Types of speeches




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Types of speech


There are numerous types of speech and giving any speech can be terrifying but we don’t have to think thus.

Every speech needs a purpose and this purpose is not always the same as the title of your speech.

The purpose of your speech you can start to write it. Every speech needs an introduction, a middle and an end.

The three main types of speech

The three main types of speeches are the informative, the persuasive, and the special occasion.

The Informative Speech

“Informs” those in attendance by providing them with information.

The topic may be an object, an event, a concept, or a process.

Speeches About Objects

Objects are things that are tangible and, thus, recognized through sight, hearing, taste, or touch.

Speeches about objects include those about people, places, animals, structures.

Speeches About Events

Events are happenings or occurrences, both past and present.

ExamplesThe origins of the holiday known as Halloween.

The Primary Causes of World War II

Speeches about concepts

Focus on beliefs, ideas, and theories.

Examples:The Big Bang Theory Karl Marx’s concept of socialism

Speeches About Processes

Refer to how something is made, how something is done, or how something works.

Example: How to organize a plot for a novel.

The Persuasive Speech

Usually challenge an audience´s beliefs. Persuasive speech are the most difficult to deliver because you have to be clear in what topic do you choose in order to convince the audience.

Types of Persuasive Speeches

There are three main types of persuasive speeches:

questions of fact, questions of value, and questions of policy.

Questions of Fact

Must be answered by reference to facts and evidence.

Example:Will the stock market rally in 2010?

Questions of Policy

Explain what we would do. The key of this questios is the word “should”.

Example:Should pro-athletes have mandatory tests

for performance-enhancing drugs?

Questions of Value

Address the relative merit goodness or badness of a thing.

Example:Do people have the right to choose to die

with dignity?

Speeches for Special Occasions

There are several important points to keep in mind:

The speech must fit the occasion. If the occasion is formal; the speech should be as well; but if the occasion is casual, the speech should reflect a similar mood.

The speech must meet the allotted time. Speakers should be neither too brief nor too longwinded.

Intended remarks must be accurate. If someone is presenting an award and intends to begin with interesting facts about the recipient, these facts must be correct.


Given their visual nature, most informative speeches are more successful if the speaker users visual aids such as Power Point presentations, flip charts, graphs, models, etc When preparing a persuasive speech, speakers must accept that at least some listeners are going to disagree, perhaps adamantly so, with their viewpoint, which is why speakers should attempt to anticipate objections and counterarguments and address them during the course of the speech.

