What are the differences between ux and ui design


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What are the Differences Between UX and UI Design

User Experience” is exactly that: the experience of the User. It’s the creation of the environment or space in which the user can experience things, usually in the form of a narrative. These things can be shaped in subtle ways to lead the user to a particular end favorable for the commercial concern creating it.

What are the differences between UX and UI Design


What are the differences between UX and UI Design


• “User Interface” is the thing or mechanism by which someone can shape a particular experience for the user

• It conventionally refers to a visual computer interface, and sometimes the audio interface

• With the introduction of the smartphone, it includes multi-touch and increasingly, voice-based interfaces such as Siri and Google Now

What are the differences between UX and UI Design


•UI, unlike UX, defines the behavioral interactions between the software and the human mind

What are the differences between UX and UI Design


• The mechanism and dynamic of the UI are observable, measurable, and testable

• UX is not necessarily restricted to a computing device

• A businesses model that leads a person through a store, with greeters and employees is a kind of a User Experience

What are the differences between UX and UI Design


• Each car drive has a User Experience

• Disneyland is a kind of highly-engineered User Experience

• Ron Johnson, designed the User Experience of Apple Stores tried to bring that to JC Penny stores

What are the differences between UX and UI Design


• The election campaign of the United States President Barak Obama was reported to have significantly better and thoughtful User Experience than that of rival campaigns

• The User Experience of traditional classroom-based

education typically sucks

• It’s very tempting to try to measure a “better” User Experience

What are the differences between UX and UI Design


Anyone can measure physiological responses such as-

• Heart-rate variability

• Cranial activity

• Relative levels of dopamine

• Serotonin

What are the differences between UX and UI Design


• Those physiological measures are tied to environmental factors, such as culture, sub-culture, society, and individual psychology

What are the differences between UX and UI Design


• Some people like something and other people dislike that same something

• A better example for sussing out User Experience is found in Clotaire Rapaille’s work

• Rapaille has conducted sponsored studies using a framework that resulted in his book, The Culture Code

• One of the studies he did was for Jeep, an American car manufacturer

What are the differences between UX and UI Design


• Jeep asked Rapaille to suss out what people’s experience of Jeep

• It’s a kind of User Experience study

• His method was to take groups of adults in a room, establish rapport, and gradually bring them back to childhood memories

What are the differences between UX and UI Design


• Then he would ask the group for associations with a particular topic, in this case, “Jeep.”

• The method allows images, emotions, and other associations to surface up, normally buried underneath

• Rapaille would then collate all the responses and find the single word that encapsulate them all

What are the differences between UX and UI Design


• In the case of “Jeep”, for Americans in his study group, it is “Horse”

• For the demographics he was studying, there were associations with Jeep and World War II

• As a result of the study, Jeep rounded the

headlights to emphasize the subconscious association with “horse”

What are the differences between UX and UI Design


• Rounding the headlights might sound like a trivial, aesthetic change

• It might be something that might associate with a superficial, visual change

• By surfacing up the underlying associations, can make changes to the experience

What are the differences between UX and UI Design


• They hit a deeper, more subconscious level because the changes were informed by the method Rapaille used to surface up associations

• Selecting typeface might seem like a concern for UI

• In Chapter 3 of Design for Hackers, David Kadavy talks about the history of typography

What are the differences between UX and UI Design


• The deeper experiences that come from using one typeface instead of a different typeface

• While the typeface itself forms part of the UI, there is an UX that emerges from the human mind seeing the typeface

• So UI and UX interact in that, the UX of a computing system emerges primarily from the UI

What are the differences between UX and UI Design


• Someone cannot directly measure the experience of another human mind

What are the differences between UX and UI Design


• He or she can only infer or intuit the experience by examining the actions undertaken between the human mind and the software via the UI

• There is no objectively “better” or “worse” UX for all people in all the times.

What are the differences between UX and UI Design


• However, there are UX that can shape or lean some of the people towards an idea, or a narrative for a given time

• There are implications of humble technologies like a hammer or a pencil, beyond the uses in which we take for granted

Which Profession is Better Paid


Salaries are of course dictated by many factors, though primarily:

• Location


• Industry

•project/product type

Which Profession is Better Paid


•UI and UX jobs have similar salary ranges across startups and minor tech industries

• There are more and richer opportunities for UI designers

• it is possible to find both User Experience and User Interface jobs across the following range of value in central Europe

Which Profession is Better Paid


Annual:• Junior Level Salary €28k – €33k•Mid Level Salary €38k – €45k•Senior Level Salary €50k – €80k

Hourly:• Junior Freelancer €30 – €50•Mid Level Freelancer €50 – €75•Senior Level Consultant €75 – €100

Bring it Altogether


•These two fields are completely related when it comes to working on them

• They are fields that should never be separated in the work-place

• they are fields where the two creative who perform these jobs shouldn’t work with different directives

Bring it Altogether


• There is an interdependent aspect to a lot of what we do in the design world

• the UI and UX parties should never run on their own without coordination from the other

• UI and UX is a topic of much debate, and one that honestly is true to form when it comes to a debate

• It enhances the knowledge of both parties in the debate on both topics that are subject to it

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