Webnet Presentation


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Creating a CMS Websitewith WordPress

or how to make a department website without pulling too much hair outourenvironment.berkeley.edu

BY TRISH ROQUE, WEB & COMMUNICATIONS GALtroque@berkeley.edu, @trishroque,



• Formal training in visual arts

• Been at UCB since 2001 (w/ a break b/w 2008-2011)

• Private industry, freelance web design, focus on WP

• Been designing websites for ~6 years

• Been working with WP for ~5 years, and exclusively w/ Genesis Theme

Framework for ~2 yrs

• Front-end developer; not really a programmer (but not afraid to take

other people’s code to make it work for my projects)

Why WordPress? SHORT ANSWER: I don't know Drupal. I know WordPress.

THE PROBLEMS (Design, Technical)

• ~200 Graduate Students, ~70 Faculty & Specialists = CMS component

• Chair wanted a visually appealing website (total rebranding of the dept)

• Had to complete before the beginning of Fall semester

• Use minimal plugins (decrease dependencies on other devs)


Custom Post-Types, Custom Taxonomies, Custom Child Theme, Key Plugins

IT'S JUST CUSTOM CONTENT!! (Should really be called Custom Content Type!)

-or how to allow your users to enter information without confusing them by the use of custom fields & custom metaboxes

<?phpregister_post_type( $post_type, $args );?> WP Codex Page

Example: ESPM Member Page

RED = Custom Fields

BLUE = Custom Taxonomies

Power of WP Custom Taxonomies is unleashed with Custom Post Types

Taxonomy = a way of grouping things together

<?php register_taxonomy($taxonomy, $object_type, $args); ?>WP Codex Page

Example: Custom Taxonomy of People Type(hierarchical)

3 WordPress default taxonomies:Category, Tag, Link Category

MORE EXAMPLES (Non-hierarchical)Research Groups

What's a Child Theme?

• A way of creating a theme where customizations are preserved whenever WP or the

parent theme is upgraded.

• Customizations are made in the stylesheet and functions file

• Inherits all functionalities of the parent theme

It needs a Parent theme

• Must be from a trusted source

• Assumption is that these themes will be compatible w/ WP upgrades

• I work with the Genesis theme framework (a robust theme that extends WP


How to make WordPress useful as a Content Management System(or how to make your job easier by not having to maintain ~300 personal pages)

Role Scoper:Excellent plugin! (but a little confusing to set up)• assign various

permissions/restrictions to individuals

• assign individuals to role groups

• assign various permissions/restrictions to groups

Adminimize:Buggy - but seems to work for my purposes• minimizes the admin

interface that users see when they log in

• workaround for bugginess: pre-set up screen options

What admin seesWhat typical users see

Peter's Login Redirect: Redirects users to a specific URL after login.

Before plugin, first thing users see after logging in is WP built-in Profile section causing confusion.

With plugin, users are redirected to click on their member's page.



