Test Kitchen and Infrastructure as Code



A presentation for the Automation session at the 2014 Cyber Summit by Fletcher Nichol, an Engineer with Heavy Water Operations.

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Test Kitchen and

Infrastructure as CodeCyber Summit 2014 September 25, 2014

Fletcher Nichol @fnichol


1. Infrastructure as Code 2. Test Kitchen


I am a software developer


What isInfrastructure?

Physical and virtual resources: compute (servers, vms), networking, storage, etc.


What isInfrastructure Automation?



What isInfrastructure

As Code?

“Enable the reconstruction of the business from nothing but a source code repository, an application data backup, and bare metal resources”

Infrastructure as Code

- Adam Jacob, Web Operations

If we can model infrastructure as code

If we can model infrastructure as code

can we apply code process and practices?

In other words…

Can we apply

Can we applySoftware Engineering

to infrastrcuture?


What processes and practices apply to software?


Test Kitchen“Your infrastructure deserves tests too”

An infrastructure testing tool

Test Kitchen

Used in development

Test Kitchen

Used in CI/CD pipeline

Test Kitchen

Describes your testing setup on a single server

Test Kitchen


Test Kitchen Code

--- driver: name: vagrant !

provisioner: name: chef_solo !

platforms: - name: ubuntu-14.04 - name: centos-6.5 !

suites: - name: client run_list: - recipe[postgresql::client] - name: server run_list: - recipe[postgresql::server]


--- driver: name: vagrant !

provisioner: name: chef_solo !

platforms: - name: ubuntu-14.04 - name: centos-6.5 !

suites: - name: client run_list: - recipe[postgresql::client] - name: server run_list: - recipe[postgresql::server]


--- driver: name: vagrant !

provisioner: name: chef_solo !

platforms: - name: ubuntu-14.04 - name: centos-6.5 !

suites: - name: client run_list: - recipe[postgresql::client] - name: server run_list: - recipe[postgresql::server]


--- driver: name: vagrant !

provisioner: name: chef_solo !

platforms: - name: ubuntu-14.04 - name: centos-6.5 !

suites: - name: client run_list: - recipe[postgresql::client] - name: server run_list: - recipe[postgresql::server]


--- driver: name: vagrant !

provisioner: name: chef_solo !

platforms: - name: ubuntu-14.04 - name: centos-6.5 !

suites: - name: client run_list: - recipe[postgresql::client] - name: server run_list: - recipe[postgresql::server]


Runs multiple testing setups in isolation

Test Kitchen

Plugin system to support automation tools, cloud providers,

& testing frameworks

Test Kitchen

Amazon EC2, Rackspace, Digital Ocean, OpenStack, LXC, Vagrant, CloudStack,

Joyent, VMware vSphere, Google Compute Engine, Microsoft Azure, Docker, etc.

Test KitchenDrivers

Chef (Solo, Client), Simple Shell, Puppet (Apply), Salt, Ansible, etc.

Test KitchenProvisioners

Simple bash, bats, MiniTest, shUnit2, Aruba, Serverspec,

RSpec, shpec, Cucumber, etc.

Test KitchenTesting Frameworks


Test KitchenGetting Started

“In short, software is eating the world.”

It’s All Software

- Marc Andreessen, 2011

Infrastructure Automation is


Infrastructure Automation is

Real Hard™

Infrastructure Automation is

Real …but

Infrastructure Automation is

Real Possible™

Thanks!Cyber Summit 2014 September 25, 2014

Fletcher Nichol @fnichol

Photo Creditshttps://flic.kr/p/fD2CXV https://flic.kr/p/i3NECz https://flic.kr/p/9urXjF