We Had a BYOD Day at Our Boston Office



True or false: While the concept of Bring Your Own Device, or BYOD, has been around for a few years, adoption by some companies has been slow. False! With BYOD on the rise, is your MSP properly prepared? We may want to believe that adoption is slow, but let’s take a look at any senior leadership team, and ask how many personal devices are connected to company email? If the answer is anything greater than zero, BYOD is active in that company and the security risks that accompany it need to be looked at. Not familiar with the security risks that are associated with BYOD and how implementing a BYOD policy can help mitigate them?

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We Had a BYOD Day at Our Boston Office…

…there was a little bit of a mix-up.

BYOD stands for Bring Your Own Device, but…

Brandon Brought His Own D-Batteries

Harry Brought His OwnDart Gun

David Also Brought His OwnDart Gun

Jean and Mike Brought Their Own Deodorant

Jean and Mike Brought Their Own Deodorant

Nate Brought His OwnDiploma

Kris Brought His Own Disks

Tim Brought His OwnDog

Julia Also Brought Her Own Dog

Abby Brought Her Own Dog (this one was popular)

Courtney and Natalia Brought Their Own Donuts

David Brought His Own Driver

Christina Brought Her Own Droid

Lisa Brought Her Own Dream catcher

Ben Brought His Own Drums

Scott Brought His Own Doors

What Does BYOD Mean forYour Business?
