Software Language Design & Engineering: Mobl & Spoofax



Slides for talk at Microsoft Research about Mobl and Spoofax projects.

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Eelco Visser

Software Language Design & Engineering

Microsoft Research, RedmondOctober 20, 2011

bridging the gap between problem domain and solution domain

Software Engineering

ProblemDomain Machine

HLLs reduce gap

High-Level Languages

ProblemDomain HLL Machine

"A programming language is low level when its programs require attention to the irrelevant." Alan J. Perlis (1982)

domain-specific languages support more specialization

Domain-Specific Languages

ProblemDomain HLL MachineDSL

Software Language Design & Engineering

enable software engineers to effectively design, implement, and apply domain-specific

software languages

Research: Software Language Engineering

automatically derive efficient, scalable, incremental compiler +

usable IDE from high-level,

declarative language definition

creating full featured IDEs for domain-specific languages

The Spoofax Language Workbench

Research: Software Language Design

systematically design domain-specific

software languages with optimal tradeoff between

expressivity, completeness, portability, coverage, and maintainability

Software Language Design Case Studies

Mobl: client-side stateful web applications

WebDSL: server-side restful web applications

Two Talks

Declaratively Programming the Mobile Web with Mobl

The Spoofax Language Workbench

Eelco Visser

Declaratively Programming the Mobile Web with Mobl*

* To appear: SPLASH/OOPSLA, October 2011, Portland

Zef Hemel

Native Applications not Portable

Divergence in Mobile Platforms

Objective-C Java J2ME/C++

HTML/Javascript Java .NET

Convergence in Mobile Platform

Webkit browser

Webkit browser

Webkit browser

Webkit browser

The Universal Userinterface Engine

Mobile Web Architecture

Rich Applications


Location information (GPS)



Offline support

Full-screen support

Accelerator support


Native Applications

Address book



File IO


MVC, No Integration, No Abstraction, Accidental Complexity

Software Engineering with JavaScript

annotated HTML imperative Javascript


integrated concise

Web Application with Touch

Portable Applications

Mobl Architecture


application tipcalculator

import mobl::ui::generic

screen root() { var amount = 20 var percentage = 10 header("Tip calculator") group { item { numField(amount, label="amount") } item { numField(percentage, label="percentage") } item { "$" label(Math.round(amount * (1 + percentage/100))) } }}

Model-View Pattern

Task Manager

HTML5 Data Persistence

Data Model

entity Task { name : String (searchable) done : Bool due : DateTime category : Category (inverse: tasks) tags : Collection<Tag> (inverse: tasks)}entity Category { name : String tasks : Collection<Task> (inverse: category)}entity Tag { name : String tasks : Collection<Task> (inverse: tags)}

statically typed: catch errors early


entity Task { ... function postpone(days : Num) { this.due = DateTime.create( this.due.getFullYear(), this.due.getMonth(), this.due.getDate() + days); } function import(user : String, pw : String) { var tasksJSON = httpRequest("/export?user="+ user + "&pw=" + pw); foreach(t in tasksJSON) { add(Task.fromSelectJSON(t)); } }}

screen root() { var phrase = "" header("Tasks") { button("Add", onclick={ addTask(); }) } searchBox(phrase) group { list(t in limit 20){ item { checkBox(t.done, } } }}

Reactive User Interfaces

screen root() { var phrase = "" header("Tasks") { button("Add", onclick={ addTask(); }) } searchBox(phrase) group { list(t in limit 20){ item { checkBox(t.done, } } }}

screen addTask() { var t = Task() header("Add") { button("Done", onclick={ add(t); screen return; }) } textField( datePicker(t.due)}



screen root() { button("Ask", onclick={ alert("Hello " + prompt("First name") + " " + prompt("Last name")); })}screen prompt(question : String) : String { var answer = "" header(question) { button("Done", onclick={ screen return answer; }) } textField(answer)}

