Webmarketing123: 3 Secrets to Successful Retargeting-08-10-2011


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3 Secrets to Successful RetargetingStrategies for staying one step ahead of the rest

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1 Retargeting 101An introduction to retargeting

2 Audience Segmentation & Initial Campaign SetupDefine which site visitors will see your ads

3 Tailor and Personalize Your Offers and AdsProvide powerful, relevant and directed incentive to increase conversions

4 Optimizations TipsBest practices for continual campaign improvement

5 Key Takeaways3 secrets to retargeting success

Webinar Agenda



1 Retargeting 101An introduction to retargeting

2 Audience Segmentation & Initial Campaign SetupDefine which site visitors will see your ads

3 Tailor and Personalize Your Offers and AdsProvide powerful, relevant and directed incentive to increase conversions

4 Optimizations TipsBest practices for continual campaign improvement

5 Key Takeaways3 secrets to retargeting success

Webinar Agenda



Interest-based advertisingRetargeting:Reach users who previously visited your web site

Interest category marketing: Reach

users based on their interests



1 What is Retargeting?Allows you to show ads to users who’ve previously visited your website as they browse throughout the Web



1 How Retargeting WorksPresent special offers to give audience groups reason to engage

While browsing other sites, our ads appear,

building brand awareness. We drive these users

back to our site with promotional offers and

customized messaging.

Users interested in our brand visit our site, browse

our content, and then leave



• Google’s retargeting program is called Remarketing

• Available via the Adwords platform

• Allows you to target users on the Google Display Network

1 ReTARGETING or ReMARKETING? Remarketing is Google’s name for retargeting.

What it looks like: Where you’ll find it:



1 Retargeting 101An introduction to retargeting

2 Audience Segmentation & Initial Campaign SetupDefine which site visitors will see your ads

3 Tailor and Personalize Your Offers and AdsProvide powerful, relevant and directed incentive to increase conversions

4 Optimizations TipsBest practices for continual campaign improvement

5 Key Takeaways3 secrets to retargeting success

Webinar Agenda



2 Setting Up Your Retargeting Campaigns3 steps to getting your campaign up and running



2 Audience Segmentation StrategyIdentify the different user groups you will target

People who visited certain pages of your site

People who put, but abandoned before

checking out

People who completed a purchase

Tip 1: Creating a proper audience segmentation strategy is the

foundation for successful retargeting!



• Begin with a granular approach

• Allows you to become more targeted in the overall campaign lifecycle

• Use different pixels for each audience segment

2 Adding Retargeting Code to Your SiteAudience lists are segmented through pixels



• Set up your tracking today – don’t wait!

• Pixel tagging needs to be set in place before ad launch

• Google requires you build up an audience of 500 users before launch

• You can combine users from all of your tags to build a single audience

2 Pixel Tagging Best PracticesPlan your strategy for your different audience lists



• Get creative with your audience lists

• All / None / Some options for combining lists together

• Don’t forget to pixel your “Thank You” page and use it as a negative list

• Consider targeting this audience with an upsell offer

2 Combination (Combo) AudiencesAllows for further segmentation of audience lists



2 Membership DurationAdjust cookies based on your business type and specific product

Tip 2: Capitalize on potential customer’s interests to better match the

buying cycle

• For B2C advertisers, a shorter

timeline is usually better

• 1-4 weeks

• For B2B advertisers, it may be

best to cookie for a longer period

• 1-6 months



2 Membership DurationAdjust cookies based on your business type and specific product

You can adjust cookie duration at any time, however…

• If a user is already cookied and

visits the site again, it resets their

“cookie clock” to Day 1

• If users are already cookied, they

will still remain in the audience for

the original period of time



• What It Is

• Restricts the number of times a specific visitor to a website is shown

your particular ad

• Set capping at the campaign level

• Set for Day / Week / Month

• By campaign / adgroup / ad

2 Frequency CappingA must to implement to avoid turning away potential customers



• Why Use It

• Avoid banner burn out

• To maintain high response


• Maintaining high click-through

rates (CTRs) which help reduce

your cost-per-click (CPC)

