Webstrategies presentation



This presentation was created for the clients whom I dealt with. I tried to help them in a way so that they can see the potential hidden under the soft skin of websites as it is no longer just a public face online. There could be thousands of such topics available at the net, but being a player of this field I indulge myself to publish it. I gathered all those pieces of helpful information I came across over a period of time, throughout my journey of eleven years and created it. Hopefully it would be liked by the audiences I am associated with.

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Planning Grassroots Web Strategies

What we will discuss

• Branding in Cyber Space

• Web Content Management

• Technology

• Search Engine Optimization

• Project plan

• Advantage

Brand building in Cyber Space

Why?-The advertiser has tried to communicate with someone lying on the couch half asleep for a long time… The man has woken up now

-Mobile content, Digital TV, downloading of TV series, online video and search for information on the net are new habits in media consumption and growing at a phenomenal pace.

-- Cross section of the society use the web for business, entertainment and information. Even tens of thousands of farmers in India use the web at the E Choupals and other such projects. This is not the future. It is a present day scenario.

Brand building in Cyber Space


- So brands cannot reach people only by buying media alone

- The consumer is front of the computer actually decides what he wants to see. He is the new creative director. How do you please this guy?

Brand building in Cyber Space

So what’s different?- Leap from brand communication to brand interaction

- Power to control customer’s behavior

-You have to earn consumer’s attention rather than simply buy it (on demand media)

-Social and Viral network can exponentially increase brand equity

-Marketing, evolving from media mogul determined dictatorship into consumer determined meritocracy

Brand building in Cyber Space

So what’s different?- Ever evolving formats

-Rich media banners / On line spots / Animated and electronic posters / Digital brochures / Community generating platform / Virtual press conference and events / Guerilla marketing / Viral marketing /Digital product placement / Ambient marketing

-Undoubtedly the tremendous Versatility and Flexibility are the two main characteristics of advertising in today’s new context

Brand building in Cyber Space

Power of interactivity-Interactive can help brands be where the consumers are in meaningful and relevant ways

-If your brand stands for innovation then you can demonstrate that innovation, not just tell about it

-This is where interactivity can leapfrog over traditional media, by tangible demonstration and brand experiences

-You can enable peer to peer network dynamics where consumers receive a message not from an advertiser but from their trusted friends

Brand building in Cyber Space

\\ Blogs

-Medium is the messenger

-Consumers are the creative department

-Brands need to work with their own consumers to build equity cooperatively

-Represents the trend towards an interconnected society with multiple information dissemination points

-Individuals capable of generating spontaneous communications phenomenon which may reach universal dimensions

Brand building in Cyber Space

Is advertising dead?

No, it has just become more interesting than ever!

Brand building in Cyber Space Important ingredients

-The way the Company handles customer inquiries -The ‘sound’ of a web site, -The tone of voice in its emails-Its downloading time, -The ease of navigation-Its security policy-Its color scheme

-Consistent writing style

Brand building in Cyber Space

The click factor – Real voice of the customer

-Generate radical new ideas that uncover hidden consumer needs the online experience can address (survey)

-Rigorously screen ideas for value to build a relevant customer experience. (Browser compatibility, Accessibility links etc.)

Brand building in Cyber Space

The click factor

Launch online promotions that meet the interests of your customers

Click: Electronic word of mouth (video testimonials.)Click: Freedom (Jump to content, choose your font size.)Click: Anytime, anywhere (Mobile ver, Enquiry toll free no. etc.)Click: Speed (downloading speed)Click: Information richClick: Electronic footprints (web stats)

Brand building in Cyber Space

Creating opportunity through the Cyber Brand

The Cyber brand has the opportunity to provide the user with an engaging experience

Audiences are not impressed with a site that spurs them off in too many directions or takes too long to find what they need.

Online audiences are easily frustrated by too many clicks in the online process.

Brand building in Cyber Space

Measure your efforts

Customer mouse movements

Hit map

Usability Test Reports

Value per Visitor

Brand valuation etc.


