Tech Law: Make It, Don't Break It



Companies don't have to choose between meekly complying with bad laws that harm their users and limit their creativity and taking the risk of breaking the law. There is a third way: help pass good laws and block bad ones in the first place. This deck is just a teaser for our SXSW panel about how companies can make a difference in the tech policy debate. To learn more and support us, please check out Thanks!

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Technology can make the worlda better place

but if laws keeps technologyfrom fulfilling its promise

neither following the law

nor breaking the law

may be a great option.

Isn't there a better way?

Isn't there a better way?

Lawmakers hear many voices

talking about lawsthat affect technology.

Some of these voicesmight have good ideas.

Others... maybe not so much.

But with so much hanging in the balance

one voice needs to be heard:


If you want to learn how your company

can help ensure that the law

protects privacy

protects free speech and innovation

protects the Internet

then we want to help.

We'll show you how companies can push for laws

that protect users and innovation.

We'll look at real-life examples to figure out what works

and what doesn't.

We'll explore why companiesboth small and large

chose to make their voice heard.

But we won't do any of thatif this SXSW panel isn't accepted.

So if this matters to you,please vote for our panel:




“The Day the LOLCats Died” by @LaughPongUsed with permission—thanks!