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Google advertising program is an easy way for online advertisers and site owners to publish their web pages or any advertisements through which they can earn easily.

Google advertising program:

Types of google advertising programs.

Google adwords.

Google adsense.

Google advertising program:

Types of google advertising programs.

Google adwords.

Google adsense.

Google Adwords History

The original idea was invented by Bill Gross from Idealab who, in turn borrowed the idea from Yellow Pages.

In 2005 Google provided a campaign management service called Jumpstart and Google Advertising Professional (GAP) Program.

In 2008, Google launched the Google Online Marketing Challenge (

In 2009, Google revised the AdWords interface, introduced Local Business Ads.

Google Adwords Statistics

Google Adwords

What is Google adwords?

Google Adwords

AdWords is Google's flagship advertising product and main source of revenue.

It offers pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, and site-targeted advertising for both text and banner ads.

It includes local, national, and international distribution.

Google Adwords

What is Pay-Per-Click advertisements?

Pay-Per-Click AdvertisementsAdvertisers specify the words that should trigger their ads and the maximum amount they will pay per click.

When a user searches Google's search engine on or the relevant local/national google server, ads for relevant words are shown as "sponsored links" on the right side of the screen, and sometimes above the main search results.

The ordering of the paid-for listings depends on other advertisers' bids (PPC) and the "quality score" of all ads shown for a given search.

Adword Features

IP Address Exclusion

Frequency Capping

Adword Features

IP Address Exclusion

Frequency Capping

IP Address Exclusion

This feature enables you to specify IP addresses where you don't want your ads to appear. You can exclude up to 20 IP addresses, or ranges of addresses, per campaign. All ads in the campaign are prevented from showing for users with the IP addresses you specify .If you're considering IP exclusion as a way to prevent users in a particular geographical area from seeing your ads, you might consider using location exclusion instead.

Adword Features

IP Address Exclusion

Frequency Capping

Frequency Capping

Frequency capping limits the number of times your ads appear to the same unique user on the Google Content Network. It doesn't apply to the Search Network. If you turn on frequency capping for a campaign, you specify a limit to the number of impressions you will allow per day, per week, or per month for an individual users.

Adwords Distribution

All AdWords ads are eligible to be shown on Advertisers also have the option of enabling their ads to show on Google's partner networks.

The "search network" includes AOL search,, and Netscape. Like, these search engines show AdWords ads in response to user searches.

The "content network" shows AdWords ads on sites that are not search engines.

AdWords Account ManagementTo help clients with the complexity of building and managing AdWords accounts search engine marketing agencies and consultants offer account management as a business service.

Google also provides account management software, called AdWords Editor.

Another useful feature is the My Client Centre available to Google Professionals whereby a Google professional has access and a dashboard summary of several accounts and can move between those accounts without logging in to each account.

Steps to open Adwords account

Create google account.

Set time zone and currency.

Verify account.

Create google account.

Set time zone and currency.

Verify account.

Steps to open Adwords account

Login Page

If you already have a google account then login directly.

If you are new to this, then create a new account.

Google Adwords

Google Adwords Login page

Steps to open Adwords account

Create google account.

Set time zone and currency.

Verify account.

Steps to open Adwords account

Create google account.

Set time zone and currency.

Verify account.

Account Verification

Account Verification

Click the Link ”sign in Adwords account ” to complete the account creation process.

Google Adwords account homepage will be displayed.

Adwords HomePage

Business AspectsBusiness Aspects

How people earn through Google Adwords?

Each time a Google AdWords ad is clicked there is a cost to a business owner that has been established when setting up the Google AdWords campaign.

Business owners attempting to earn money using Google AdWords set a budget on the amount of money they wish to spend on advertising, and search engine optimization does the rest with the help of Google AdWords.

Business AspectsBusiness Aspects

How Google earns through Google Adwords?

Charge advertisers for presenting online "banner" ads to users.Collect marketing data on consumer habits, then selling the data or using it for targeted advertising.Charging websites to become listed.Charging websites for better placement in lists.Charging websites to purchase keywords forthemselves.


