


Document for testing purpose

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Tortoise SVNSource Code Repository

BackgroundSometimes we find ourselves in situation where knowing or unknowingly an update has been made live which is either not been tested thoroughly or release is not completely uploaded.

What is the next step you do? Start searching local computer to locate backup files which in most of cases is not there as we are not used to.

This results in a havoc and huge hue and cry in the organisation.

To overcome the loss of time, energy and hard work developer have put in to develop an application/ software, Indigo have decided to use subversion.

IntroductionWhy Use Subversion?The primary benefit of using subversion is, it automatically maintains a history on all aspects of modifications to files, including who made changes, when they were made, and what the changes were. Because this oversight exists with subversion, it allows one to revert to previous versions of files, merge changes from one selection (branch) of files into another selection of files, check for differences among various file revisions, and see a detailed log about how files have evolved in their development.

You might seriously consider using subversion when your project willundergo multiple revisions in a foreseeable time-frame (ie, is an evolving project)be based on the interaction of multiple files (ie, is a complex project)include changes made by other developers (ie, is a shared project)potentially seed the generation of other projects (ie, is a resource project)

ProcessEvery existing and new projects will be imported to SVN repository.Working folder for relevant projects will be created on each developer workstation and respective projects will be Checked Out.For any change request, developer will make changes to his working copy, check on his local environment and once testing is completed will Update and Commit changes to SVN repository. Every commit has to be commented properly by the developer.

Name of Change Request.Description of changeAny other useful information which helps identify the changes done.

Logs are maintained of each and every change done to the working folder.Developer can revert to any previous version but in this case any change done in between to those files will be lost.

One repository, many projects




Project 1


Project 2






Project 1

Repository parent dir

Project 2



One project per repository

svn checkoutsvn update

Create a local


svn addsvn movesvn delete

Make changes

svn status -u

See what was changed in the repository in the meantime

svn update

Update your local copy

svn diffsvn resolved

Resolve conflicts(Merge your changes)

svn commit

Submit your changes









The Work Cycle

Content what has changed?Date when did it change?Author who changed it?Reasonwhy has it changed?

SVN does this

you enter this

Logging a Revision

Check-out: AdviceDon't check-out the entire repository!

Only check out the part that you need.

For developers, this is usually "/repo/project"

For documenters, maybe "/repo/doc”

Check Out using TortoiseSVNUsing Windows Explorer, right-click in a directory.

If not sure of path to check-out then use Repo-browser first.

In Repo-browser, right-click on folder or file you want to check-out.

0 1 2 3

Revision number is increased for every transaction that changes the repository.

Revision numbers

Repository ServerThe client machine

Check out a "working copy"

Check Out and the "Working Copy"

• Edit files using anything you like.

• Test Your Work.

• Don't commit buggy code to the repository.

Work Cycle: Edit Files

• Before "committing" your work, check for updates in the repository.

• Something might have changed while you were working.

• Subversion requires you to synchronize before commit.

Check for Updates

• You can compare your version and the base or repo version.

• Select file, right-click => Compare with base

View Differences

• If there are any changes on the server, then you should "update" your working copy before "commit"-ing your changes

Work Cycle: Update working copy

• "Conflict" means you have made changes to a file, and the version in the repository has been changed, too.

• So there is a "conflict" between your work and work already in the repository.

Resolve Conflicts

Edit-Conflict tool of TortoiseSVN

Resolving Conflicts with TortoiseSVN

The choices are:

(1) merge local & remote changes into one file.

(2) accept remote, discard your local changes.

(3) override remote, use your local changes.

After resolving all conflicts, mark the file as "resolved".

Subversion will delete the extra 3 copies

Resolving Conflicts

After "update" and resolving conflicts, commit your work. Command line:

svn commit -m "description of your changes" TortoiseSVN:

Work Cycle: Commit

Some useful screen shots

Repository Snapshot

Commenting version

Commenting version

Shortcut Menu

Project Demo – Asian Paints

Asian Paints Microsite and Admin

Main Folder

\\devserver\Projects\Asian Paints\production

SVN Repository

Developer Machine1. Gaurav T2. Sneha G

Export Code to SVN

SVN Checkout to developer Machine (working folder)

Developer Checkout to devserver (manual)

Developer Checkout to SVN

Asian Paints New Website

Main Folder

\\devserver\Asian Paints Redesign 2012\production

SVN Repository

Developer Machine1. Gaurav T2. Sneha G

Export Code to SVN

SVN Checkout to developer Machine (working folder)

Developer Checkout to devserver (manual)

Developer Checkout to SVN

Asian Paints Mobile APP

Main Folder

\\devserver\Asian Paints Redesign 2012\Mobile Site\production

SVN Repository

Developer Machine1. Tirupati

Export Code to SVN

SVN Checkout to developer Machine (working folder)

Developer Checkout to devserver (manual)

Developer Checkout to SVN

Thank You