Resin Trap Filter For Pharmaceutical Resin Treatments - Bluslot



Johnson screen resin trap filter are always there to protect you from loss. The gradual loss of resin can cause your attention, as well as the disaster of accidentally sending a large amount of resin into the production line. Johnson Screen Resin Trap Strainers are used in water treatment processes i.e. "ion exchange" and numerous other media filtration systems, our company offers wedge wire resin trap screens. The screen system is mainly used as a safety device and is immediately after the outlet nozzle of the vessel or reactor. Effects: Loss of expensive resin, resin cross-contamination, further equipment damage, costly downtime and process disturbances. Features: High mechanical strength, can withstand large pressure drop, equal-length filter tank can form evenly distributed filter cake, wedge-shaped tank can improve backwash and regeneration performance, pressure resistance, temperature resistance and corrosion resistance, suitable for different types of fluids.
