Tech Trends to Watch in 2017


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Note: This report is based on internal IBM analysis and is not meant to be a statement of direction by IBM nor is IBM committing to any particular technology or solution.

A new cloud-based cognitive platform emerges

Bill Chamberlin, Distinguished Market Intelligence Professional, MD&I February 15, 2017

Tech Trends to Watch in 2017

Note: This report is based on internal IBM analysis and is not meant to be a statement of direction by IBM nor is IBM committing to any particular technology or solution.

About This Trend Report


Purpose: The slides provide an overview of trends impacting the information technology industry in 2017

Content: Summary information about trends in the marketplace, including trends drivers, spending trends, industry business cases, and adoption challenges. Also included are links to additional resources.

How To Use This Report: This report is best read/studied and used as a learning document. You may want to view the slides in slideshow mode so you can easily follow the links

Available on Slideshare: This presentation (and other Trend Reports for 2017) will be available publically on Slideshare at

Please Note: This report is based on internal IBM analysis and is not meant to be a statement of direction by IBM nor is IBM committing to any particular technology or solution.


Tech Trends to Watch in 2017 (External Version)

Note: This report is based on internal IBM analysis and is not meant to be a statement of direction by IBM nor is IBM committing to any particular technology or solution.

About IBM’s HorizonWatch Trends Research Program

Our focus is on tracking, researching and analyzing emerging trends, business issues, and technologies so we can:

– Develop better IBM strategies for the future– Help our clients develop better strategies for the future

While we do share some research externally, our primary audience is IBM employees

The program has been active since January 2001


19Feb2017 Tech Trends to Watch in 2017 (External Version)

Note: This report is based on internal IBM analysis and is not meant to be a statement of direction by IBM nor is IBM committing to any particular technology or solution.

“Segment” Description

2017 Tech Platform Trends

These topics are the current core technology growth categories.  These are the topics that make up the '3rd IT Platform' and are all topics that our clients are all focused on. 

Emerging Tech TrendsThese emerging (typically 2017-2025) tech trend topics are growing in importance. These trends have the potential to be disruptive to current business processes, business models and entire industries.

Longer Range Tech Trends

These trends are longer-range (2025- 2050). They are all interesting and have the potential to disrupt our industry and our client’s businesses.  Have ideas on those types of trends?

Vertical Industry Topics

As the 'Third Platform' matures, vertical solutions are becoming much more important. There will be an explosion of new applications and services built off this new platform.

Business Trends Business trends are important to watch as they can enable and accelerate the adoption of technology trends.

Consumer TrendsConsumer trends can also enable and accelerate the adoption of technology trends within the enterprise. Many business technology trends are a direct result of a consumer technology trend.

There are over 120 topics on the current IBM HorizonWatch Trends Radar List


"We combine crowdsourcing and secondary research scanning and analysis to identify what is trending"

19Feb2017 Tech Trends to Watch in 2017 (External Version)

Note: This report is based on internal IBM analysis and is not meant to be a statement of direction by IBM nor is IBM committing to any particular technology or solution.

1. Provide context on what we see trending/what trends to be aware of

2. Share our research agenda and focus for 2017– Current Platform - Trends to watch– Emerging Trends - 23 to watch

Objectives of this deck


19Feb2017 Tech Trends to Watch in 2017 (External Version)

Note: This report is based on internal IBM analysis and is not meant to be a statement of direction by IBM nor is IBM committing to any particular technology or solution.

The current IT Platform (2017) is comprised of the following enabling technologies and capabilities


1. Cloud Computing2. AI/Cognitive Computing3. (Modern) System Infrastructure4. Mobile Devices5. Internet of Things6. Security7. Big Data Platforms & Tools 8. Analytic Solutions9. Collaboration Platforms & Tools

19Feb2017 Tech Trends to Watch in 2017 (External Version)

Note: This report is based on internal IBM analysis and is not meant to be a statement of direction by IBM nor is IBM committing to any particular technology or solution.

Like a tree grows from it’s roots, a whole new set of trends will branch out from this cognitive platform


Some Examples….1. Conversational Services &

Chatbots2. Blockchain3. Robotic Process Automation (RPA)4. Service Robots5. Industrial Robotics6. Robotic Logistics7. Drones8. Driverless Vehicles9. Enterprise Wearables10.Augmented Reality11.Virtual Reality12.Fog (Edge) Computing13.Quantum Computing14.Affective Computing15.Swarm Computing

19Feb2017 Tech Trends to Watch in 2017 (External Version)

Note: This report is based on internal IBM analysis and is not meant to be a statement of direction by IBM nor is IBM committing to any particular technology or solution.

