UbuntuLive Keynote



My keynote at the inaugural UbuntuLive conference. For the curious, yes the theme is a direct ripoff from Adult Swim.

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When you can take the pebble from my hand, it will be time for you to leave.

[ Master Kan ]

2002: NA2003: NA2004: 132005: 12006: 1Today: 1

[ Distrowatch ]

Microsoft has a majority market share in the new desktop PC marketplace. This is a bug, which Ubuntu is designed to fix.

[ Mark Shuttleworth ]

[ Net Applications ]

OS Marketshare

You can be sure of succeeding in your attacks if you only attack places which are undefended.

[ Sun Tzu ]

Apt-get is just so unreasonably fucking great.

[ Tim Bray ]

Ubuntu also enjoys a rich and active forum where most any question can be answered by a worldwide community

of users.

[ CNET ]

I'm looking for a good Asterisk engineer, can you help?

Dear Ubuntu,

Sincerely, A Small Biz User

Of course we can, we're Ubuntu. Did you think we'd leave you to fend for yourself? What are we, Windows?

Dear Small Biz User,

Sincerely, Ubuntu


apt-cache search asterisk developer

b. b. rodriguez4 rating / 56 projects / NNY

The real value in my opinion has moved from the software to the information and the community.

[ Adam Bosworth ]

Without an Internet connection I don’t even bother to turn on my laptop.

[ Havoc Pennington ]






The clever combatant imposes his will on the enemy, but does not allow the enemy's will to be imposed on him.

[ Sun Tzu ]

To take the pebble, you must reframe the debate. To reframe the debate, you must play to your strengths.

[ me ]

[ redmonk ]

Credits: Theme/Adult SwimLicense: CC-SA-NC