Vague image analysis


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By first putting up the brightness and contrast of the original image when you put it into black and white (auto) it will look much clearer and will pop out more

Duplicate the layer so you have two of the images and then use Free transform (Ctrl + T) and flip the image over so that it is mirrored to the other one, then repeat the steps of brightness and black and white just like the first one then by going into the layer option drop down bar you can click either multiply or overlay but I feel that multiply makes the image clearer because when using the overlay one side becomes brighter and the other faded

By first using the quick selection tool and highlighting the lips you can use the Hue/Saturation Bars to create a colour that you want to use specifically in the area selected

My preferred method of creating the black and white is easier for me but may seem more awkward to others, I first use the rectangular marquee tool to select as much of the image as possible without touching the lips and using the black and white bars and put it on auto then use the tool to select as much more as I can and then switch to the quick selection tool to get the bits around the lips without ruining the colour

Then using the circular marquee tool I select the eye carefully then press delete, my original intention was to delete the iris and then replace it with something placed behind the image but I stumbled across the content aware fill a strange effect where the eye warps was found and I felt that is was probably more effective

Turning down the brightness and putting the contrast up fully will help show the detail later when adding the black and white

Then using black and white set to auto

Then adding a vignette in lens correction it darkens the corners and stylizes the image

Using colour balance to tint the image to certain colours which will define the colours that appear predominantly when using the posterize tool

Using the posterize tool in image adjustments you put down the number of levels to 2 which will lose some detail but make the colours pop and create a pop art sort of feel I used different colours for this final image to show the different effects when using different colours

Because the image in itself is a bit out of focus I decided that perhaps a black and white finish would help smooth out the look of the picture a bit so I used the auto black and white to keep the picture looking as normal as possible for now

After messing around with other options such as adding vignette on lens correction I decided that the image itself was too boring and then began to experiment with displacement and reflection and eventually decided upon reflecting the image vertically. By using the free transform tool after duplicating the layer I first flipped the second layer upside down and moved it into position so that the eyes joined together using the opacity tool

Then by turning the opacity back up and focusing on the background I used the magic wand tool to eliminate the grey leaving only Emily’s head and fan

Then using the layer options selecting darken will overlay the images without a loss of quality or opacity creating the visual effect of the double reflected face and for a final touch adding a vignette just to stylize the image the piece is finished

First duplicating the layer and then using free transform to flip the image upside down and join the lips into a kissing pose and then using darken on the layer options you will get something like this…

Using the rectangular marquee tool to select and crop the main part of the image deleting the square straight edges where the other image ends creates a much cleaner looking image which will then allow you to change the colours

Then using the Hue/saturation sliders on each separate layer you can blend the colours together create a multiple coloured effective image in just a few simple steps
