The Web map stack on Django



My EuroDjangoCon talk about how EveryBlock has used Mapnik and GeoDjango to create our own maps.

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The Web map stack on Django

Paul Smith @paulsmith

EveryBlockEuroDjangoCon ‘09

Data types

11 metros

● Boston

● Charlotte

● Chicago

● Los Angeles

● Miami

● New York

● Philadelphia

● San Francisco

● San Jose

● Seattle

● Washington, DC

… and growing

Open sourceThis summer


Control design

Prioritize visualizations

The Web map stack

The Web map stack

The Web map stack

The Web map stack

The Web map stack

GeoDjango + Mapnikexample app

“Your Political Footprint”

Mapnik overview


from django.contrib.gis.db import models

class CongressionalDistrict(models.Model): state = models.ForeignKey(State) name = models.CharField(max_length=32) # ex. 1st, 25th, at-large number = models.IntegerField() # 0 if at-large district = models.MultiPolygonField(srid=4326) objects = models.GeoManager()

def __unicode__(self): return '%s %s' % (,

class Footprint(models.Model): location = models.CharField(max_length=200) point = models.PointField(srid=4326) cong_dist = models.ForeignKey(CongressionalDistrict) objects = models.GeoManager()

def __unicode__(self): return '%s in %s' % (self.location, self.cong_dist)

GET /tile/?bbox=-112.5,22.5,-90,45


from django.conf import settingsfrom django.conf.urls.defaults import *from edc_demo.footprint import views

urlpatterns = patterns('', (r'^footprint/', views.political_footprint), (r'^tile/', views.map_tile))


from mapnik import *from django.http import HttpResponse, Http404from django.conf import settingsfrom edc_demo.footprint.models import CongressionalDistrict

TILE_WIDTH = TILE_HEIGHT = 256TILE_MIMETYPE = 'image/png'LIGHT_GREY = '#C0CCC4'PGIS_DB_CONN = dict( host=settings.DATABASE_HOST, dbname=settings.DATABASE_NAME, user=settings.DATABASE_USER, password=settings.DATABASE_PASSWORD)

def map_tile(request): if request.GET.has_key('bbox'): bbox = [float(x) for x in request.GET['bbox'].split(',')] tile = Map(TILE_WIDTH, TILE_HEIGHT) rule = Rule() rule.symbols.append(LineSymbolizer(Color(LIGHT_GREY), 1.0)) style = Style() style.rules.append(rule) tile.append_style('cong_dist', style) layer = Layer('cong_dists') db_table = CongressionalDistrict._meta.db_table layer.datasource = PostGIS(table=db_table, **PGIS_DB_CONN) layer.styles.append('cong_dist') tile.layers.append(layer) tile.zoom_to_box(Envelope(*bbox)) img = Image(tile.width, tile.height) render(tile, img) img_bytes = img.tostring(TILE_MIMETYPE.split('/')[1]) return HttpResponse(img_bytes, mimetype=TILE_MIMETYPE) else: raise Http404()

# cont'd

from django.shortcuts import render_to_responsefrom edc_demo.footprint.geocoder import geocode

def political_footprint(request): context = {} if request.GET.has_key('location'): point = geocode(request.GET['location']) cd = CongressionalDistrict.objects.get(district__contains=point) footprint = Footprint.objects.create( location = request.GET['location'], point = point, cong_dist = cd ) context['footprint'] = footprint context['cd_bbox'] = cong_dist.district.extent return render_to_response('footprint.html', context)

// footprint.html<script type="text/javascript">var map;var TileLayerClass = OpenLayers.Class(OpenLayers.Layer.TMS, { initialize: function(footprint_id) {

var name = "tiles";var url = "";

var args = [];args.push(name, url, {}, {});

OpenLayers.Layer.Grid.prototype.initialize.apply(this, args);this.footprint_id = footprint_id;


getURL: function(bounds) {var url = this.url + "?bbox=" + bounds.toBBOX();if (this.footprint_id)

url += "&fp_id=" + this.footprint_id; return url; }});function onload() { var options = {

minScale: 19660800,numZoomLevels: 14,units: "degrees"

