Stranded at the Inbox? - Dossett



Understanding Behavior: Getting Engaged or Stranded at the Inbox? Using Core Metrics to Read Between the Lines. Want to engage your key stakeholders (aka website visitors and email recipients) or maybe just read a bit of their minds? In this hands on session, analytic guru Jordan Dossett will help you navigate your way through visitor behavior. From website visitors to email subscribers, knowing the how and when can be tricky. In this session we will examine: page duration, click path, email clicks, reads and lies. We will look at open rates, bounces, gray/black listing, campaign tags, url shorteners, and much, much, more. As always, part of this session is held in open format for Q&A so remember to bring your questions. Takeaways: 1. How to use analytics to understand my website visitors and email subscribers and better understand their needs. 2. Analytics can be hard to read or understand. This session will highlight and make it easy for visitors to take home solutions they can use right away with ease. 3. A quick overview of analytic tools from free to paid solutions and what and when to integrate them.

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Understanding Behavior: Getting Engaged or Stranded at the Inbox? Using Core Metrics to Read Between the Lines.

Session ID: 219

Presenter: Jordan Dossett

Who is my key stakeholder?




Age, Race, Ethnicity, Gender, Disability, Income. Any key characteristic used to classify people for statistical purposes.

Level of education, location (aka geodemographic) such as inner city, suburbs, exurbs, miles traveled to/from work, travel time, accessibility to transit, car ownership, technographics.

Measuring consumers' beliefs, opinions and interests. Instead of age and race, etc., psychological information (opinions on abortion, religious beliefs, musical tastes, cultural mores, etc.) comes to play.


Technographics & Clusters (or Groups)


Online frequency, access from home or office, browser dominance, os platform, monitor resolution, how comfortable is this user online, do they make purchases easily online? Web based email user? What do we know about their “technology” characteristics?

Birds of a feather, flock together. This is not only true for geodemographics, people who buy, believe and value similar things naturally gravitate toward like-minded people, but this phenomenon follows through on the web with advocacy, donations and outreach. A cluster or demographic grouping is a collection of people sharing a set of “values” in their profile.



Your key stakeholder is not your Executive Director, Board of Directors, IT Director, or anyone* that works at your organization.

*Unless your website and email only serves your organization internally such as an intranet.

Goodie: Key Stakeholder Worksheet/Analysis

Before you take on layout of your next campaign (for your website or email) download our free key stakeholder worksheet at fill in as much information as you can to create a profile of who you are targeting.

You can also get a copy of this presentations at

Donor 3+ Yrs

Sending by Stakeholder (Criteria)

Now that you know who your key stakeholders are you more than likely can “cluster” or “group” them by criteria. This can be anything from geographic region to past giving history, to eye color. Once you have defined criteria utilize this as a means to segment your communication.

New Contacts. Prime.

Email Subscribers.

Recent Donors.




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If you send it, they will read it… um?

If it does not bounce, they must have “received” it and surely they “opened” it, “read” it, and taken action, right?

While it may make sense to many of us to say that if we sent it and it did not bounce that the email was a success. Not so my friend, no so. The EEC (DMA’s email experience council) is working hard with folks to implement some well needed standards in defining what happens so to speak when that email leaves your “outbox” or “queue”.

Email Communication Terminology

Accepted: Used in lieu of “delivered” and defined as any email that is not rejected by a server, including emails delivered to the inbox or the spam or junk folders and including those that are missing but did not receive a bounce reply.

Renders: Used in lieu of “opens” and/or “clicks” and defined as the total number of times an email is displayed (whether fully opened or within the preview pane) by any user and recording using only a tracking pixel for a unique subscriber address. If the user opens the email multiple times, one e-mail render is counted for each occurrence. This metric is based off of HTML-formatted emails only. Some contrast to this has been offered in that effective plain text actionable emails can be delivered and tracked within these same metrics.

Scheduling Your Email

Your organizations message is competing with: 90%!

According to The Spamhause Project, most average sized Internet Service Providers and networks in North America, Europe or Australasia, today's incoming email traffic consists of approximately 90% spam and 10% normal legitimate wanted email.

Spam: By Country

Spam: By ISP

Spam: Noted Spammers

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Monitoring Results

Follow the path…

Quick & “Dirty” they unsubscribed, but that’s ok!

It’s the path, not the click that matters…

Just how long do they stay?

Entry & Exit: Pay very close attenion

Typing, Searching or Clicking?

Where’s Waldo?

Maintaining Mailing List (Keep it Clean)

Focusing Further: Geodemographics

Goodies: Dig out your business cards!

Dig in your pockets and pass your business card (or write your info on a sheet of paper) up. I will be giving away one copy of Neuro Web Design which is a great book covering more on the science of what makes people tick, er I mean click.

You do not have to be present, the winner will receive the book direct from Amazon, but you have to turn in your cards by end of session today.


Technographics: Screen Resolution & Depth


Google Analytics

Going Up!

Yahoo Web Analytics

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STAYING IN TOUCH We are sponsoring the Cyber Café. I will be available for questions both Friday and Saturday afternoon. Please feel free to swing by and ask away.

Ms. Jordan Dossett Antharia ( twitter/facebook/skype: jordandossett

the only “dumb” question is the one unasked. remember my opinion is free, you just may not always like the answer.