User Interface Idiom: Tab

Reusable Controls

screen root() { tabSet([("One", tab1), ("Two", tab2)], defaultTab="One")} control tab1() { header("Tab 1") label("This is tab 1")}control tab2() { header("Tab 2") label("This is tab 2")}

increase coverage: developers can create abstractions

Tab Set: Higher-Order Control

control tabSet(tabs : [(String,Control)], activeTab : String) { list((tabName, tabControl) in tabs) { block(onclick={ activeTab = tabName; }, style=activeTab==tabName ? activeTabButton : inactiveTabButton) { label(tabName) } } list((tabName, tabControl) in tabs) { block(activeTab==tabName ? visibleTab : invisibleTab) { tabControl() } }}

User Interface Idiom: Master Detail

screen root() { header("Tasks") masterDetail( Task.all() order by due desc, taskItem, taskDetail)} control taskItem(t : Task) { checkBox(t.done,}control taskDetail(t : Task) { textField( datePicker(t.due)}

Master Detail: Higher-Order Control

control masterDetail(items : Collection<?>, masterItem : Control1<?>, detail : Control1<?>) { group { list(it in items) { item(onclick={ detailScreen(it,detail); }) { masterItem(it) } } }}screen detailScreen(it : ?, detail : Control1<?>) { header("Detail") { backButton() } detail(it)}

Adaptive Layout


Mobl Applications

GR8 Conference Program



Mobl Summary

❖ Linguistic integration

★ data model, user interface, styling, application logic

❖ Domain abstractions

★ reduce accidental complexity, platform details

❖ User-defined abstractions

★ data binding

★ reactive programming

★ reusable controls

❖ Model-View

★ automate the controller

Constructed on Spoofax Language Workbench

Mobl IDE: Static Cross-Concern Consistency Checking

Eelco Visser

The Spoofax Language Workbench*Rules for Declarative Specification of Languages and IDEs

* OOPSLA 2010

Lennart Kats

Research: Software Language Engineering

Automatically derive efficient, scalable, incremental compiler +

usable IDE from high-level,

declarative language definition

Language Definitions for Compilers

Syntax definition★ concrete syntax★ abstract syntax

Static semantics★ error checking★ name resolution★ type analysis

Model-to-model transformation★ express constructs in core language

Code generation★ translate core language models to implementation

Editor Services for Modern IDEs

Syntactic Editor Services★ syntax checking ★ bracket matching★ syntax highlighting★ code folding★ outline view

Semantic Editor Services★ error checking★ reference resolving★ hover help★ code completion★ refactoring

Syntax Definition with SDF

character-level grammars: integration of lexical and context-free syntax

Declarative Syntax Definition

lexical syntax [a-zA-Z\_\$][a-zA-Z0-9\_]* -> ID

context-free syntax STRING -> LimitedSetExp {cons("String")} NUMBER -> LimitedSetExp {cons("Num")} LimitedSetExp -> Exp QId -> LimitedExp {cons("Var")} "(" Exp ")" -> LimitedExp {cons("Brackets")} Exp BoolMethodId Exp -> Exp {cons("BinMethodCall"), left} Exp CompareMethodId Exp -> Exp {cons("BinMethodCall"), left} Exp TermOperatorMethodId Exp -> Exp {cons("BinMethodCall"), left} Exp OperatorMethodId Exp -> Exp {cons("BinMethodCall"), left}

develop and use language in same environment

An Interactive Language Workbench

Debugging Ambiguities

Declarative Disambiguation

context-free priorities Exp "." ID -> LimitedExp > Exp "." ID "(" {NamedExp ","}* ")" -> LimitedExp > Exp TermOperatorMethodId Exp -> Exp > Exp OperatorMethodId Exp -> Exp > Exp CompareMethodId Exp -> Exp > Exp BoolMethodId Exp -> Exp > "!" Exp -> Exp > Exp "?" Exp ":" Exp -> Exp > LimitedExp Filter+ -> Exp

Parsing after Disambiguation

permissive grammar + backtracking + region discovery [*OOPSLA & SLE 2009]

