Slick 3.0 functional programming and db side effects


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Slick 3.0: Functional programming with

database side effects(On short notice…)

Joost de Vries twitter: @jouke


github: joost-de-vries

๏ Database actions in Slick 3.0

• Actions in FP: side effects

• A lightweight database action implementation

• Database actions in Slick 3.0 revisited

What is Slick

• Slick is originally a Scala framework that offers flatmappable relational queries

• Comparable to Microsofts Linq to Sql

• Blocking, thread based

var xs = array.Where(x => x >= 1); array filter { _ >= 1 }

var xs = array.Select(x => x + 1); array map { _ + 1 }

var yx = array.SelectMany(x => new [] { x, 3 });

array flatMap { Array(_, 3) }

var results = from x in array where x >= 1 select x;

for (x <- array if x >= 1) yield x

LINQ to Sql: SQL as map, flatmap & filter

Slick offers the same paradigm in Scala JOOQ is an alternative to Slick for the JVM

This talk is not about SQL querying using map and flatmap

What’s new in Slick 3.0

• Non blocking

• (Or is it?)

• Source for reactive streams

DBIO[A] (non streaming)

From: Hello Slick 3.0 example project

A DBIO[R] (simplified)

Type hierarchy

Type hierarchy

Reactive streamsThe goal

Reactive streams feature pure functions to process a stream of events

back pressure

“asynchronous computations that allow separating cpu intensive code from IO intensive code”

So we need a way to deal with db side effects in a purely functional


FP vs side effects

• Db manipulation is all about side effects

• So how do you deal with side effects in a purely functional programming model?

• Using flatmappable ‘actions’

• Database actions in Slick 3.0

๏ Actions in FP: side effects

• A lightweight database action implementation

• Database actions in Slick 3.0 revisited

functional stream processing

• Remember we wanted to let db manipulation take part in the purely functional world of stream computing

• Hence we need a flatmappable way of dealing with side effects

Functional stream processing

• In Scala we’re used to flatmappables for

• Null values

• Exceptions

• Latency

• Collections

• But not for

• Input / Output

• Reading from an environment

• Mutating state

I.e. managing side effects

The power of semi colons!

Great for side effects but not streamable

What’s so great about supporting flatmap?

• Put building blocks together into bigger building blocks

• Alternate outcomes are transparantly propagated through parts to the whole

• … depending on the instance

Chaining outcomes in Swift

• Pure functions don’t have side effects

• I.e. a function evaluation has always the same value

• (a.k.a. Substitution principle, referential transparency)

• But a program without f.i. IO is useless

How does Haskell handle side effects?

• Haskell is a pure lazy language

• There’s no ; operator to evaluate sequentially

• To do IO so called actions are used: recognisable from the their type

So writing hello world is in Haskell not the first thing you do

Spot the side effect

def f : Unit => A

def g: A => Unit







Actions• A value of type IO t is an action that, when

performed, may do some input/output before delivering a result of type t.

• Actions are also called computations

• Evaluating an action has no effect; performing an action has effect.

• Actions can be put together into bigger actionsSource: Simon Peyton Jones - Lazy functional

programming for real

Function declaration: type

Function implementation

Haskell to Scala translation


Our building blocks

Chaining actions into a programme

The type of >>= : () means: infix operator (ignore the ‘ accent)

flatmap in Scala meaning is similar to ; in Scala

Chaining actions into a programme

In the FP world this is called ‘composition’; ‘composing’ 3 flatmappables into a composite


type IO a = World -> (a, World)

Ignore the result of a previous action

Pronounced as andThen

• Database actions in Slick 3.0

• Actions in FP: side effects

๏ A lightweight database action implementation

• Database actions in Slick 3.0 revisited

Resource mgmt with functions

In the early days of the Spring framework it provided this as


From: 2012 talk by Paul Chuisano

Let’s flatmap that


Putting actions together into bigger actions

The Reader flatmappable

Anything that takes a context like object to create results is a candidate for a Reader type

of flat mappable

• Database actions in Slick 3.0

• Actions in FP: side effects

• A lightweight database action implementation

๏ Database actions in Slick 3.0 revisited

DBIO[A] (non streaming)


Type of materialised result

Read and/or Write side effect for master/slave


Type of streamed elements

Client code is run in client execution context DB code is run against dedicated thread pool


Resources• Stefan Zeigers talk at Scala Days San Fransisco

• slides

• video

• Paul Chiusano and Rúnar Bjarnason - Functional programming in Scala

• Activator template hello-slick-3.0

• Let’s take a short break and start hacking!

• The idea is to enhance a scala application that uses Slick and deploy it to Heroku to demonstrate.

• If you’ve forwarded your github handle I’ll add you to the project repo.

• The repo code is for todays use only. Please be responsible and don’t put it on the public internet somewhere.
