Social media and we



A short synopsis on social media statistics and us

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Social Media and WE

Meghan Ranade

What is Social Media

Define Social Media !!

“Social media is a group of Internet-based applications that build on the ideological and technological foundations of Web 2.0 and allow the creation and exchange of user-generated content that individuals and communities can share, co-create , discuss, and modify”

In simple words whenyou are eating a donut…

What is Social Media

Facebook Twitter LinkedIn YouTube Google + Instagram MySpace Friendster Pinterest

List of Social Media SitesThere are 100s of social networking sites available today, some of the top ones are…

Hi5 Qzone SinaWeibo Mashable Tumblr Bebo Tagged Orkut Netlog

Flickr Ibibo BigAdda Habbo


The Stats of Social Media

Do’s and Don't

Don't• Post personal opinions, use

inappropriate language• Add colleagues as friends• Post confidential information• Get distracted• Forget you represent the

company• Discuss promotions or salary• Overshare

Do• Check your privacy settings• When in doubt, refer policy• Work related research• Promote work resources• Use innovatively• Have a online presence

Social Media for Business

Q & A
