Science climate project




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Long and Short Term Changes of Climate

By: Nashmiya, Faizah, Shazia, Michelle and Zalmay

Small-Term changes in ClimateSmall changes that affect the whole climate system….

Things that cause small-term changes in the climate are:

Volcanic eruptionsSmall changes in the sun’s radiationAir and Ocean currents

Volcanic eruption

When volcanoes erupt, they eject sulfur dioxide, along with dust, rocks and gases.

The sulfur dioxide, that Volcanoes eject block the sun’s energy which means the sun’s energy bounces back to space.

Less Sun’s energy on Earth means that the temperature cools down, temporarily.

Recent studies show that the sulfur dioxide remains in the atmosphere for as long as three years.

Volcanic eruption


On April 10th 1815, Mount Tambora in Indonesia erupted ejected 150 cubic kilometer of dust (sulfur dioxide) into the atmosphere.

Because of the dust, the sunlight was blocked and places located near Indonesia, which means countries in the northern Hemisphere had a year without summer.

Volcanic eruption

Mount Tambora

Volcanic eruption

Recently scientists have discovered that the Sun's output radiation has changed over many years.

Measurements made during the early 1980s showed a decrease of 0.1 percent in the total amount of solar energy that reaches the Earth over 18 months.

If this continued, then over several decades, this will hold an impact on the global climate.

Many climatic models predict that change in the sun’s radiation output of only 1 percent per century could change the Earth's average temperature by 0.5 to 1.0° Celsius.

Small changes in the sun’s radiation

Changes in the ocean’s thermohaline circulation (global circulatory currents urged on by heat

or wind) may cause sudden changes in the climate.

During the Ice Age , huge ice sheets covered the Earth’s surface, and when the ice melted, all

the fresh water went into oceans

Since the fresh water was less dense the actual salty water, it stayed near the ocean’s


Air and Ocean currents

Now the scientists believe that the fresh water from the ice age period have disturbed the

thermohaline circulation and because of that Earth’s climate maybe becoming cold again.

Every three to seven years, Pacific Ocean faces huge changes.

The prevailing winds change directions, temporarily, causing changes in the ocean currents

The Prevailing winds, Instead of pushing the warm surface water towards west Pacific, they

push the warm water to the east. This periodic shift in The Pacific winds and ocean is called

El Nino.

Air and Ocean currents

Changes in Climate are influenced by:

Changes in Earth’s energy balance (If something goes different in energy absorption, Earth’s climate can change).

If amount of energy received from the Sun changes, the climate will do the same.

Long-Term changes in Climate

The sun gives the Earth heat, light and energy. It is very crucial in our survival.

However, due to “global warming”, the long term effect could result in increased temperature, and that can have a great affect on everything (wildlife, ecozones, glaciers, etc...)

Earth has been going back and forth on the change of climate, from warmer to colder, going back and forth. Temperatures have drastically changed from before.

This is due to the large release of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

Change in Temperature

The Earth’s orbital path around the Sun is very important and plays a crucial role in the sunlight distribution for Earth.

This very path can be slightly changed due to the glacial activity on Earth, that can affect the axial tilt (controls seasons) of the Earth.

Also, there could be either increase or decrease in the Sun’s sunspots, and that can slightly alter the solar cycle.

Orbital Variation and Solar Cycle

Glaciers will soon start to melt into the oceans, and that can really affect the climate since temperature also depends on the bodies of water around it.

As the glaciers would melt into the ocean, it would push the ocean currents down and cause new climates in different areas, most likely by cooling the ocean down a bit. Land masses would then have different seasonal temperatures, due to the new ocean currents nearby.


Climate change can cause movement and shifts in plate tectonics.

The plates would rub against/slide/or go underneath each other, and make different continents to shift and relocate in different locations.

