Sourcing lecture 3 ITSM Cloudsourcing and outsourcing



This is lecture 3 in a series of 6 in sourcing for an international IT Service Management Bachelor graduation programme.

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ITSM Specialization Sourcing2012-2013Prof. Frank Willems

Lecture 3: Cloudcomputing and cloudsourcing


• Outcome of the digital change management selftest• Confusion about our digital live • Cloudcomputing and Saas• Outsourcing

Outcome of the digital change management selftest


Name Yellow Blue Red Green White

Simon 25 23

Edward 21 23

Christiana 19 41

Anna 27 33

Vincent 29 27

Arno 19 23 22

Ronald 24 29

Justus 38

Patrick 27 20

Mike 20 20 20

Janne 27 21


Turkle’s vision on online behavior

“It’s a great psychological truth:

If we don’t teach children how to be alone,

they’ll only know how to be lonely.

This constant connection, turning to devices almost

instinctively ... There’s a panic of disconnection.

It worries me we’re only going to feel isolated, that we won’t

learn how to have a solitude that sustains us, and which is

important for creativity.”

Sherry Turkle, Professor at MIT and author of Alone Together,

Why we expect more from Technology and less from each other

Morozov’s vision on net liberation

Marshalling compelling evidence, Morozov shows why we

must stop thinking of the Internet and social media as

inherently liberating and why ambitious and seemingly

noble initiatives like the promotion of “Internet freedom”

might have disastrous implications for the future of

democracy as a whole

Evgeny Morozov, Researcher at Stanford and Author of

The Net Delusion, the Dark Side of Internet Freedom




Morozov’s vision on net liberation

• “What I find particularly worrisome is the rapid and inexorable disappearance of retrospection and reminiscence from our digital lives…

• the social beast that has taken over our lives has to be constantly fed with the most trivial of ephemera…

• this hunger for the present is deeply embedded in the very architecture and business models of social networking sites; “one of my greatest fears is that the Internet will widen the gap between the disengaged masses and the overengaged elites…

• today we are facing the emergence of the cyber lumpen proletariat—people who are being sucked into the digital whirlwind of gossip sites, trashy video games, populist and xenophobic blogs, and endless poking on social networking sites.”

Nicholas Carr’s vision on the impact of the Net

Every information technology carries an intellectual ethic — a set of

assumptions about the nature of knowledge and intelligence.

Nicholas Carr explains how the printed book served to focus our attention,

promoting deep and creative thought.

In stark contrast, the Internet encourages the rapid, distracted sampling of

small bits of information from many sources. Its ethic is the ethic of the

industrialist, an ethic of speed and efficiency, of optimized production and


— and now the Net is remaking us in its own image. We are becoming

ever more adept at scanning and skimming, but what we are losing is our

capacity for concentration, contemplation, and reflection.

James Martin’s View of 21C

• There are massive problems in the decades ahead. The public is aware of some of the effects of global warming and climate change. There are many other megaproblems, some more dangerous or debilitating. The good news is that there are solutions.

• Innovative thinking, cooperation around the world and exciting technologies are providing answers. Whether the future is bleak or of unimaginable opportunity, depends upon education and political will.

• As we learn to understand this century and play its complex game, we can chart extraordinary futures. Today's young people must be given the confidence to transform their lifestyles, the environment and Homo sapiens itself. We can create civilizations more magnificent than anything yet conceived. We need the political will to transform our world rather than wreck it.

• Young people everywhere need charts of the worldscape ahead. They, collectively, will be responsible for the greatest transition in human history.

Cloudcomputing and SaaS

What about the privacy?

Types of Cloudsourcing

• Cloud storage• Cloud service• Cloud infrastructure/platform

Legal issues

• Data Protection Act 1998 (UK)• First Principle – personal data must be processed fairly and lawfully• Seventh Principle – appropriate technical and organisational measures

must be taken to prevent unauthorised or unlawful processing or accidental loss or destruction of personal data

• Eighth Principle – personal data must not be transferred to a country outside of the European Economic Area (“EEA”) unless that country ensures an adequate level of data protection

• Confidentiality• Database right• Copyright• MiFID/SYSC rules• SAS 70 rules

MiFID/SYSC rules (UK)

SAS 70 rules (worldwide)

What about the privacy?

Some examples on cloudcomputing

Example Functionality Service management concept

Google docs ( Upload and preview documents without software installed on your computer, calendar, access to Google+

Terms of Services, Helpdesk (mail/Phone)

Businessmodel Google premium and Google Apps enterprise Uploading audio and photo’s/tekst, sharing and communications between users

2 SLA’s Term of use and privacy policy. Helpdesk with website and Google groupspage

Businessmodel; different accounts Play music online, music uploaded by members

Terms of Service (no warranties, reserved rights). Music is user content.

Businessmodel; members pay and get extra functionality Sales, CRM and social enterprise Pay as you go, pay per user

24/7 support, Servicedesk Artist and producers can upload their music. User can listen, react, add coment and download.

Privacy policy Terms of use, upload your own music, creative commons

Businessmodel; premium account with advantage package

Microsoft Office 365 Office functionality (Word, Sharepoint, Outlook etc)

SLA on Sharepoint with uptime (99%). If you download you agree. Agree on their agreement. Helpdesk

Businessmodel 6 dollar/mth/user

What examples do you have?

Example Functionality Service management concept

