Voiceitt - Winner of the Israel Mobile Summit 2014 startup contest



As presented at the Israel Mobile Summit 2014 http://www.israelmobilesummit.com

Citation preview

  • June 2014
  • VoiceItt Intro Video
  • but millions of people, cannot communicate naturally using their voices. Talking is a basic need . . . . . .
  • wants to understand what is being said. It touches Everyone who
  • Speech-Based Solution Chocolate Voice Natural Voice-to-Voice communication, easily installed, easily used. Chocolate
  • TalkItt Pilot Video (English)
  • TalkItt Pilot Video (Hebrew)
  • One of our breakthroughs in a single glance Voice Engine Achieving Frame homogeneity using multi-domain signal processing Existing Technology (Fixed Frames) Adaptive Framing: Increasing accuracy by frame homogeneity One of our breakthroughs in a single glance
  • Users cannot use Voice with existing solutions Existing Speech Impairment communication devices are unnatural and expensive. Head Tracking Communication Boards Eye Tracking Sip-and-Puff Dedicated Communication Boards
  • Achievements 20+ Partners (EU, IL) $450K Investment Awards & Programs
  • The Team Roman Frenkel, R&D Manager Pinni Raveh, VP Business Development Hagit Rubin, Product Management Andra Weissberger, Resource Manager Danny Weissberg, CEO Stas Tiomkin, CTO Advisory Board David Tessel Strategic Advisor and Investor Dr. Yoav Medan Tech Advisor Yehuda Binder IP Advisor Yoel Zanger Dr. Yael Glickman Medical Devices Advisor