The new IT platform will enable the 4th wave of economic revolution


1st 2nd 3rd 4thKey Technologies

Steam Engine Combustion Engine, Electricity

Computers, Internet Cloud, AI, Quantum Computing, Nanotechnology, Blockchain

Key Resource Coal / Iron Steel / Oil Silicon / Internet Sensors, Data, Renewables, Next-Gen Nuclear


Machinery, Tooling, Interchangeable parts

Assembly Line Just in Time, Programmable machines

Intelligent Automation, Robots, Robotics


Trains, Canals, Ships Bikes, Cars, Buses, Planes

Commercial, Infrastructure, Electrification

On demand, Swarming


Telegraph / Newspapers

Phone, Radio, Printed Ads

TV, Screens, Internet, SmartPhone, Wireless, Social

Cryptography, AR/VR, Holographic, Photonics

Financial Services

Paper Money, Stock Exchanges

Checks Credit, Funds, Credit Cards, online payments

Blockchain, Digital Currency

Healthcare Traditional / Medical Classification

Organic Chemistry, Microbiology

Drug Development, Molecular, DNA

Life enhancement & extension, Bio-Printing

Food Crops, Ranches Machinery, Fertilizers, Irrigation

Science, Chemistry, Corporations

3D Printed, Plant based

Clothing Cotton, Power Loom Synthetics Large Retailers Custom, 3D Printed

Companies / Sectors

Banks, Railways Ford, GM, US Steel, GE, Chrysler, Standard Oil, Amoco, CBS, AT&T

Alphabet, Amazon, Apple, Comcast, Cisco, Facebook, IBM, Intel, Microsoft, Samsung

?? ?? ??Source: Morgan Stanley: Technology: Disruptions and productivity growth in the next decade of the digital revolution, IBM HorizonWatch

19Feb2017 Tech Trends to Watch in 2017 (External Version)

Note: This report is based on internal IBM analysis and is not meant to be a statement of direction by IBM nor is IBM committing to any particular technology or solution.9

Industrial Intelligent Automation will be enabled by IoT, Cognitive/AI, Analytics, Intelligent Machines and Assembly Lines, Robots and Robotics, Edge (Fog) Computing and Swarming Technology

The future of manufacturing is intelligent automation

19Feb2017 Tech Trends to Watch in 2017 (External Version)

Note: This report is based on internal IBM analysis and is not meant to be a statement of direction by IBM nor is IBM committing to any particular technology or solution.

We are seeing an increased number of robots designed for industry specific applications

Connie (Concierge)

Tug (Hospitals)Fetch (warehouse)Botlr (Hotel supplies)

Robonaut (NASA)

Kompaï (elder care)


Tally (Retail) LoweBot (Retail)

Molly (Kitchen)

Pepper (emotion detection / advisor) Baxter (repetitive tasks)

19Feb2017 Tech Trends to Watch in 2017 (External Version)

Note: This report is based on internal IBM analysis and is not meant to be a statement of direction by IBM nor is IBM committing to any particular technology or solution.

The future of farming involves robots and drones

Hortibot (weeding)

Bonirob (weeding & fertilizing)

LettuceBot (thinning)

Precision Farming

Yamaha RMAX (Fertilizing)

Image sources: see speaker notes 11 19Feb2017 Tech Trends to Watch in 2017 (External Version)

Note: This report is based on internal IBM analysis and is not meant to be a statement of direction by IBM nor is IBM committing to any particular technology or solution.12

Technologies such as IoT, Cognitive/AI, analytics, advanced vehicle communications, edge (fog) computing and swarming technology, will enable driverless on-demand vehicles… virtually eliminating accidents, reducing congestion and pollution, while increasing productivity.

Source: US Department of Transportation

Intelligent Automated Transportation Systems

19Feb2017 Tech Trends to Watch in 2017 (External Version)

Note: This report is based on internal IBM analysis and is not meant to be a statement of direction by IBM nor is IBM committing to any particular technology or solution.

Driverless cars get all the press but think about all the other autonomous vehicles that are coming…

Semi’s Construction Equipment

Cargo Ships

Cargo Planes

TrainsDelivery vehicles

13 19Feb2017 Tech Trends to Watch in 2017 (External Version)

Note: This report is based on internal IBM analysis and is not meant to be a statement of direction by IBM nor is IBM committing to any particular technology or solution.14

Enabling technologies will include IoT, AI, Cloud, Fog Computing, Swarming Technology, Quantum Computing technology.

Companies to watch: • Uber• Airbus• Kitty Hawk / Zee.Aero• Joby Aviation• Urban Aeronautics• Lilium Aviation• AeroMobile• Volocopter

Image by: Chris J Magdalenski

The future of air transportation will be autonomous and on demand

19Feb2017 Tech Trends to Watch in 2017 (External Version)

Note: This report is based on internal IBM analysis and is not meant to be a statement of direction by IBM nor is IBM committing to any particular technology or solution.