XHTML DevelopmentThe primary purpose of XHTML development is separation of form and content which is difficult and at times impossible with conventional HTML, especially with dynamic sites.

What is content and what is form?

Content is the actual information we display on any desired topic.


By form, we are referring to a set of technical instructions we have on a webpage so that the content can be displayed using a particular style. This set of instructions is not visible to the visitors to the website but are interpreted by the browser i.e. Internet Explorer, Fire fox, Chrome etc. to render the content in a desired manner (refer to the example below).


Example 1 (with formatting)

Tata Pipes

Tata Pipes has matured into a fully bloomed brand since 1996. A deeply thought out branding exercise was undertaken in order to unleash the power of the ‘Tata Pipes' Brand.

All retailer shops pre-identified by the RVM exercise were extended greater visibility through shutter paintings, retailer glow-signage’s, Pops.  Out of door advertising was also resorted to, to act as a reminder for the brand.


What the browser sees (if not in XHTML)

<td valign="top" align="justify"><span class="text"><span class="textheaderbig">Tata Pipes::</span><br><br> Tata &nbsp;&nbsp &nbsp;&nbsp Pipes has matured into a fully bloomed brand since&nbsp;&nbsp&nbsp;&nbsp&nbsp;&nbsp&nbsp;&nbsp 1996.A&nbsp;deeply&nbsp;thought&nbsp;out&nbsp;branding&nbsp;exercise was undertaken in orderto unleash the power of the &#8216;Tata Pipes' Brand.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br><br>All&nbsp;&nbsp;vretailer shops pre-identified by&nbsp;the &nbsp;&nbsp &nbsp;&nbsp &nbsp;&nbsp &nbsp;&nbsp RVM&nbsp;&nbsp;exercise&nbsp;were&nbsp;extendedgreater&nbsp;&nbsp;visibility through shutter paintings, retailer glow-&nbsp;&nbsp &nbsp;&nbsp &nbsp;&nbsp signages,POPs.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp


Advantage XHTML – (Critical to SEO success)

Search engines are programmed to see content more like human beings rather than a browser as their primary purpose is to return qualified results to human users who are looking for relevant information on a particular topic.

It is easier for search engines to rate content which have clean code.

It is also easier for browsers to display code where content and form are separate.

It is also considerably easier and more efficient to modify and maintain such code because content and content display styles can be modified separately without the risk of changes made at one end accidentally affecting the other.


W3C Compliance

What is the W3C?

In the words of Tim Berners-Lee who happens to be the director of W3C and the inventor of the World Wide Web or internet as we know it today;

“W3C is where the future of the Web is made. Our Members work together to design and standardize technologies that build on the Web’s universality. W3C creates the power to communicate, to exchange information and to write dynamic applications for anyone, anywhere, anytime, using any device.”


Case in point: www.tatashaktee.com

Was developed in XHTML with W3C validation

Ranks at the top on the first page in a Google search with the following keywords ‘G C sheets India’



Rich Internet Applications

A desktop like feel on a website! Is that possible????

With cutting edge technologies like AJAX, Dom-Scripting, and DHTML etc. we can make the web site screen close to a desktop application so that the user can enjoy a richer experience without the irritating page refreshes

Flash with Action Script 3 is also a very powerful tool which can even connect to databases and back end scripts. It is not just about playing videos!

The streaming video capabilities of flash are now well known, thanks to websites like Youtube, Metacafe etc.


Rich Internet Applications

The possibilities with RIA are infinite. We are going to present a few basic examples from websites which we have developed.


Example 1: www.eurofashions.in

www.eurofashions.in is an online store selling Euro branded innerwear.

The first thing which distinguishes this shopping site from other sites is adding an item to the shopping cart. It is done using AJAX and so there is no page refresh, takes little time and if the buyer is on a product listing page, he does not have to navigate away from the page.




Example 2: www.primoestates.com

Usage of RIA has other benefits too. We can prevent initial loading of all the data we want to display which could make the pages too heavy and greatly increase the loading time. The data can be loaded at later stages based on user inputs and requirements.

