She's the Geek the journey



This is the story of She's the Geek

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motivating, loving

Welcome to the Journey of She’s the Geek. Some might say it is a blog but we see it as a community of women who share love, passion and inspiration for all that is good. Monique Ross and René Parker are the co-founders of She’s the Geek but everyone can be a contributor.

We would like to take a moment and share some insight into how it all began. The journey has not only been inspiring, motivating, loving, significant, magnificent, life changing, encouraging, sensational and fun but also the journey has been shared with all of you.

We have had and still have many people who have supported, participated and encouraged us along the way and the future of She’s the Geek is dedicated to all of you.

There was no name yet or any inclination of what it will become. Monique Ross (then Theron) and René Parker

started playing around with a couple of ideas and always have the best brainstorming sessions away from the computer. We like taking walks or sitting around just

chatting and inspiration always flows by just bouncing thoughts off one another. We knew this was the

beginning of something bigger than us.

This is a screen shot of the first version of She’s the Geek blog

She’s the Geek blog was firstly created to promote a conference that René Parker and few other ladies of Impact Direct (Teresa Msipha, Franscious Chauhan, Bronwyn Hendricks, Mona Petersen, Sharon Jenneker and Celeste True) were hosting to educate and empower women from all walks of life. Monique was invited as a guest speaker to share about her life and how technology has changed her. There was a turn out of over 120 women across the Western Cape who attended the conference called: Educate, Empower & Conquer: I have the key! This was the first time of She’s the Geek went live.

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