2 Frequency Capping (cont.)A must to implement to avoid turning away potential customers



1 Retargeting 101An introduction to retargeting

2 Audience Segmentation & Initial Campaign SetupDefine which site visitors will see your ads

3 Tailor and Personalize Your Offers and AdsProvide powerful, relevant and directed incentive to increase conversions

4 Optimizations TipsBest practices for continual campaign improvement

5 Key Takeaways3 secrets to retargeting success

Webinar Agenda



3 Getting Started with Your CreativeTest a mix of both banner and text ads

Text Ads Banner/Image Ads

Tip 3: Banner ads tend to work better than text ads for retargeting!



3 Getting Started with Your Creative (cont.)Start with the most common banner ad sizes

160 x 600

728 x 90

300 x 250



3 Customize Your Ads to Your Particular AudienceBased on your pre-defined user lists, build out ads to serve each different segment

Home Page

Category Pages

Specific Product Page

Shopping Cart

Thank You Page




- Promotional or limited time offers, reminders, shipping discounts

- Upsell/cross-sell, value club membership

- Specific products viewed, special offers, incentives

- Relevant product lines viewed

- Brand name/logo, value proposition





1 Retargeting 101An introduction to retargeting

2 Audience Segmentation & Initial Campaign SetupDefine which site visitors will see your ads

3 Tailor and Personalize Your Offers and AdsProvide powerful, relevant and directed incentive to increase conversions

4 Optimizations TipsBest practices for continual campaign improvement

5 Key Takeaways3 secrets to retargeting success

Webinar Agenda



• Prepare early

• Pinpoint and build your audience ahead of time

• Plan enough time for your audience to scale appropriately by the time

you need to launch

4 Start EarlyDefine your audience for seasonal or limited times



4 Adapt to User Behavior (cont.)Segment your efforts by time

• Consider segmenting your audiences by time

• Day 1-7 segment

• Day 8-30 segment

• Ad frequency is set at the highest in first segment

• Ad frequency is reduced in the later segment



• You may also want to delay showing ads for a certain amount of time

• 30 day free trial

• Want to send visitors a reminder

• Also consider queuing up segments with different ads to vary your


• Avoid banner burnout

• Semi-dynamic messaging

• Introduce element of time and urgency

4 Adapt to User Behavior (cont.)Segment your efforts by time



• Example of a Remarketing Mishap #1:

• You set duration to 180 Days and collect 500 users

• Then set duration to 7 Days

• Those original 500 users will keep seeing the ads for half a year!

• If you make such a mistake and need to stop serving ads, you

have to:

• End the campaign

• Build a new audience list

4 Retargeting MistakesAvoid these common mishaps that can harm your campaign



• Example of a Remarketing Mishap #2:

• You launch without adding your TY page as a negative audience

• Results are good so you increase bids and serve even more ads

• Users convert, but continue to see your ads on the internet

• You cross over the line and turn from relevant to annoying!

• Your results also drop because you are marketing to the

wrong audience

• Again, if you make such a mistake you should:

• End the campaign

• Build a new audience list

4 Retargeting MistakesAvoid these common mishaps that can harm your campaign



1 Retargeting 101An introduction to retargeting

2 Audience Segmentation & Initial Campaign SetupDefine which site visitors will see your ads

3 Tailor and Personalize Your Offers and AdsProvide powerful, relevant and directed incentive to increase conversions

4 Optimizations TipsBest practices for continual campaign improvement

5 Key Takeaways3 secrets to retargeting success

Webinar Agenda



• Identify and actively adhere to your core goals and traffic targets

• Personalize your offers to strike a cord with your audience, encouraging the

opportunity for successful conversion

• Strategize your ad creative to effectively impact your various audience


• Optimize your remarketing timeline and structure a suitable cookie duration

5 Key Takeaways

Thank You!



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