Rough draft multimodal bowens-noah




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Multimodal Draft

Created by Noah Bowens Jr

In the Beginning• Every Since 2009, I just knew that

there was more to life then just working a 9 to 5. I just got out the military and I have to tell you I wasn’t very pleased with my experience. The one thing that stands out is my times I spent visiting other countries. That was the most amazing experience I have ever had. To see different cultures how they interact with each other, and looking at there daily lives, I have to tell you it was very educational on my part. I have never seen things like this other than on television. I actually went to a mall that has a ski slope in it.

• So I was off on my quest to find something better. I was always good with computers, coming from a family that deal with nothing but computers you would be stupid not to learn something from them. I also didn’t want to follow in my brothers foot-steps, I didn’t want to do exactly what they were doing. But my mom pushed me to at least try. So I went to school.

• The first school I decided to go to was Pitt Community College down here in Winterville NC.

• It was a good experience, they had a good computer science department and I would end up with a good entry level job once I finished. Well, I didn’t finish, I had good grade don’t get me wrong but I wasn’t feeling the whole Ideal of having to work for someone else when I finished. I always wanted to be my own boss, to take charge of my own life.

• At the same time I was working too. I had a little girl on the way and I had to provide for me and my family. I was young, I know, but I wasn’t going to run away from my responsibilities. So I had me a job at Convergys, it was a call center for charter communication. I worked on the High Speed Internet side. I had to deal with a lot upset, mad, confused customers.

• One day while I was working I just realize that this wasn’t working for me. I wasn’t making very good money, I didn’t have time for my family, and I just wasn’t happy. So I started to look for another job and about a month later my friend let me know that there was an opportunity at DSM as a Checker operator. DSM was a pharmaceutical plant where they made drugs and at the time the H1N1 antivirus. As a checker operator I had to check the vials to make sure there were no cracks in the vial, no defects in the lid and nothing in the antivirus it self. So I quite my job at Convergys and started working at DSM. It was better pay and I could see my family more, but the only downside to it was that It was only temporary and if you was a good worker you could get on full time at the company.

• So I knew I had to make this thing work. I was determined to make sure I was put on full-time. The project only lasted three months and out of that three months we inspected over 1.5 million vials. I thought that was pretty cool for my group alone.

• So the day comes when It is time for us to find out who will be put on full-time and who will go home. Well as you can see I wasn’t called to go full-time, matter of fact I don’t think no one in my group went full time. I was kind of upset about it too.

• So I had to go back to the drawing board. Also I had another little girl on the way. I was getting unemployment but that wasn’t enough to pay the bill and do the things I wanted to accomplish. So I decide to go back to school this time online.

• So now I am going to school online which allowed me to make some money because I had my GI Bill to pay for my schooling and was getting a housing allowance from VA while I was going to school. That wasn’t enough so I started working again to help pay the bills. I started working for a place called Airmarck. It was a business that was dealing with food service. They were cooking and cleaning at East Carolina University. They had me working in the dish room and I had to clean and put up the dishes. I did not like that at all, plus I wasn’t making hardly nothing. They were only paying 7.00/hour and only 20 hours per week. I only worked there for about three weeks because my checks was not enough so I quite without having a job to back me up. I knew that I should have gotten another job first before I quite but I couldn’t take it, I had to find something better. Lucky for me, that same day when I was filling out an application for Walgreens, the store manager called me before I got to finish it.

• So now I am working a job that love, but my online schooling is not working out for me right now. Like always I had good grades but me working during the day just about everyday and having to deal with kids and turning in homework was getting hard for me. So I took some time off from my online classes. Even though I was making some good money from going to school alone, I still want to do something that I love. So one day on my day off, I started surfing the web just to past sometime and came across a guy name Jayson. He was a successful Internet Marketer and was giving out coaching to about 20 people. I heard about Internet Marketing a couple times in the past but never really paid it any mind.

• I was always under the assumption that only people with a lot of money can make money off the internet. You know the saying, “the rich get richer, and poor get poorer,” well I had that thought in my head when I heard of Internet Marketing. But I was curious and wanted to find out more about it so I sent him an email to learn more. I was intrigued at how he was working from home and making some good money while doing it. A light bulb just went off in my head. He had time to go on vacations with his family, spend time with his children and still be his own boss all at home.

• This was it, this is what I wanted to do. It has everything I love to do. I spend hours on the computer already, so why not make some money while I am up here.

• Also, with more research I found out that a lot of companies have job opportunities for internet marketer and pay good for them too.

• So my next thing was to find a school and see if they offered anything like a marketing degree. I found different schools that offered it but only one that offers Internet Marketing as a degree, Full Sail. I had to find out what they school was all about. After researching Full Sail and looking over there information I just fell in love as you can say. I like the fact that they were offering it online and since I started working overnight, I had the time to do my homework as well.

• So I signed up in December and started in January and have been loving the experience ever since.