Google AdWords’ new Search Query Report which allows advertisers who use the “broad match” keyword option to check in detail which search queries have effectively triggered their ad and resulted in clicks on the ad.

The Search Query Report function itself is not a standard function but has to be set up first by the advertiser.


The advertiser therefore has to go to “Reports” in the “Reports“-Tab, click onto “Create a new report” and then tick the option “Search Query Report“.

The report can be configured in many possible ways e.g. to send out a daily report on the keywords that triggered the ad and received clicks.

There is a wide range of reports available, covering pretty much everything one can get out of Google Analytics.

Technology Used

The AdWords system was initially implemented on top of the MySQL database engine. After the system had been launched, management decided to use a commercial database (Oracle) instead.

The system became much slower, so eventually it was returned to MySQL. The interface has also been revamped to offer better work flow with additional new features, such as, Spreadsheet Editing, Search Query Reports, and better conversion metrics.

Google advertising Google advertising program:program:

Two types of google advertising programs.

Google adwords.

Google adsense.

Google Adsense

What is Google adsense?

Google Adsense

Google AdSense is an ad serving program for Google.

Google AdSense provides the Website owners to promote the ads in text, image and video advertisements on their sites.

These Google ads are administered by Google and generate revenue on either

* per-click * Per-thousand-impressions basis. * Cost-per-action based service.

Google Adsense HistoryOingo developed a proprietary search algorithm that was based on word meanings and built upon an underlying lexicon called WordNet, which was developed over the previous 15 years by researchers at Princeton University, led by George Miller.

Oingo changed its name to Applied Semantics (company) in 2001, which was later acquired by Google in April 2003 for US$102 million.

In 2009, Google AdSense announced that it would now be offering new features, including the ability to "enable multiple networks to display ads".

Google Adsense StatisticsGoogle Adsense Statistics

Google Adsense FeaturesGoogle Adsense Features

AdSense for Feeds.

AdSense for search.

AdSense for mobile content.

AdSense for domains.

AdSense for video.

Google Adsense FeaturesGoogle Adsense Features

AdSense for Feeds.

AdSense for search.

AdSense for mobile content.

AdSense for domains.

AdSense for video.

Adsense for FeedsAdsense for Feeds

AdSense for Feeds works by inserting images into a feed. When the image is displayed by a RSS reader or Web browser, Google writes the advertising content into the image that it returns.

The advertisement content is chosen based on the content of the feed surrounding the image. When the user clicks the image, he or she is redirected to the advertiser's website in the same way as regular AdSense advertisements.

AdSense for Feeds remained in its beta state until August 15, 2008, when it became available to all AdSense users.

Google Adsense FeaturesGoogle Adsense Features

AdSense for Feeds.

AdSense for search.

AdSense for mobile content.

AdSense for domains.

AdSense for video.

AdSense for search.AdSense for search.

A companion to the regular AdSense program, AdSense for search, allows website owners to place Google search boxes on their websites.

When a user searches the Internet or the website with the search box, Google shares any advertising revenue it makes from those searches with the website owner.

However the publisher is paid only if the advertisements on the page are clicked: AdSense does not pay publishers for mere searches.

Google Adsense FeaturesGoogle Adsense Features

AdSense for Feeds.

AdSense for search.

AdSense for mobile content.

AdSense for domains.

AdSense for video.

AdSense for mobile AdSense for mobile content.content.

AdSense for mobile content allows publishers to generate earnings from their mobile websites using targeted Google advertisements.

Just like AdSense for content, Google matches advertisements to the content of a website — in this case, a mobile website.

Google Adsense FeaturesGoogle Adsense Features

AdSense for Feeds.

AdSense for search.

AdSense for mobile content.

AdSense for domains.

AdSense for video.

AdSense for domains.AdSense for domains.

Adsense for domains allows advertisements to be placed on domain names that have not been developed.

This offers domain name owners a way to monetize domain names that are otherwise dormant.

Adsense for domains is currently being offered to some users, with plans to make it available to all in stages.