}; map = new OpenLayers.Map("map"); {% if not footprint %}

var bbox = new OpenLayers.Bounds(-126.298828, 17.578125, -64.775391, 57.128906); var tileLayer = new TileLayerClass(); {% else %} var bbox = new OpenLayers.Bounds({{ cd_bbox|join:", " }}); var tileLayer = new TileLayerClass({{ }}); {% endif %} map.addLayer(tileLayer); map.zoomToExtent(bbox);}


from edc_demo.footprint.models import Footprint

def map_tile(request): if request.GET.has_key('bbox'): bbox = [float(x) for x in request.GET['bbox'].split(',')] tile = Map(TILE_WIDTH, TILE_HEIGHT) rule = Rule() rule.symbols.append(LineSymbolizer(Color(LIGHT_GREY), 1.0)) style = Style() style.rules.append(rule) if request.GET.has_key('fp_id'): footprint = Footprint.objects.get(pk=request.GET['fp_id']) rule = Rule() rule.symbols.append(LineSymbolizer(Color(GREEN), 1.0)) rule.symbols.append(PolygonSymbolizer(Color(LIGHT_GREEN))) rule.filter = Filter('[id] = ' + str( style.rules.append(rule) tile.append_style('cong_dist', style) layer = Layer('cong_dists') db_table = CongressionalDistrict._meta.db_table layer.datasource = PostGIS(table=db_table, **PGIS_DB_CONN) layer.styles.append('cong_dist') tile.layers.append(layer) if request.GET.has_key('fp_id'): add_footprint_layer(tile, footprint) tile.zoom_to_box(Envelope(*bbox)) img = Image(tile.width, tile.height) render(tile, img) img_bytes = img.tostring(TILE_MIMETYPE.split('/')[1]) return HttpResponse(img_bytes, mimetype=TILE_MIMETYPE) else: raise Http404()

# cont'd

def add_footprint_layer(tile, footprint): rule = Rule() rule.symbols.append(

PointSymbolizer(os.path.join(settings.STATIC_MEDIA_DIR, 'img', 'footprint.png'),'png', 46, 46)

) rule.filter = Filter('[id] = ' + str( style = Style() style.rules.append(rule) tile.append_style('footprint', style) layer = Layer('footprint') layer.datasource = PostGIS(table=Footprint._meta.db_table, **PGIS_DB_CONN) layer.styles.append('footprint') tile.layers.append(layer)

Serving tiles

Zoom levels

Tile example

z: 5, x: 2384, y: 1352



● Cache population integrated with request/response cycle

● Flexible storage


● Python overhead (rendering, serving)

Pre-render + custom nginx mod


● Fast responses

● Parallelizable, offline rendering


● Render everything in advance

● C module inflexibility (esp. storage backends)

Tile rendering

for each zoom level z:

for each column x:

for each row y:

render tile (x, y, z)

Tile rendering

for each zoom level z:

for each column x:

for each row y:

render tile (x, y, z)

Tile rendering

for each zoom level z:

for each column x:

for each row y:

render tile (x, y, z)

Tile rendering

for each zoom level z:

for each column x:

for each row y:

render tile (x, y, z)

# nginx.conf

server { server_name root /var/www/maptiles; expires max; location ~* ^/[^/]+/\w+/\d+/\d+,\d+\.(jpg|gif|png)$ { tilecache; }}

// ngx_tilecache_mod.c

/* * This struct holds the attributes that uniquely identify a map tile. */typedef struct { u_char *version; u_char *name; int x; int y; int z; u_char *ext;} tilecache_tile_t;

/* * The following regex pattern matches the request URI for a tile and * creates capture groups for the tile attributes. Example request URI: * * /1.0/main/8/654,23.png * * would map to the following attributes: * * version: 1.0 * name: main * z: 8 * x: 654 * y: 23 * extension: png */static ngx_str_t tile_request_pat = ngx_string("^/([^/]+)/([^/]+)/([0-9]+)/([0-9]+),([0-9]+)\\.([a-z]+)$");