This not only decreases the loading time of content rich web pages but also helps in achieving a cleaner look and avoiding unnecessary clutter which can confuse a visitor and cause difficulty in navigation.

A prime example of this is the Primo estates property portal where I have implemented such technology primarily in the pages where there are categorical listings of properties and also on the property details and home page.

Advantage AGO









Other Examples of RIA :

Google maps based property location application can be develop for the real estate clients.



Dynamic Image gallery for the ( I have implemented Sobhasaria Engineering College)




The Web Projects showcase and client login form on my very own company website www.agomnimedia.com




RSS Feeds

RSS stands for either Rich Site Summary or Really Simple Sydication.

What an RSS feed does, is send updates/highlights to recipients instantly upon publication.



Implementing CMS is always a good idea. A Content Management System (CMS) is software, usually a database application that makes it easy to create and maintain websites and the content

A CMS will enable a user (non programmer) to edit, add or delete Content on the website, including links and images by using a graphical user interface, or a front-end editing alternative.

TechnologyCMSExample of AGO CMS which I have designed

The web administrator and his/her team will have the rights to log in to the CMS

TechnologyCMSDesktop like tabbed view

Research shows, stand alone applications have always had an edge over the orthodox web applications in terms of rich user experience. Therefore, Tubes site will have desktop like tabbed system so that a user can view all required information at a time without being redirected to a different page or having a large vertical scroll.

TechnologyCMSSmart forms with help tips and password strength indicator

Forms are not always self explanatory. Tubes site will have help pop ups to explain the user about the field. Password Strength indicators will help them to determine its vulnerability.

TechnologyCMSDesigner front ends with Advanced Functionalities

User friendly modern design approach to accommodate robust back-end and advance functionalities.


Multilingual Sites

Our CMS has the capabilities of adding and displaying multilingual content on a website with independent administration areas for entering and editing the content. Having a multilingual website is a very big advantage. Some of the reasons to go for a multilingual website are as follows:

As the Internet grows more people from developing countries such as China, India, Russia and Brazil gain steady access to the web. They browse websites, look up for information, and also make purchases. They prefer to browse websites in their own languages.

Second of all, if your website is translated to many languages, it enjoys a bigger flow of traffic. Your website will receive more visitors per day, per week, per month. This is good news


Multilingual Sites

English is no longer a number one language on the web.

English is even challenged in the United States of America where it gets a lot of competition from Spanish, Chinese and Russian.

Website translation is not an expense, it is an investment, probably the most cost-efficient you will ever make.


Cross Browser CompatibilityInconsistent display of a website across multiple browsers can be devastating to the brand image.

The risk of inconsistent display is a lot less when sites are standards compliant and properly structured as we have mentioned before.

We will ensure that the Tata tubes site will be 100% compatible and consistent across all major browsers like Internet Explorer, Firefox, Google Chrome etc.


Cross Platform Compatibility

Developing applications and CMS using PHP which can results in faster implementation and debugging, robust applications and cross platform compatibility. This is because PHP is supported on both Microsoft Windows Servers as well as Linux servers whereas proprietary languages like ASP.NET for example are supported on Windows servers only.

This gives us the flexibility to deploy our applications on any server and also enables us to switch servers at will.


Mobile accessThe Tubes site will be optimized for Mobiles

Most of the currently available mobile devices are able to display XHTML / WAP content.

We proposed a Tatatubes.mobi site dedicated to delivering the site to a phone or PDA . The .mobi site will clearly identify made-for-mobile Internet content and applications.


Web 2.0

The term "Web 2.0" describes the changing trends in the use of World Wide Web technology and web design that aim to enhance creativity, communications, secure information sharing, collaboration and functionality of the web.

Web 2.0 concepts have led to the development and evolution of web culture communities and hosted services, such as social-networking sites, video sharing sites, wikis, blogs etc.