On December 12, 2008, TechCrunch reported that AdSense for Domains is available for all US publishers.

Google Adsense FeaturesGoogle Adsense Features

AdSense for Feeds.

AdSense for search.

AdSense for mobile content.

AdSense for domains.

AdSense for video.

AdSense for video.AdSense for video.

AdSense for video allows publishers with video content to generate revenue using ad placements from Google's extensive Advertising network including popular Youtube videos.

Business AspectsBusiness Aspects

How people earn through Google Adsense?

Write articles.

Upload files such as photos or videos.

Design a nice website.

Design a community web platform.

Business AspectsBusiness Aspects

How Google earn through Google Adsense?

Google Network Revenues – This is total advertising revenue generated through AdSense program on sites that aren’t owned by Google (like blogs, NYT, etc.).

Traffic Acquisition Costs – This is primarily the amount that Google distributes among AdSense publishers.

Paid Clicks – While Google will not share the exact percentage of ad clicks on their network, this column will help you figure out if the number of clicks per impression are increasing or heading south. More clicks mean more revenue both for publishers and Google.


Revenue from Google Adsense is coming from either per-click or per-thousand-impressions.

Per-click is when a visitor clicked on an advertisement on your website or blog to be redirected to the advertiser's website, then you will earn a couple of cents or dollars.

Per-thousand-impressions is when your webpage or blog that displays Google Ads has been viewed for 1000 times, you will earn a couple of cents or dollars - depends on how much is the advertisers bid on the ads.

Pay-Per-Click Pay-Per-Click AdvertisementsAdvertisementsAdvertisers specify the words that should trigger their ads and the maximum amount they will pay per click.

When a user searches Google's search engine on or the relevant local/national google server, ads for relevant words are shown as "sponsored links" on the right side of the screen, and sometimes above the main search results.

The ordering of the paid-for listings depends on other advertisers' bids (PPC) and the "quality score" of all ads shown for a given search.


Each time an advertisement loads onto a user's screen, the ad server may count that loading as one impression.

However, the ad server may be programmed to exclude from the count certain nonqualifying activity such as a reload, internal user actions, and other events that the advertiser and ad serving company agreed to not count.

Steps Steps

To display Google Adsense on a webpage, a webmaster needs to insert JavaScript code from Google into their HTML page.

If you don't know how JavaScript or HTML code works, you still can join Google Adsense program.

Now there are many share revenue websites which gives services for their registered users to publish articles and also to earn money from Google Adsense.

These websites will display Google Ads around the articles published by their members. The revenue from Google Adsense is then shared by the website and the writer.

Technology Used

The Adsense system was initially implemented on top of the MySQL database engine. After the system had been launched, management decided to use a commercial database (Oracle) instead.

The system became much slower, so eventually it was returned to MySQL. The interface has also been revamped to offer better work flow with additional new features, such as, Spreadsheet Editing, Search Query Reports, and better conversion metrics.


There are a few important components in an online business:

Traffic: getting visitors to your website.Conversion: converting visitors into profits.

How You Get paid?How You Get paid?Selling digital/physical products as a merchant.

Selling digital/physical products as an affiliate.

Selling your services as a free lancer.

Selling ad space on your website/blog.

Placing ads like AdSense or eBay ads.

Allow others to buy your business.

How Do You Get Traffic?How Do You Get Traffic?

There are main 2 categories of traffic, though there are many sources of traffic:

Paid traffic: pay per click, banners ads, ezine ads, pay per view.

Organic traffic: seo, articles, blogging, social media, referral.

Some More Info..Some More Info..

Start with a simple monetization strategy.

Build your site with high quality content.

Buy some traffic and track your results.

Improve your conversion rates.

Generate even more traffic.

Find more ways to monetize.

Author's ConclusionAuthor's Conclusion

Google can provide information about the competitor.

It can share competitor's performance data, which can make it difficult to come up with an effective marketing strategy.

The occurence of ppc(pay-per-click) graph distribution problem should be prevented.