The sun ebrahim


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The Sun

By Ebrahim

Where is the Sun?

• The sun is in the middle of the Solar System. It produces light for our Earth. Its gravity keeps the planets orbiting around it.

What does the Sun look like?

• The Sun is mostly yellow. But there are black and white specks. The black spots are called sunspots. They are slightly cooler than the rest of the surface. The white parts are hotter than the yellow parts.

How big is the Sun?

• The Sun is 350,000 km wide and 219,000 km long.

What is special about the sun?

The Sun spins in a axis but does not orbit anything. The sun is called the Yellow Dwarf. The Sun is very very hot. If you threw a diamond all the way up to the Sun, it would burn instantly. The Sun will explode millions of years later creating a black hole.

Interesting Facts

• The Sun has three parts. It is like the Earth. The first part is the 3rd hottest part. The 2nd part is even hotter. The core is made of molten iron.

The author

• The guy who made this show about the Sun is called Ebrahim. My favourite food is chicken. I hope you like my show.