The Future of Work: The organizational structure will look something like this….


Smart Robots, Vehicles &


Smart Robots & Things

Cognitive Coach


Smart Robots & Things

Cognitive Coach

Other Stakeholders

and their “Coaches”

Cognitive Coach

15 19Feb2017 Tech Trends to Watch in 2017 (External Version)

Note: This report is based on internal IBM analysis and is not meant to be a statement of direction by IBM nor is IBM committing to any particular technology or solution.

The Future of Work will involve a partnership between humans and cognitive systems technology

Cognitive Systems will excel at Locating Knowledge Pattern Identification Natural Language Machine Learning Eliminating Bias / Emotion Endless Capacity

Humans will excel at Common Sense Morals Imagination Compassion Abstraction Dilemmas Dreaming Creativity Generalization Judgement

16 19Feb2017 Tech Trends to Watch in 2017 (External Version)

Note: This report is based on internal IBM analysis and is not meant to be a statement of direction by IBM nor is IBM committing to any particular technology or solution.

The future (2040-50) IT platform will be very fast and optimized for distributed cloud-based cognitive apps


Characteristics:• Distributed / Edge Computing• Secure• Data as an Asset• Blockchain• Analytics• Cognitive• UX by Design• Very Fast Zettascale computing (1021)?

19Feb2017 Tech Trends to Watch in 2017 (External Version)

Note: This report is based on internal IBM analysis and is not meant to be a statement of direction by IBM nor is IBM committing to any particular technology or solution.

Let’s look at the some trends happening around the cognitive era platform


• Security• System Infrastructure• Cloud Computing• AI/Cognitive Computing• Mobile Devices• Internet of Things• Analytics

19Feb2017 Tech Trends to Watch in 2017 (External Version)

Note: This report is based on internal IBM analysis and is not meant to be a statement of direction by IBM nor is IBM committing to any particular technology or solution.

Security: Trends to watch in 2017… and beyond


Increased pressure on CISOs

Security services in demand

Focus turns to “Response and Remediation”

Growth in SIEM, IAM, mobile security and services

Edge of IoT devices and apps create new security revenue opportunities

Cognitive security

IBM: Step up to the Cognitive Era with Watson for Cyber Security

“Built upon security intelligence, cognitive solutions generate not just answers, but hypotheses, evidence-based reasoning and recommendations for improved decision making in real time. As a result, cognitive security will help address the current skills gap, accelerate responses and help reduce the cost and complexity of dealing with cybercrime.” IBM

19Feb2017 Tech Trends to Watch in 2017 (External Version)

Note: This report is based on internal IBM analysis and is not meant to be a statement of direction by IBM nor is IBM committing to any particular technology or solution.

Systems Infrastructure: Trends to watch in 2017 … and beyond


Migration to Cloud continues

Shifts in vendor landscape

Popularity of x86 and Linux OS

Emerging tech to watch

Hyperconverged infrastructure

Blog: IBM Systems Blog

451 Research: 40% of Enterprises Are Using Hyperconverged Infrastructure

19Feb2017 Tech Trends to Watch in 2017 (External Version)

Note: This report is based on internal IBM analysis and is not meant to be a statement of direction by IBM nor is IBM committing to any particular technology or solution.

Cloud Computing: Trends to watch in 2017 … and beyond


Convergence of IaaS and PaaS Cloud services

AI and IoT use cases drive cloud adoption

Industry Clouds will be one of the fastest growing segments

Containers will alter cloud platform and management strategies

Cloud hyperscale providers growth creates virtuous cycle

IBM developerWorks: 5 Things to Know about Shifts in Key Business Drivers for Cloud Computing Usage

“As enterprises continue to focus on implementing a cloud infrastructure, many still face roadblocks when it comes to hiring candidates with the right skills.” CIO

19Feb2017 Tech Trends to Watch in 2017 (External Version)

Note: This report is based on internal IBM analysis and is not meant to be a statement of direction by IBM nor is IBM committing to any particular technology or solution.

Mobile Enterprise: Trends to watch in 2017 … and beyond


Incorporating new technologies

IoT projects drive mobile initiatives

Developers demand better tools and UX

Self-Service analytics capabilities

Managing apps and information

Security and real-time risk awareness are top concerns

IBM: How a mobile development platform can help IT pros cut through clutter

IBM & SMG: 2016 Mobile Security & Business Transformation Study

19Feb2017 Tech Trends to Watch in 2017 (External Version)

Note: This report is based on internal IBM analysis and is not meant to be a statement of direction by IBM nor is IBM committing to any particular technology or solution.