The points which we have discussed in our previous slides are essentially the essence of Web 2.0, the rules for success on this new platform.


Driving traffic to your siteA successful plan to drive traffic will encompass many different angles. If you are planning to drive traffic, remember that it will take time. SEO has to be a sustained effort over a period of time

Search engines drive a large amount of traffic on the web. If you are serious about driving traffic to your site then you will be serious about having a good ranking in the search engines.


Search Engine friendly designsWeb site design guidelines keep in mind that there's nothing like a poorly designed site to instantly lose traffic and alienate potential visitors.


Important elements of search engine optimization

A Meta tag is a hidden tag that lives in the <HEAD> of an HTML document. It is used to supply additional information about the HTML document.



Web site optimization (WSO) is the process of reducing web site size and complexity to maximize website performance.

Website optimization can also include search engine optimization, pay per click optimization, and conversion rate optimization (getting more traffic and sales) as part of the overall site design process.

to be continue

Page Optimization


By doing a search on any search engine using the type of keywords that are related to the Tubes site, we will find a whole list of potential sites that could link to the Tubes site.

It helps if you have a site that contains useful content.

Building Links


When people search the internet they are mostly looking for answers, or a solution to a problem.

Search engines, especially search engines like Google love content

Every page in the Tubes site can be optimized for specific phrases or keywords.

Building Content


One of the best ways to build sustainable traffic to the site site is to create a community.

Newsgroups and bulletin boards can over time turn the Tubes site into a high traffic zone.

Building Community


The site should be available via RSS to provide the readers with another way to keep up to date on the information they need.

RSS can feed to say a desktop aggregator an automatically updated list of the latest stories/news or those one selects based on popularity, subject matter, or other criteria.

RSS Feeds


Regular Maintenance

• Identifying Targets (understanding the business)• Identifying keywords e.g. steel pipes etc.• Onsite content optimization based on latest search engine Behaviors and web standards.• Incoming link building • Creation of Mirror sites.• Submission to all major search engines.• Tracking results and analysis of competition.• Maintenance and improvement of ranking. Suggestions: Google Ad

words, PPC etc.


Creativity + Technology

A successful branding effort on the net will require a combination of creative and technical skills.

One has to understand the nuances of cyber branding as well have the capability to execute them using cutting edge technology.


Brands nurtured by us for AGO

AdvantageScientifically designed user interfaces for maximizing clicks

Advantage AGOAGO developed some user rich interfaces which took them forward to generate sales and revenue.

Advantage AGO

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Advantage AGO


Flash based Interactive ApplicationWeb technologies have moved on a lot in the last few years, and so have the business models for using it. An easy to use flash based interactive application can grab market share from your competitors, provide you with information, improve the value of your offerings or in fact become the core of your organization’s offering to the public.

Don't worry about what is possible, or what can and can't be done - that’s our job. We can even help you develop a concept or come up with one if you give us a business objective.

Advantage of application

Web Applications are considered to be the most successful device to generate hit on the website. Macroman Excitometer which captured a young audience to play and get a Male Quotient Certificate to show off

Advantage AGO

Multimedia and Flash GamesKeep things fresh for companies who are transitioning part of their marketing mix from print to multimedia, to reach the “email me” and “text me”generations. They grow up with email and text, so they are technology savvy and use multimedia.

Games are always helpful to drive the users to the website ,for example we have developed a beautiful dancing game in flash which really encourages users to make the character in the game to dance like Hrithick Roshan if they want to win. The game got so popular with young folks that is was in the Jadavpur University blogs for a long time.

Advantage of Analytics

Valuation ExerciseKeep track of reports on Brand valuation / Usability / Web stats etc.to its clients for their ROI .

Content Vs Technology

Content is King

Technology includes two different perspectives, the commodity perspective and the strategic perspective

adopt the strategic perspective that draws strength and value from the end user who wants things simple and easy to use, as well as from the business entities like Tubes who want to cut costs and avoid creating solutions that become obsolete in fewer years than their payback.

Thank You!