redpill Mobile Case Study (Salvation Army)



Case study that summarizes key findings by Red Pill Development as they built a mobile interface for Notes applications at Salvation Army. Using asymmetric modernization a mobile interface can be delivered for an entire portfolio of applications in a few days.

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Case Study (phase 1)

redpill Mobile

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Executive Summary

Mobilize 100s of Notes applications in days Install on existing Domino server or XWorks applianceNo changes required to existing applicationsBrowser-based - no offline storage of data on deviceOperates on iOS and Android (HTML 5) devicesAccess via a single Notes databaseRequires no coding for standard functionalityFully customizable using IBM XPages

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Everybody is

getting one

Used to get work


Mobile projects will dominate IT agendas

In 2012 the total number of smartphones & tablet devices shipped exceeded that of PCs.

Morgan Stanley Research

By the end of 2017 there will be more mobile devices on Earth than people.


Worldwide business mobile devices are projected to grow from 889 million in 2012 to 1.4 billion by 2016.


CIOs expect over 20% of their employees to use tablets instead of laptops by 2013.


By 2015 mobile application development will account for 80% of all development activities.


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• Mobile solution developed in conjunction with Salvation Army’s USA Southern Territory headquarters in Atlanta, GA.

• The goal was to deliver a mobile interface for five applications in three months.

• Six weeks later, the redpill used our portal software to mobilize 38 applications in a single day (by one person).

• Customer chose to deploy 22 of these applications into production along with two additional (new) applications. It took 15 minutes (each) to add and customize the extra applications.

• To provide non-confidential data for this case study, the original “Lotus Nifty Fifty” was mobilized. This comprises 80 databases. An additional 20 databases were created using standard templates provided by IBM as part of Notes 9.0.

• One person established a basic mobile interface for all 100 applications in 35 minutes. An additional 20 hours was spent customizing the interface to enhance its usability.

• Phase two includes enhanced edit capabilities and a tablet-specific interface.

Project Summary

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Project Scope

Existing Notes Applications• Take investment made over past 20 years• 100s/1,000s of applications

Read-Only Interface• Content consumption is dominant use for

mobile devices• Edit interface to follow

80%+ of Databases• Some complex applications will require

custom solutions

Rapid Deployment• 10+ applications in one day (one person)• Zero effort for many, large effort for few

XPages 8.5.3 UP1 (or later)• XPages Extension Library• Mobile Controls• Dojo 1.6

iOS/Android Devices (Phone)• Webkit, HTML5 & CSS3 based• Tablets will work but advantage is not

made of additional screen real-estate

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Key Success Factors

Mobile Experience: XPages Mobile Controls

Architecture: Single XPages Application

Programming Language: Java over SSJS

Productivity: Code/Data Forensics

Skill Transfer: Mentoring

Assistance: XPages Community

Support: Salvation Army

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The Importance Of Design• The key to mobilizing a large number of

applications is to find the patterns that are common to most applications and providing a (customizable) generic solution for those patterns.

• The Notes workspace and 3-pane UI provides a consistent approach used by 80%+ of Notes applications.

• Finding Containers:– Workspace grouped into tabs– Bookmarks (used by a minority)

• Finding Documents:– Views/Folders (Outline/Navigator)– Search

• Displaying Data:– Labels and Values (often in a table)– Grouping into tabbed tables, sections

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Application Design Patterns

Application Selection

View/Folder Selection

Document Selection

Document Review


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The Potential Of XPages

“The true power of XPages will only be unleashed when people avoid the temptation to develop XPages applications the same way they developed Notes Applications.”

Peter Presnell, CEO Red Pill Development

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The Process

Use code and data forensics to define the

structure of your applications

Develop/acquire a gateway that uses XPages to translate this data into

a mobile interface.

Review the result and fine-tune the

configuration to deliver a superior user experience

Integrate a feedback mechanism for users to

report issues and request enhancements.

