Seizing the day in wearable devices



The wearable device market is about to explode. Renjith Ponnappan gives developers an interesting overview of the market opportunity, how Android Kit-Kat is going to help change the market, and some great tips on what developers need to get started. Also, the article can be viewed from the following link:

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KitKat and Android to the rescue!

It is Android’s KitKat that allows Developers to achieve four important features of Wearable Devices.

Android Developers canSeize the Day

Renjith Ponnappan, eInfochips

With Wearable Devices

Why bother!The wearable device market opportunity in 2013 is relatively small.

(only $1.4B)

Because according to Juniper Research, revenue from wearable industry sales will reach $19 billion in 2018 -- more than 13 times the $1.4 billion expected in 2013.

Android Kit-Kat and other technologies will unlock the $19B market potential.

Wearable devices can be smaller because Kit-Kat requires less power.

Wearable devices will cost less because Kit-Kat has a smaller memory footprint.

Geomagnetic vector sensors make GPS pin-point accurate.

A Kit-Kat step counter eliminates the need for expensive accelerometers to detect motion.

Introducing a new class of Android-based wearable device applications.






PhotographyWearable light meters ensure the perfect photo every time.

Healthcare Posture Monitor

A wearable device that tracks dog's health by recording data owners can access on their smartphones or computers.

A wearable device that tracks dog's health by recording data which owners can access on their smartphones or computers.


Defense- Wearable wireless cameras can allow shared viewing for more accurate communication in the field.

DefenseWearable antennas, video cameras and displays, improve communications between soldiers.

The Challenges you face.

…But, to succeed in the wearable devices market, there are a few things needed.

Ruggedness- Only the Strong SurviveThe classic challenge of the wearable device is the fact that it is attached to a human. Any wearable device will have to be strong enough to roll with the punches or be left behind.

Don’t underestimate the need for a rugged design.

Your users need devices to be simple to use.

Compatibility in the app ecosystem means your design needs to be in compliance with the letter of the Android law.

Great market share and profitability means development organizations need a singular focus on out-running the competition to market.

Wearable Device Teams Need ExpertsAndroid Software ● Firmware ● Hardware ● Test ● QA

Expertise is needed for porting apps to fit into the smaller Kit-Kat memory footprint.

Test automation is needed to get to market quicker, with a high quality product, and to free precious engineering resources to design new products.

Build a Dream Team by filling gaps in expertise and experience, with outside talent from around the world. Your competitors are.


Fellow Android Developers,

Thanks for viewing my thoughts about seizing the day in the wearable device market.

If you have any ideas about how to make wearable device design better and more efficient – I would appreciate hearing from you.


Renjith Ponnappan
