let the Search be with you