Customize complex application logic using


Gather analytics to better understand the dynamics of how your applications

are being used

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• redpill Forensics– Eclipse Plug-Ins– Data and code forensics run on server (server security)– Initial and on-going analysis– Runs on one or many servers

• redpill Graph– Data loaded/maintained by redpill Analytics– Graph representation stored in Notes documents– Manual configuration of portal using:

• Notes Client (.domino Framework)• Web Client (One UI)• Mobile Client (redpill Mobile)

•redpill Mobile– Single NSF portal for all applications– Implemented Using:-

• Standard XPages (heavy use of extension library and mobile controls)

• CSS• SSJS and JS Libraries• Java classes (Beans)• redpill components

redpill Forensics

redpill Graph

redpill Mobile

Portal Components

Opportunity:Portal specifically designed to take advantage of IBM XWorks licensing

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The basic functionality of Notes applications is represented using a data model that includes:-• Application: A grouping of one or more

Notes databases• Container: A single Notes database• Collection: Groups of documents as found

in views or folders• Object: A series of documents with a

similar data model, usually defined by a form

• Representation: The layout used to display data for an object

• Item Container: A natural grouping of items in a section, table, table tab, layer etc.

• Item: Data items (Editable Fields), Computed Text, Static Text

For this project separate Notes documents are created to represent each of these objects. A graph structure is used to define the relationships between the objects.

Data Model



Collection Object



Item Container

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Mobile Page Structure

Application List Container List Collection List Collection Representation

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Technical Specifications

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• Provide a listing of available applications• Exclude system (and other) databases• Show groupings of similar applications

based on template, department, folder etc. to improve navigation.

• Identify my applications and/or the ones I can access.

• Put the most frequently used applications at the top of the list

• Allow me to search for an application

Application Selection: Needs

Excluding mail servers:10% of database are system databases15% of databases are development/test/backup45% of databases have not changed in the past year85% of databases have not had design changes in the past year25% of databases have not been accessed in the past year

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• Implement using XPages dataView control to display list of applications and containers defined in mobile portal.

• Compile a list of applications• Create rules to filter out system databases using:-

– Template Name– Filepath– Replica id– Database title

• Identify applications not being used:-– Database last accessed– Content last created/modified– View Indexes not built

• Identify applications not suited for mobile devices• Accurately label each application (less is more)• Use reader fields to control who sees which applications• Group/categorize applications based on:

– Template– Department– Filepath– System Analysis

Application Selection: Solutions

Opportunities:(1) Use dojo mobile TreeView (experimental) to allow large groups

of Notes databases to be represented as n-level tree(2) Allow users to customize their own structure for the applications

they use

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• Scan catalog.nsf for information about applications and/or crawl databases on each server.

• A server-sided operation is needed to reduce security issues when scanning databases local to that server.

• Look at both design and data– Design = what programmer intended– Data = what users are doing

• Build rules for identifying system databases• Build rules for identifying backup, development, test databases• Record database statistics

– Document count– Date last accessed– Date last document created– Date last document modified– Date design last changed

• Keep a complete list of applications and mark those to be excluded.• Continually monitor servers for changes• Add additional code to applications and/or servers to track additional

data• Record usage in mobile portal for later review• Use this opportunity to remove unwanted applications from servers.

Application Selection: Automation

Opportunities:(1) Track usage of applications and sequence based on usage.(2) Identify affinities between users and applications and make

suggestions to other “like” users.

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• Provide a list of commonly used views/folders (collections)

• Display only those views I am likely to use from a mobile device

• Put the ones I use most at the top

• Label views in a way that is is easy to relate back to the original application. E.g. if outline used then use similar text as outline labels rather than view names

Collection Selection: Needs

40% of views are hidden15% of views are used for administration35% contain no data or do not have view indexes that are built

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• Implement using XPages dataView control to display list of collections defined in mobile portal.

• Eliminate collections hidden from Notes client (use of parens in name or hide properties set)

• Eliminate views containing “copy”• Eliminate private views/folders• Identify calendar views for special treatment.• Identify views whose primary purpose is reporting.• Flag views containing keywords such as admin, dev.• Review outlines/navigators to find views that are

hidden based upon roles.• Define/review collections suitable for mobile

interface.• Review labels to eliminate unnecessary text• Applications will often share the same list of views.