Natural and Flexible Error Recovery*

Transformation with Stratego

Syntactic Normalization and Desugaring


normalize : FunctionNoReturnType(manno*, name, farg*, stat*) -> Function(manno*, name, farg*, SimpleType(QId("mobl", "void")), stat*)

normalize : IfNoElse(e, block) -> If(e, block, Block([]))

desugar : ForInferred(lvalue, e, elem*) -> For(lvalue, t, e, elem*) where GenericType(_, [t]) := <type-of> e

CPS Transform

cps-lift-exprs : [Return(e)|stats] -> <concat>[stats2, [Return(e2)|<cps-lift-expressions> stats]] where not(<is-sync> e) with {| Exp : stats2 := <cps-lift-expression> e ; e2 := <Exp> |}

Type Analysis

eq-type-of : String(_) -> SimpleType(QId("mobl", "String"))

eq-type-of : FieldAccess(e, x) -> t where Property(_, _, t, _) := <lookup-property> (<type-of> e, x)

origin tracking

Type Checking

constraint-error : t@SimpleType(_) -> (t, $[Type is not defined: [<pp-mobl-type> t]]) where not(<lookup-type> t)

constraint-error : t@FieldAccess(e, x) -> (t, $[Property [x] not defined]) where <type-of> e where not(type-of)

Semantic Editor Services

editor-analyze: (ast, path, project-path) -> (ast2, errors, warnings, notes) with // ...

editor-complete-proposal : SimpleType(COMPLETION(_)) -> proposals where all-types := <get-all-types>; proposals := <map(type-name-to-proposal); flatten-list> all-types

editor-hover: (t@SimpleType(_), position, ast, path, project-path) -> <get-doc> <lookup-type> t2 where t2 := <lookup-node> (position, ast)

editor-resolve: (t@SimpleType(qid), position, ast, path, project-path) -> target where target := <ensure-origin(lookup-type|qid)> t

Connect transformations to IDE

Editor Services Bindings

module MoBL-Builders

imports MoBL-Builders.generated

builders provider : include/mobl.jar observer : editor-analyze on save : generate-artifacts builder : "Show ATerm" = generate-aterm (openeditor) (realtime) (meta) builder : "Format code" = format-code (openeditor) (realtime) builder : "Desugar" = editor-desugar (openeditor) (realtime) (meta)

Includes testing of the editor services [* OOPSLA 2011]

Integrated Language Definition Testing*

Software Language Design & Engineering

separation of concerns + linguistic integration

cross concern consistency checking

early detection of failures

Linguistic abstraction:capture software knowledge in

domain-specific languages

Language workbench: DSL design and implementation with less effort than

traditional language engineering

behind the scenes

var results = Task.all().list();for(var i = 0; i < results.length; i++) { alert(results[i].name);}

synchronous programming

render page

query database and process




render page

query database and process



timebrowser freeze

render page

send query


process query result



Task.all.list(function(results) { for(var i = 0; i < results.length; i++) { alert(results[i].name); } });...

asynchronous programming

Task.all().list(function(results) { alert("Hello, "); });alert("world!");

breaks sequential execution assumption

Task.all().list(function(results) { // make changes ... persistence.flush(function() { alert("Changes saved!"); });});

continuation-passing styletransformation

function displayLocationAndReturn() : Coordinates { var position = mobl::location::getPosition(); log("Lat: " + position.latitude); log("Long: " + position.longitude); return position;}

function displayLocationAndReturn(callback) { mobl.location.getPosition(function(position) { console.log("Lat: " + position.latitude); console.log("Long: " + position.longitude); callback(position); });};

function displayLocationAndReturn() : Coordinates { var position = mobl::location::getPosition(); log("Lat: " + position.latitude); log("Long: " + position.longitude); return position;}

function displayLocationAndReturn(callback) { mobl.location.getPosition(function(position) { console.log("Lat: " + position.latitude); console.log("Long: " + position.longitude); callback(position); });};

function displayLocationAndReturn() : Coordinates { var position = mobl::location::getPosition(); log("Lat: " + position.latitude); log("Long: " + position.longitude); return position;}

function displayLocationAndReturn(callback) { mobl.location.getPosition(function(position) { console.log("Lat: " + position.latitude); console.log("Long: " + position.longitude); callback(position); });};
