Themee 28-11-10


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Hi i’m Swaminathan I’m doing my fourth year engineering in

psg tech (technically done with it) My interests are: physics


robin cook books


No fights That’s it happy quizzing

"Oh, Creator of the universe! We meditate upon thy supreme splendor. May thy radiant power illuminate our intellects, destroy our sins and guide us in the right direction." What is the significance of the above lines ?


Identify X. X was a famous scientist, and a prankster and a witty genius as well! I. He once got one of his school seniors to faint when he answered a

riddle even before she had completed asking it! Apparently, this was at the school ball, where he had answered every riddle she had asked. It was at the last riddle that she fainted.

II. His wit was so legendary, that he was reputed to have fixed radios ‘just by thinking’! Actually, all he did on this one instance was change the order of the valves or electrodes, because they were being heated up in the reverse order.

III. On another instance, he fooled a Chinese guy by speaking Chinese even though he didn’t know a word of Chinese! Apparently, the original Chinese spoke Cantonese, and assumed that our friend, the scientist, spoke Mandarin!

IV. He was once asked at Princeton University if he would have his tea with cream or lemon. He replied, '”Both.” The polite yet sarcastic response of the hostess to this answer became the name of one of his non-scientific books.

Richard Feynman!

This organisation was named after a numerical denomination, like a billion or a lakh. However, it’s name had to be slightly modified to its current spelling because the first cheque they received actually misspelled the denomination, and the founders of the organisation have persisted with the wrong spelling.

Which organisation?

He has spoken only once. This was when he met Nehru. He told Nehru without recognizing him, "...Don't know all that Sir, but I'm voting for that man...!", pointing at Nehru's statue.


The Common Man

Cotah Ramaswami   (born June 16, 1896, Madras - presumed dead (possibly January 1990)) was a double sports international who represented India in both cricket and tennis. Though not that famous his dad is considered the godfather of cricket in tamilnadu. Who is his illustrious dad?

Buchi babu

The tournament is named after him

Identify the women getting on the subway



The Y that is created in a company or some other asset as a direct result of hard work by the owner(s). XY is a term used to describe the contribution made to a project by people who contribute their time and effort. It can be contrasted with financial Y which is the money contributed towards the project. It is used to refer to a form of compensation by businesses to their owners or employees. The term is sometimes used in partnership agreements where one or more of the partners contributes no financial capital. In the case of a startup company, employees might, upon incorporation, receive stock or stock options in return for working for below-market salaries. The term is sometimes used to describe the efforts put into a start-up company by the founders in exchange for ownership shares of the company.

Sweat equity

K. M. Nanavati vs. State of Maharashtra was a 1959 Indian court case involving Kawas Manekshaw Nanavati, who was tried for shooting dead Prem Ahuja, his wife Sylvia's paramour. The incident shocked the nation, got unprecedented media coverage and inspired several books and movies. How is this case special??

The last case in india which had a jury trial system.

Opposites y?


What? In serving the seas - Be a corpse

saturated with water In serving the land - Be a corpse covered

with weeds

In serving the sky - Be a corpse that challenges the clouds

Let us all die close by the side of our sovereign'

Kamikaze’s motto

Named after a Jain Thirthankaran, X’s name literally means destroyer of enemies. X hull was built by the Larsen & Toubro, control systems by Tata Power and the steam turbine was supplied by the Walchandnagar Industries. X was a long secret, and was disclosed on a Vijay Divas. Who is X?


The vision of [dotcom] is to bring together all Muslims on the web towards a single platform, in a spirit of brotherhood, to create positive change within the Muslim world and humanity in general”. Name this website founded by Mustafa Patel as a social networking site for Muslims.


X is a joint mission between JAXA and NASA as well as other international agencies for frequently (every 3 hours) measuring Earth's atmospheric moisture. It is part of NASA's Earth Systematic Missions program and is planned to cover nearly the complete Earth. The project office is overseen by NASA's Goddard Spaceflight Center. 

The mission consists of a multiple spacecraft. The core spacecraft, used to measure X structure and to provide a calibration standard for the constellation spacecraft, is scheduled for launch on July 21, 2013 and the low-inclination spacecraft for launch in November 2014 which will provide provide frequent X measurements on a global basis.

Global Precipitation Measurement

Occam's razor (or Ockham's razor) or law of succinctness is the principle popularly summarized as “ simplest explanation is more likely the correct one“., used extensively in medical and science professions ,Occam's Razor may be more focused on shifting the burden of proof in discussion than with predicting which theories are more likely to be correct. My question is what is the opposite of Occam’s razor??

Hickam's dictum is a counterargument to the use of Occam's razor  The principle is commonly stated: "Patients can have as many diseases as they damn well please". The principle is attributed to John Hickam, MD. 

X and Y please

It is the second-largest day for U.S. food consumption, after Thanksgiving Day. In most years, the X is the most-watched American television broadcast;  and is second to the UEFA Champions League final as the most watched thing worldwide. X is the modern name, since 1967, for the professional football championship contests, which extend back into antiquity, Roman antiquity to be precise. They are numbers in roman numerals to honor those Roman roots of gladiatorial contests.

