Task management


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Task Management

Create Tasks

Track Due-dates

Updates & Notifications

Progress Overview

Tasks can be created in the community, or any group you’re a member of.

Add title, due dates, description and attach relevant documents

“Parent tasks” can help track related tasks.

Parent tasks display the status of all subtasks, which provides a quick overview of progress.

Community tasks can beupdated by any member.Group tasks can be updated by group members, and Community Managers

Appoint ‘watchers’ to define a group a people who are responsible for this task.

All tasks are displayed on the community tab, sorted by priority.Tasks can be filtered for “my tasks” and other criteria.

Groups will only display tasks created in this group.

Only current group members can be added as watchers & assignees.

Public group tasks will be visible to all community members.

Private tasks will only show up to group members.

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