Internet of Things: Trends to watch in 2017 … and beyond


IoT drives demand new technologies

Early adopters move to larger projects

Innovation occurs with IT & Operational Technology Integration

Increased focus on “Edge Computing”

IoT is a solutions play, driven by consulting

IoT drives “data economy”

Security issues remain

IoT is a solutions play, driven by consulting

IBM 3 trends driving IoT innovation

“The Internet of Things will be one of the primary drivers of the digital transformation that enterprises will undergo in the coming years, creating a self-learning environment that will drive digital disruption in physical world.” IBM: Top five Internet of Things trends for 2017

19Feb2017 Tech Trends to Watch in 2017 (External Version)

Note: This report is based on internal IBM analysis and is not meant to be a statement of direction by IBM nor is IBM committing to any particular technology or solution.

Analytics: Trends to watch in 2017 … and beyond


Key driver is IoT data

Focus on data and source agnostic analytic tools

Emergence of data lakes

Spark / Hadoop growth continues

Rise of machine learning

LOB influence grows

Self service analytics

Forbes Driving Value By Monetizing Data From The Internet Of Things

IBM: Analytics: Dawn of the cognitive era

19Feb2017 Tech Trends to Watch in 2017 (External Version)

Note: This report is based on internal IBM analysis and is not meant to be a statement of direction by IBM nor is IBM committing to any particular technology or solution.

AI/Cognitive Computing: Trends to watch in 2017 … and beyond


VCs and startups


Acquisitions continue to accelerate

Vendors court developers to their platforms

Consumer AI tech drives market

Conversational services explode

World of Watson: Ginni Rometty keynote

IBM: The cognitive advantage report

19Feb2017 Tech Trends to Watch in 2017 (External Version)

Note: This report is based on internal IBM analysis and is not meant to be a statement of direction by IBM nor is IBM committing to any particular technology or solution.

Other trends we are watching in 2017


1. Conversational Services & Chatbots2. Blockchain3. Augmented Reality4. Virtual Reality5. Enterprise Wearables6. Industrial IoT7. Fog (Edge) Computing8. Industrial Robotics9. Robotic Logistics10.Enterprise Service Robots11.Enterprise Drones12.Driverless Vehicles13.Vehicle to Vehicle Communications

14. Intelligent Vehicle Transportation15.On Demand Aviation16.Swarm Computing17.Cognitive Computing & Education18.Healthcare Analytics19.Sports Technology20.Data Monetization21.Digital Marketing22.The API economy23.Robotic Process Automation24.Affective Computing25.Quantum Computing26.Software Development

19Feb2017 Tech Trends to Watch in 2017 (External Version)

Note: This report is based on internal IBM analysis and is not meant to be a statement of direction by IBM nor is IBM committing to any particular technology or solution.

Conversational Services and Chatbots: Trends to watch in 2017 … and beyond


Experimentation accelerates

Potential benefits attract adopters

Awareness grows of top industries & use cases

Characteristics of best services

Vendors court developers

VentureBeat: The state of bots: 11 examples of conversational commerce in 2016

“User experiences with such applications remain disappointing. Although it is easy to get a system to produce words, none of the current agents or bots display general conversational competence.” IBM Research Conversational UX Design CHI 2017 Workshop

19Feb2017 Tech Trends to Watch in 2017 (External Version)

Note: This report is based on internal IBM analysis and is not meant to be a statement of direction by IBM nor is IBM committing to any particular technology or solution.

BlockChain: Trends to watch in 2017 … and beyond

Activity builds in Financial Services

Awareness / activity also builds across other verticals


Blockchain will enable a secure IoT

Apps developed with an eye for vertical clouds


Technical challenges


“Blockchain is beginning to play a major part in the Internet of Things by enhancing security, enabling inclusion of low-value devices to be increasingly viable and making managing a device easier for decades to come.” IBM: What blockchain means for you, and the Internet of Things

Forbes: How Blockchain Will Evolve In 2017

CB Insights: Banking Is Only The Start: 27 Big Industries Where Blockchain Could Be Used

19Feb2017 Tech Trends to Watch in 2017 (External Version)

Note: This report is based on internal IBM analysis and is not meant to be a statement of direction by IBM nor is IBM committing to any particular technology or solution.

More Insights on technology trends are available


Other slide decks in this 2017 Trend Report series will be posted to Slideshare

You are also invited to check out the following IBM websites and resources– IBM Academy of Technology– IBM Institute for Business Value– IBM Research and Research News and 5 in 5– IBM’s THINK blog– IBM Think Academy on YouTube

19Feb2017 Tech Trends to Watch in 2017 (External Version)