// ngx_tilecache_mod.c

u_char *get_disk_key(u_char *s, u_char *name, int x, int y, int z, u_char *ext){ u_int a, b, c, d, e, f;

a = x / 100000; b = (x / 1000) % 1000; c = x % 1000; d = y / 100000; e = (y / 1000) % 1000; f = y % 1000;

return ngx_sprintf(s, "/%s/%02d/%03d/%03d/%03d/%03d/%03d/%03d.%s", name, z, a, b, c, d, e, f, ext);}

static ngx_int_tngx_tilecache_handler(ngx_http_request_t *r){ // ... snip ... = ngx_pcalloc(r->pool, len + 1); if ( == NULL) { return NGX_ERROR; }

get_disk_key(, tile->name, tile->x, tile->y, tile->z, tile->ext); sub_uri.len = ngx_strlen(;

return ngx_http_internal_redirect(r, &sub_uri, &r->args);}

Custom tile cache


● Far-future expiry header expires max;


● Tile versions for cache invalidation

// everyblock.js

eb.TileLayer = OpenLayers.Class(OpenLayers.Layer.TMS, { version: null, // see eb.TILE_VERSION layername: null, // lower-cased: "main", "locator" type: null, // i.e., mime-type extension: "png", "jpg", "gif"

initialize: function(name, url, options) { var args = []; args.push(name, url, {}, options); OpenLayers.Layer.TMS.prototype.initialize.apply(this, args); },

// Returns an object with the x, y, and z of a tile for a given bounds getCoordinate: function(bounds) { bounds = this.adjustBounds(bounds);

var res =;var x = Math.round((bounds.left - this.tileOrigin.lon) / (res * this.tileSize.w));var y = Math.round((bounds.bottom - / (res * this.tileSize.h));var z =;return {x: x, y: y, z: z};


getPath: function(x, y, z) { return this.version + "/" + this.layername + "/" + z + "/" + x + "," + y + "." +

this.type; },

getURL: function(bounds) {var coord = this.getCoordinate(bounds);

var path = this.getPath(coord.x, coord.y, coord.z); var url = this.url; if (url instanceof Array) url = this.selectUrl(path, url); return url + path; },

CLASS_NAME: "eb.TileLayer"});



import mathfrom everyblock.maps.clustering.models import Bunch

def euclidean_distance(a, b): return math.hypot(a[0] - b[0], a[1] - b[1])

def buffer_cluster(objects, radius, dist_fn=euclidean_distance): bunches = [] buffer_ = radius for key, point in objects.iteritems(): bunched = False for bunch in bunches: if dist_fn(point, <= buffer_: bunch.add_obj(key, point) bunched = True break if not bunched: bunches.append(Bunch(key, point)) return bunches


class Bunch(object): def __init__(self, obj, point): self.objects = [] self.points = [] = (0, 0) self.add_obj(obj, point)

def add_obj(self, obj, point): self.objects.append(obj) self.points.append(point) self.update_center(point)

def update_center(self, point): xs = [p[0] for p in self.points] ys = [p[1] for p in self.points] = (sum(xs) * 1.0 / len(self.objects), sum(ys) * 1.0 / len(self.objects))


from everyblock.maps import utilsfrom everyblock.maps.clustering import cluster

def cluster_by_scale(objs, radius, scale, extent=(-180, -90, 180, 90)): resolution = utils.get_resolution(scale) # Translate from lng/lat into coordinate system of the display. objs = dict([(k, utils.px_from_lnglat(v, resolution, extent)) for k, v in objs.iteritems()]) bunches = [] for bunch in cluster.buffer_cluster(objs, radius): # Translate back into lng/lat. = utils.lnglat_from_px(, resolution, extent) bunches.append(bunch) return bunches

Sneak peek

Sneak peek

Sneak peek

Thank you

Further exploration:“How to Lie with Maps”

Mark Monmonier