They can also tear down mountains, create a large carbon storage and production and increase glaciations. This is called “Continential Drift”, and one obvious example is of Pangea , the supercontinent that once existed 225 million years ago. Continential Drift can alter global circulation patterns in the ocean and atmosphere.

Plate Tectonics

Different types of plate movement

Due to the more active plate tectonic movement, more volcanism would exist around the world. The carbon dioxide is being lost by being slowly absorbed in the oceans. High overall temperature periods will probably cause a lot of greenhouse warming due to volcanic carbon dioxide!

More Volcanoes

Milutin Milankovitch studied long-term cycles of climate change and developed theory on why ice ages occur.

Ice ages are caused by 3 major things Shape of Earth’s orbit (circular or elliptical) Wobble of the earth as it spins (Determines which star is going to be

our “North Star” Tilt of earth on its axis ( As angle increases, season differences

increase) There are suspected causes that can result in ice ages approximately

every 100 000 years.

Ice Ages/Interglacial Periods

In 1941, Milankovitch (engineer and amateur astronomer) came up with the theory.

Increase in burning of fossil fuels and release of aerosols, excessive land use and deforestation can change the climate severely. All of these could result in loss and change of fossil fuels, glaciers, vegetations, permafrost regions, average sea levels, and wild life habitats.

Human Influences

Polar bear being left without a home.

The movement of tectonic plates reconfigures the land and oceans

Movement affects both global and local patterns of the climate and the circulation of oceans

Occurred over the course of millions of years Created the Gulf Stream because of the changes in ocean

dynamics Volcanoes were most likely the cause of the movement of

plate tectonics

Plate Tectonics

Humans found plenty of game in the Middle East region; came across the Neanderthals

Humans went into Europe and drived the Neanderthals away into a less bountiful area of the continent

Game was not abundant in the area and it was very cold there Neanderthals could not survive the combination of ice age and

humans, even though they've survived freezing temperatures before Humans had access to "advanced weaponry"; they formed a "social


Human Pre-History

Lasted from 500 to 1000 (BC). Europe progressed because of warmer climate conditions. It allowed the people to grow agriculture; growing seasons were

longer. Conditions were different elsewhere, however; China had little

rainfall from 700 to 900 BC because of "weak summer monsoons that failed to develop over the Pacific ocean“.

Caused poverty and famine in China; led to the collapse of the Tang Dynasty.

The Medieval Climate Optimum

It is believed that it lasted from 1300 to 1850 Extremely cold temperatures Important geological event occurred: Mount Tambora, located on an

Indonesian island called Sumbawa, gave off an extremely massive amount of volcanic dust into the atmosphere which blocked the sun's rays, therefore lowering the temperature.

Because of volcanic eruptions and cold temperatures, the northern hemisphere had to go "a year without summer“.

Caused diseases, sickness, and riots amongst people - many crops and plants were lost; soil was wasted.

The Little Ice Age

Stop using fossil fuels and replace them with reusable energy sources such as wind and solar power.Benefits: An exponential decrease in pollution and will also allow the water cycle to successfully clean our water supply

Less or a controlled way of deforestation allowing the trees to grow back as fast as they are cut creating a safe loop in which little or no harm will be done to the environmentBenefits: Allows the trees to continue cleansing our air and less likely to damage the environment

Ways to Prevent Climate Change

Natural refrigerantsBenefits: Allows us to keep both our food and our planet cold opposed to refrigerants that just keep our food cold and heat up our planet.

Use compact fluorescent light bulbs instead of regular onesBenefits: Saves 150 pounds of Carbon dioxide every year and uses a lot less energy.

Drive less. Benefits: By walking, biking, using the TTC, etc. you will help reduce gas consumption and a pound of CO2 for each mile you do not drive.

Ways to Prevent Climate Change

Turn of electronic devices when they are not in useBenefits: saves electricity and thousands of pounds of CO2 per household.

Use less water by taking shorter showers and installing low-flow showerheadsBenefits: Will lower your water and heating bills and save energy.