This contest is between the conferences of the Y league so named for the “League” the unit of measurement to express the distance a Roman citizen could walk in 1 hour. The modern game, however, is about 4 times that length of time.


X please

The Grey X is a species of antelope endemic to 

South Africa  Zimbawe,  Lesotho and Swaziland..

They prefer grassy, montane habitat, and carry a woolly grey coat to insulate them from the cold of their habitat. Only the males carry the straight horns. Males become extremely aggressive during the breeding season.

The Afrikaans/Dutch spelling, X, is responsible for the name of a British company.

X’s popularity has extended into Texas Hold ‘em lingo( a variation of poker), where the hole cards shown below are sometimes referred to as an “X,” not only because the hand shares the same initials as X, but also because the hand has the reputation of not playing well. It is said that an X hand “looks really good, but rarely wins.”

Id X


Each participant has to play XY on stage in two rounds, each lasting for 1 minute. Round 1: participant plays a selection of their own choosing. Typically the song

has been edited (or a medley has been created) to fit the 60-second format. Round 2: participant plays a section of the song chosen by an organizer or

competitor; usually the song is not announced beforehand and kept secret until the round begins, so a participant has to improvise.

Participant plays alone; backing bands, are not allowed; roadies and groupies are allowed to make up some image, but they have to leave the stage before performance.

Generally, there is no dress code and participant is encouraged to use any clothing and props that would add character and make the performance more interesting.

Jury consists of independent judges, usually B-list musicians, music critics, comedians, or other members of the media.

Judges use the same 6.0 score system as in figure skating: there are several varying criteria, each judge must give the contestant a score from 4.0 to 6.0 on each of the following: Technical Stage presence ‘X’ness

X please…………….

Vayiliye vada sudardhu a.k.a air guitaring

Mission - To promote efficient and effective giving that provides greater opportunities to the poor in India.

Vision - A strong "giving" culture where Indians donate 2% of their income every year to give the poor a chance. A vibrant "philanthropy marketplace" to ensure that the most efficient and effective nonprofits get access to the most resources.

Over the last 8 years, they have: channeled over 100,000 donations totaling over Rs.55crores to

more than 150 NGOs all over India, impacting over 1 million lives. launched India's first "online philanthropy marketplace" (a website

where people can donate to causes of THEIR choice) in September 2000.

introduced the concept of Marathon-based fundraising in India. This currently channels over Rs.8 crores p.a. in charitable donations.

launched an online Payroll Giving programme in 2004 through which employees of the organization may pledge a certain portion of their monthly income towards an NGO or cause of their choice.
















AXE recover













From 1972 to 1999, X was the corporate name of the company previously known as Jersey Standard. X formally replaced the  Enco and Humble brands in the United States on January 1, 1973. The name was a trademark of Jersey Standard and attracted protests because of its similarity to the name of the parent company, Standard Oil. Name this company also called as the “double crosser”

X is the name of a project aiming to break the land speed record with a pencil-shaped car powered by a jet engine and a rocket designed to reach approximately 1,000 miles per hour (1,609 km/h). It is being developed and built with the intention of breaking the land speed record by the largest ever margin.

If £10 million of sponsorship funding is obtained the construction should be complete by the end of 2011 and the record attempts may happen in late 2011 early 2012.

The project was announced on 23 October 2008 at the Science Museum in London by Lord Drayson, the Minister of Science in the UK's Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills, who in 2006 first proposed the project to Richard Noble and Andy Green; the two men who between them have held the land speed record for 25 years.

X please.

TRIBUTE TO SIVA X born March 1, 1994 is a Canadian pop-

R&B singer. X was discovered in 2008 by Scooter Braun, who happened to come across X's videos on YouTube and later became his manager.

His debut single, "One Time", was released worldwide during 2009, and charted within the top 30 in over ten countries.

His first full studio release, My World 2.0, was released on March 23, 2010 and has since received similar success.

 It was preceded by the worldwide top-ten single, "Baby," in January 2010


Amita Malik in1975 round table discussion

with Akira Kurosawa, Satyajit Ray, Michelangelo Antonioni and Elia Kazan.

He was a lecturer at oxford university. He is remembered for a certain habit of his to interchange corresponding consonants or vowels between two words in a phrase. This is a linguistic condition named after him.Identify the person . What condition am i talking about?

William Spooner


A very famous Indian personality famous for his style of speaking won the 1999 Screen Award as the Best Lyricist in the Non film Music category for his album ‘Nai Disha’. Identify the person.

 During A Prank By the people of X on Y stating "CALL 1-626-848-3780 ASAP". All that the people of y heard was "Thank you for calling the X Admissions Office. If you are another Y student wishing to transfer to X, please download our transfer application form from If you are an Y student not wishing to transfer to X, we wish you the best of luck, and hope you find happiness someday.... "

Id The Famous Rivals X And Y.


