TerraManus Tomato Crop Evaluation


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Tomato Crop Evaluation and Conclusions – 2010

Test Details

Geographic Location: Midwest USA – Illinois and Indiana

When: Summer 2010 growing season

Crop: Tomato

Comparisons: With and without TerraStar imprinting

Test Resources: Arise Research and Discovery Center in Martinsville, IL

Weather Conditions: Midwest USA experienced extremes in weather conditions of negative rainfall totals combined with long periods of extreme heat that exceeded records kept since the 1800’s. Dr. Stephen reported even irrigated crops were failing under the hot and dry conditions.

The TerraManus Team has witnessed similar growing conditions and problems for farmers growing tomatoes in Pout, Senegal during a visit in October, 2010. The comparisons had similar results.

Assumption: The common root cause of crop failure is excessive heat and water shortage.

Conclusion: The true root cause of most of the global water shortages is improper soil management, not water availability.

Test Observations

With & Without TerraStar

Heat and humidity of 105F reveal two examples of plant health:• Plants with TerraStar

imprints bear fruit well.• Plants without TerraStar

show stress which has negative impact on fruit production capacity and diminished plant health.

Top half of row with

TerraStar imprints

Bottom half of row

without TerraStar imprints

Even if the crops are provided with all the water the plant requires, we still yield poor performance.

Nearly all the plant’s fruit producing energy is going to help the plant just survive the harsh recurring conditions .

In Harsh Temperature Conditions

Strong plant health with heat and humidity of 112F

Irrigated Tomatoes

under severe heat stress and


Imprints thrive.

TerraStar imprint

Plant health and vertical plant architecture with no plant support system

This plant is healthy and receiving hydrogen, oxygen,and carbon due to reduced soil bulk density and

increased water-fill pore space (the TerraStar effect)

TerraStar imprint

Consolidation without Compaction

Two TerraStar imprints – a picture of healthy plant color, the result of improved photosynthesis

Close-up picture of the previous slide reveals the secret to addressing the perceived global water “supply” shortage

issues in agriculture, mining, and constructionWhen water speed is near zero, the TerraStar weir effect retains critical parts of the top soil, organic matter, fines, soil microbes, and silt decaying plant material keeping it on the soil surface and not washing away.

Micro-fractures in the soil surface created by TerraStar imprints allows Hydrogen, Oxygen, and Carbon access through the soil surface and down to the root zone for improved plant health.

TerraStar MitigatesWeather Impact on Crops

We continue to see examples of exceptional weather events such as increasing periods of drought in some regions and excessive rainfall events in other regions.

These changes in global weather patterns create a wide variety of new problems for farmers around the world affecting planting dates and limiting harvest qualities.

Use of the TerraStar is proven to help mitigate the impact of these pervasive global changes on crop production.


Whether it is TRACTOR,

HUMAN, or ANIMAL POWERED the results are the


• Better water management• Sequester water in the soil• 90% less erosion (wind and water)• Warm up cold soils quicker• 30% more soil surface• Mitigates heat stress on crops• Higher crop yields = Lower input Costs

TerraStar Improves Plant Health


We invite your questions or comments! Email: STEPHEN@TERRAMANUSTECH.COM