Ways to Prevent Climate Change

Forest Fires are expected to expand into the central and northern parts of the Prairies, north-eastern British Columbia, and south-central Yukon from the years 2050 to 2059.

Rising temperatures is expected to cause warming of the oceans and the partial melting of glaciers and ice-caps, resulting in a global rise in sea level.

Peat lands have the potential to become enormous sources of greenhouse gases and further contribute to global warming.

Possible changes/predictions for the future


Loss of polar ice in Antarctica and the North Pole. The melting of polar ice can cause rising sea levels and loss of habitat for numerous animals

Massive flooding is caused by the loss of polar ice. This causes massive flooding and could possibly engulf small islands

Severe storm increase by human-induced greenhouse gases that lead to more frequent and severe storms. This is caused by unseasonably warm air colliding with cool air.

Possible changes/predictions for the future


Coral reefs, Climate Change is causing coral bleaching, Coral Disease, and Ocean Acidification. When corals die, the amount of reef fish quickly decreases, mainly due to the lack of places for baby fish to settle as they leave the open water and settle on the reef where they will spend their adult lives. This is caused by rising ocean temperature, pollution, overfishing, unsustainable fishing practices, sedimentation, acidification

Possible changes/predictions for the future


Loss of Habitat: Melting polar ice is endangering animals because some rely on glaciers and ice as their habitat.

Loss of Food: Melting polar ice is affecting the life of many animals and tiny organisms that larger creatures feed on for survival.

Effects on: Hibernation, Breeding, Migration. Effects on animal behavior such as end their hibernation sooner than

normal due to intense climatic changes. Due to rising temperatures, plants and trees are not growing properly.

How it can Affect Animals

Effects on plants: Carbon dioxide levels are high and is impacting plants and vegetation.

Fish species are moving northward in search of cooler waters. Butterflies are moving northward in search of cooler temperatures. Both plants and animals have become endangered including:• Musk Ox• Staghorn Corals• Emperor Penguin• Ringed Seals

How it can Affect Animals

Scientist make observations and extrapolating those observations. They use core samples that are removed from an ice sheet Observe the changing temperatures

Atmospheric chemists gather air samples Scientist measure emissions Scientist suggest ways for people to help contribute to stopping

global warming Scientist use Global climate model

How scientists are dealing with it/monitoring it

Dioxide, measuring volcanic emissions like sulphur, and carbon dioxide changes occurring in a volcano&. "Global Warming, Climate Change, Greenhouse Effect." Global Warming, Climate Change,

Work Cited

Coral reefs and climate change." Encyclopedia of Earth . N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Jan. 2011. <

climatiques - Canada's Action on -Climate Change. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Jan. 2011. <>.

"10 Ways to Go Green and Save Green." World Watch Institute. World Watch Institute, 1/3/2010. Web. 30 Dec 2010. <>.

Borade, Gaynor. "Causes of Climate Change." Buzzle Web Portal: Intelligent Life on the Web. Web. 10 Jan. 2011. <>.

Adam-Carr, Christine. Science Perspectives 10. Toronto: Nelson Education, 2010. Print.

Work Cited

Greenhouse Effect. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Jan. 2011. <>.

-"Canada's Action on Climate Change - Climate Change." L'action du Canada sur les

“Live Science." N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Jan. 2011. < >.

"Stop climate change." Greenpeace International. Greenpeace, 2009. Web. 30 Dec 2010. <>.

"What Can I Do To Help Prevent Climate Change?." Earth911, 2/4/2007. Web. 30 Dec 2010. <>.

"The Year Without a Summer 1816: Caused by the 1815 Eruption of Mount Tambora in Indonesia." Online Magazine and Writers' Network. Web. 10 Jan. 2011. <>.

Ferguson, Charles D. "A Brief History of Climate Change and Conflict | Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists." It Is 6 Minutes to Midnight | Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. Web. 10 Jan. 2011. <>.

The End