 X is a U.S.-registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization created in 1947 by three other nonprofit  institutions: the American Council of Education (ACE), The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, and The College Entrance Examination Board. In keeping with the purposes for which it was established, X developed a program of research that covered not only measurement in its primary offering but also such related areas asstatistics, educational evaluation, and psychology, particularly cognitive, developmental,personality, and social psychology. What is X?

Corollary: X owns several private for-profit bodies, one of them being Y, that administer similar services. Y an year ago was involved in the one of the biggest screw ups of indian history. What is Y and what is the primary activity?


in November 1902, X was invited by Mississippi Governor Andrew Longino to a hunting trip. There were several other hunters competing, and most of them had already killed an animal. A group of X's attendants, led by Holt Collier cornered, clubbed, and tied a certain animal to a willow tree after a long exhausting chase with hounds . They called X to the site and suggested that he should shoot it. He refused to shoot the animal himself, deeming this unsportsmanlike, but instructed that the animal be killed to put it out of its misery. This became a topic for a political cartoon by Clifford Berryman in the Washington Post in 1902.

Morris Michton saw the drawing of X in the cartoon and was inspired to create Y.

Now, what am I talking about?

Id X,Y.

ted roosevelt-XTeddy bear-Y



It inspired Bob Kane to create the character of Joker, Batman's arch nemesis.

At Cambridge University, a coffee dispenser used to be kept in a corridor just beside the Trojan Room and people from all over the building used to come and consume coffee at that point. The Trojan room housed the notorious Computer Science Hackers who used to guzzle coffee like there's no tomorrow and so most of the time the other people had to return back disappointed from the dispensing machine after having walked an exhausting floor or two. To put the other guys out of their discomfort, what innovation/first did the Trojan Room inmates come up with in 1991, thereby giving rise to a widespread internet phenomenon today??

The webcam

In 1921, 1528 gifted schoolchildren were selected from a population of about 250,000. These children were chosen by their teachers as having shown signs of giftedness, and were then further filtered by subsequent “tests”. 

The progress of these children was tracked throughout their lifetimes and actually continued till 2005, and collectively, between them the gifted ones had published 2000+ scientific and technical papers, ,60 books and monographs, 230 patents, 33 novels, 375 short stories, and 265 articles. 

Surprisingly two subsequent Nobel laureates failed to make the grade: William Shockley, the inventor of the transistor, and Luis Alvarez, for the liquid hydrogen bubble chamber. 

What was this group popularly referred to as?


This is found in OUTLIERS



Y this koduram???

Bcoz his youngest son mistook Roberto Carlos for him during the world cup match.

Used to build what?

Somewhere Back in Time World Tour was a concert tour by Iron Maiden in 2008 and 2009 to promote the DVD release of their 1985 concert video Live After Death. They performed in Bombay too and I want you to tell me who opened for them during the performance?????????


X’s father was not sure of X’s and X’s elder brother’s date of birth, and so when the time came to admit them to schools, he gave any date he wanted. However, X learnt from his grandmother that he was a badroo, which meant he was born sometime during the monsoons. As a result, X chose the central date in one of the monsoon months as his birthday for later referral. Years later, this date also became the date of independence for his country.

Based on his own experiences, X wrote his first novel, Mano-Majra, and this name was that of the village where the happenings of the novel are set. However, the name was subsequently changed, and was also made into a critically-acclaimed film.

Identify X.

Duryodhan may have been deadly against the Pandavas throughout his life, but on two different occasions, two of his brothers sided with the Pandavas, or at least chose to protest against what Duryodhan and Duhshasan was doing. Who are these brothers, and on what occasions did they oppose their elder siblings?

PS: Another less-known fact is that the Kauravas had a sister too! Her name was Duhshala, and her husband was Jayadrath.

Vikarna protested against Draupadi’s humiliation at the hands of Duhshasan, and at a time when even Bheeshma was quiet! And before the battle at Kurukshetra began, Yudhishthir asked his opposition if anyone from there would like to change sides, and Yuyutsu did!

Yuyutsu was not exactly part of the 100 Kauravas, but was the son of a slave girl and Dhritarashtra.

In the earlier days of cinema, the film theatres in USA showed short films, around 15-20 minutes in length, for five cents per head. The amount of money they charged per film gave rise to a certain term for these theatres. That term is now associated more with a television channel for children. What term?




FINAL KOSHEEN: CHARACTERS OF WAT? King of France Duke of Florence Bertram, Count of Rousillon Countess of Rousillon, Mother to Bertram Lavatch, a Clown in her household Helena, a Gentlewoman protected by the Countess Lafeu, an old Lord Parolles, a follower of Bertram An Old Widow of Florence, surnamed Capilet Diana, Daughter to the Widow Steward to the Countess of Rousillon Violenta and Mariana, Neighbours and Friends to the Widow A Page Soldiers, Servants, Gentlemen, and Courtiers