Robert Mullins - ND2012 Day 1, Plenary 4: Skills and Employability



Slide presentation from Robert Mullins, Co-Founder and Trustee, Raspberry Pi Foundation

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Raspberry Pi

Robert Mullins Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge

Raspberry Pi Foundation

ND2012, 30-31st May, London

EDSAC I, Cambridge, 1947 (3000 vacuum tubes and mercury

delay-line memory)

NVIDIA Kepler, 2012 (3.5 Billion Transistors)

Time to reboot

Raspberry Pi

~£30, low-power, flexible, credit-card sized computer

Raspberry Pi

Final thoughts

• Computer science provides essential tools for navigating and prospering in the modern world

• Key to future UK competiveness, not an optional extra

• Raspberry Pi provides a low-cost, creative and fun way to learn about computing