Linking these applications together can reduce the effort to define and maintain these collections.

Collection Selection: Solution

Opportunities:(1) Use dojo mobile TreeView (experimental) to structure collection

in a manner similar to Outlines (n-levels)(2) Allow users to customize their own structure for the collections

they use

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• Scan the design of existing databases to compile a base list of views/folders– Exclude hidden views– Exclude Web-only views– Exclude administration views

• DXL Export of Outlines and Navigators can establish:– Labels to be used– Order to list views– Hide-when conditions for views

• Identify views with red-flag terms such as copy of, test or backup

• Look for outline groups for entire outlines that contain admin, developer etc. These may not be needed in the mobile interface

• View indexes not built on any replica suggest view is not used

• Keep the complete list of collections, marking those being excluded. This will allow on-going design forensics to correctly identify additions/changes.

• Identify applications that share a common set of collections to reduce maintenance

Collection Selection: Automation

Opportunities:(1) Track usage of collection and sequence based on usage.(2) Hidden designs can slow down the process. Review policy and

clean up databases before starting analysis

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• I need to see category values and an identifier (summary column) for each record.

• I’m using a phone (portrait orientation) so don’t crowd the display with too many columns.

• For a tablet device I am more open to having additional columns displayed.

• Provide reports as PDFs instead of using a view or exporting to Excel.

• Display additional “detail” information when a single column doesn’t identify the record.

• Allow me to expand/collapse categories and response documents

• Provide icons to identify document types or workflow state

• All me to quickly jump to a specific point in large views

• Allow me to search for documents• Display views in calendar format

Document Selection: Needs

75% of views are uncategorized24% of views have 1-2 levels of categorization1% of views have more than 2 levels of categorization<0.5% of views use a calendar format

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• Implement using XPages dataView control to display existing view/folder in application

• Analysis of design can identify programmatic names of categorized columns used.

• Identify field typically used to define content of documents (e.g. Title) or programmatic column

• Optional: Identify use of view icon column• In selected cases consider adding a new view

or changing an existing view to better facilitate the display on mobile devices.

• The dataView control provides a mechanism for both a full text search of content as well as to start the display at a particular value.

Document Selection: Standard

Issues Encountered:(1) For response documents unable to display different summary column(2) Total rows display as blank rowsOpportunities:(1) Tablet UI can add additional columns (Extra Columns) to make

use of additional screen real-estate.(2) A TreeGrid may provide an alternative representation for

categorized views.


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• For a small number of views (~ <5%) it is not possible to nominate a single (existing) summary column to identify each record.

• The dataView control provides a details facet that can be used to display additional information (rows) for each document.

• Create a small custom control to define the layout for this additional data and include the name of the custom control to be used.

• An <xp:include> tag can be used to conditionally include this custom control within the detail facet of the dataView.

Document Selection: Custom

Opportunities:(1) Define s “Standard” Collection in which it is only necessary to identify additional

columns to be used within the Details facet.


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Document Review: Needs• I typically only need to see a small subset of the

data held.• The content needs to be easy to read.• I need to see rich text content and attachments.• I want to use controls familiar to me for my

mobile device.• I would like to integrate data displayed with

applications on my device:-– Phone (phone numbers)– Mail (email address)– Browser (url links)– Map (addresses)– Camera (capturing images)– GPS (capturing addresses)– Attachments (documents, spreadsheets, presentations)– Multimedia (audio, video links/content)

• A tabular/grid display is OK in many circumstances but not all.

Default Representation

Standard Representation

Custom Representation

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• Use extension library formTable control• Title: Identify title used for each object (options

include summary column for collection or the Form name)

• Item List: Form or document can be used to identify list of items and their data type

• Sequence: Items are usually stored in a document in the same sequence they appear on a form that first created them

• Control Type: Based upon a number of factors:• Data Type• Multiple Values• Number of allowed values• Type of device being used• Available screen resolution

Default Representation

Opportunities:(1) Matching of labels in forms/columns will provide a more user

appealing output.(2) Automatic identification of patterns for phone numbers,

addresses, email addresses etc. can generate automatic integration with native applications.

