Smoke Signals: Community and Empathy in an Augmented World



Whether it’s wearables, like smart contact lenses and skin tattoos collecting biometrics, apps that integrate contextual signals like Swarm, or the full on vision of visual, gesture driven augmented and virtual reality, one of the keys for the augmented world to move from niche experience to a cultural movement may be coding into our systems ways to enhance empathy and new playful social identities; so augmented reality can enhance our connected empathic selves - our moods, feelings, hopes, fears, dreams, and compassion as well as our discrete, singular, data constructed selves.

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Smoke Signals

Community and Empathy in an Augmented World @tishshute

Poor Man’s Augmented Reality

..maximizing the usefulness of contextual signals to you without monopolizing your attention..

“What about a location aware app that knows where you and where all of your friends are at all times but is smart enough to know when you want people to know and when you don’t?” @panzer FourSquare’s Swarm (emoji surprise doge from Walter Ellly’s blog)

We are still at the very beginning of the augmented age.

Descartes’ illustration of the mechanism of mind body dualism.

Oculus VR Meta View’s Space Glasses

“ … I was at microsoft when the world wide web took off, and it definitely caught people by surprise…

...that all the computers in the world would spontaneously connect to each other.”

“…The things that really matter are the most hard to predict….. “

Wireless Body Area networks

New forms of connectivity and co-operation within and between body sensor networks - CEA -Leti

1990s - Internet of Content

2000s - Internet of People

2010s - Internet of Things

2020s to 2050s - Internet of Human Body?

How can we code empathy into the internet of everything?

What kind of exploratory, performative, and playful social identities will emerge with the internet of the body”

Kelly McGonigal: How to make stress your friend

Can the internet of the body enable performative, playful social identities that have just as much or more potential to heal as medical data on it’s own?

Will 2015 be the year of the empathic wearable?

In The Future of Wearable Tech, iQ by Intel and PSFK Labs

Thank you for coming to AWE2014!