(3) Develop a universal control that adapts to the data/device building into place best-practice for design.


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Standard Representation• Define a representation containing:-– A formula to be used for the title– A list of fields to be displayed when a document or a

particular type (form) is displayed.– The sequence in which the fields should be listed– The label to be displayed with the field value – The preferred control to be used. Use this to identify

email, phone numbers, addresses, etc.• Use extension library formTable control with repeat

control for each item defined• Construct a custom control that display the data using

the designated control inside a formRow.• (Optional) Add logic to hide fields without values. • Customization requires ~2 minutes per representation.

Opportunities:(1) Data forensics can be used to identify objects using the same data

across multiple applications.(2) Dojo Mobile TreeView can be used to represent both large and

complex grouping of fields(3) Add support for computed items and static text where these are

important.(4) Build a TreeView structure that groups items to allow for the

display of more complex forms such as sections and tabbed tables.


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Custom Representation• Used where the requirements fall outside the standard

representation Define an XPages Custom Control to display the data in a wide range of formats.

• In the representation for the object provide the name of the custom control to be used.

• The <xp:include control can be used to conditionally include this custom control for documents with custom representations defined.

• Use of the TableRow control is strongly recommended to organize data. This will deliver a consistent UI with that provided by default and standard representations.

• Responsive design can be included as part of the design.• Customization requires 10+ minutes per representation.• Having made the effort to build a custom control, look for

other databases that may use a similar form. Common design patterns such as contact details can be easily shared across multiple object.

Opportunities:(1) Use of XPages Bazaar as alternative mechanism for storing custom

representations.(2) Enhance capabilities of Standard Representation to reduce need for

this (more expensive) option.(3) The dojo ScreenSizeAware control could provide greater options for

displaying content on tablet devices


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Editing Content• Because a custom representation is

created using an XPages custom control there is almost no limit on the functionality that can be delivered. This includes the ability to edit content.• To overcome keyboard limitations

content can now be provided from native mobile capabilities– GPS (current address)– Camera (photos)– Voice Recorder (text)

Future Direction:(1) Editing capabilities will be added as part of both default and

standard representations.(2) New XPages components will be delivered to provide a superior

experience when editing content from a mobile device.


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• The CK editor used by XPages is not supported on mobile devices.

• computedText with URL content type will render a lot of rich text content in a suitable format.

• Embedded attachments are removed and a reference to their name embedded into the text (see following slide).

• Attachments must be handled separately (see following slide).

• The real issue with Rich Text comes about when there is a need to edit its content. A number of incompatibility issues must be addressed and will be covered in the next case study.

Rich Text

Opportunities:(1) Override IBM’s renderer for a more complete representation of rich

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File Attachments• Develop a custom control that is

bound to a document instead of a field, displaying all attachments without needing to know which fields contain attachments.

• For smartphones: Show minimal amount of information about each attachment (attachment name only).

• Use FileRowData class to represent each attachment for consistency with XPages File Download Control.

• Consider the differences between XPages URL syntax and standard Domino URL syntax for attachments

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• Search Options:– Goto: Move to first entry in a list

that starts with characters– View: Scan for text displayed in

view• <input type=‘search’ can help

control the behavior of a search control that changes with the type of device.

• Utilize the onsearch event of the search control to integrate with the mobile devices’ search functionality.

• Use a bean (Java class) to connect the activity of the search control with the content displayed in the dataView control.


Opportunities:(1) Analysis of index contents to provide type-ahead capabilities based

upon the database content.

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• The solution should not stop with the initial implementation.

• Customization efforts can better focused if the needs of your users can be captured.

• Feedback should be an integral part of the mobile solution and not something added as an afterthought.

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Native Application Integration

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Operating On Mobile Devices

When deploying Notes applications to mobile devices we must cater for the smaller screen size and the reduced keyboard capabilities.We can, however, enhance the user experience for these applications by integrating the content with the growing number of native applications now common on these devices.






Voice Input

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• Addresses can be indispensible for mobile users providing directions to an address from the current location.

• Create a URL link with specific URLs for iOS and Android devices.

• Latitude/longitude coordinates can be used or traditional street addresses.

• Incorporate this inside a standard component or custom control.

• Consider modifying applications to consolidate address components into a single field, or develop a control capable of accepting multiple address components.

Opportunities:(1) Implement dojo Map control to avoid need to navigate away from browser


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• Use tel: protocol protocol as part of a URL link to cause mobile device to connect to native phone application.• <Input type=‘phone’ will ensure

edit controls will display a keyboard consistent with entering phone numbers.• Incorporate this inside a

standard component or custom control.

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• Use mailto: protocol as part of a URL link to cause mobile device to connect to native mail application.

• Incorporate this inside a standard component or custom control.

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GPS is used to assist with data capture. • Use mobile device GPS to load

current location, including a breakdown into Street Address, City, State, etc.

• Reduces need for data entry – a weakness for mobile devices.

• Improves accuracy and/or completeness of information collected.

• Geotag data to track where/when information is being collected

• Opportunity to integrate with Map application to provide directions from current location.

GPS: Needs

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GPS: Solution

• Javascript library geolocation.js used to enable location services on the mobile device.

• The Google Maps API can then be used to translate the geo coordinates to address information.

• Develop a custom component to provide address information when creating new content.

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Photo capture is used to assist with data capture.

• Take a new photo or use an existing photo

• Allow multiple photos to be added

• Display thumbnails to review photos added (avoid mistakes)

• Delete photo added in error

Camera: Needs

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• <input type=‘image’ will trigger mobile devices to interact with the native camera application.• Choices are provided to

use an existing photo or take a new photo.• Show thumbnails of the

photos already uploaded as a way of visually confirming progress.

Camera: Solution

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Voice Input

• Many mobile devices include voice input as an alternate to entering text (e.g. Siri on iOS).

• XPages text controls automatically support this capability provided:-– The capability is supported on the

mobile device– The capability has been enabled

• Provides an alternative for entering large amounts of text.

Opportunities:Users of some Notes applications may prefer to use their mobile device just to take advantage of this capability.

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Conclusions• Mobile solutions are changing the way business operate and

compete.• As a direct result of this project Red Pill Development has

established and verified a process and technology that can deliver a low-risk, cost-effective solution to organizations that:-

– Have 100+ Notes applications– One server with Domino 9.0– One week to invest

• It is not necessary to reproduce the entire functionality of the existing Notes application for projects to be a success.

• The combination of an asymmetric approach and the Redpill technology makes it possible to provide a mobile interface to an existing portfolio of Notes applications within a few days/weeks.

• Customization should require less than one hour per application.• If the existing applications remain untouched testing and

support costs are eliminated along with the risk of interruption to important business processes.

• Users do not hate the Notes applications they are using. They are just not in love with the way they are presently being packaged.

• A mobile first strategy provides a launch-pad for the modernization and rejuvenation of existing Notes applications. It also acts as a stimulus for new opportunities that exploit the capabilities of mobile devices.

Less RiskLower Cost

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Next Steps… new capabilities

• Extended edit capabilities• Integrated workflow engine• Tablet-specific extensions• Social widgets• More

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Additional Information

• Live demonstration:–

• To get started:–

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Acknowledgements• This project would not have been the help it was without the

fabulous support provided by the IT Team at Salvation Army. A big thank you to Colonel Ward, Bill Davison, Daoud Safi, David Alt, Jim Powers, Tim Ward and the many others that helped this project to be a success.

• A lot of hard work was required by the Red Pill team to make the ultimate solution so easy. The project team comprised Nathan T Freeman, Keith Strickland, and Peter Presnell.

• Tim Tripcony and Jennifer Meade provided invaluable assistance to develop some of the ideas that helped this project be a success.

• The amazing “Lotus” community was always there to help when technical problems were encountered. I would name them all but I would worry that I might leave somebody out. You know who you are….

Peter Presnell, CEO

Nathan T Freeman, Chief Architect

Keith Strickland, Senior Engineer
