What Is Chain Email


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What is Chain Email? 

"chain email" mean any email that suggests to the recipient that he forward it to "all your friends and relatives" or anything similar, thus forming a chain between the author of the email and each recipient.

The fundamental principle of such emails is that the intended recipient is valued not for their thoughtfulness, resourcefulness, careful consideration of issues, willingness to enter into a dialog, or even conversational abilities, but, rather, primarily for their address list and their willingness to react, rather than respond, to some hot-button issue.

Common methods used in "chain email"  include emotionally manipulative stories, get-rich-quick pyramid schemes, and the exploitation of superstition to threaten the recipient with bad luck or even physical violence or death if he or she "breaks the chain" and refuses to adhere to the conditions set out in the email. "chain email"  can grow exponentially and be hard to stop and would clog the mailbox.  

I certainly won't forward such emails to anyone else, except to postmasters or other 

authorities to report potentially illegal scam. 

The only way I respond to "chain email" is to strongly suggest to whoever sent one to me that they not do that 

again, and that they not continue to send such emails to anyone else. 

Please do not forward chain email to anyone else. 

Remember, if you truly value your friends, you presumably see them as representing more to you than just contacts 

with yet more friends, and you value (or at least wish to encourage!) their ability to respond, rather than react, with 

their full mental and spiritual capacities to important issues. 

Only if you keep your highest ideals regarding your friends in mind will you be able to compose an email that reaches 

them with a message of valuing them as being at least as capable of you are in determining the importance of an issue, 

deciding how to respond to it, and so on. 

If and when the content of the incoming "chain email" could be of interest to the Internet and cyber society, I convert 

the contents in PDF I locate it in a web site as @ 

(1) My Information site http://www.meetup.com/BARAONDA‐Italian‐the‐place‐WHERE‐TO‐GO‐IN‐


(2) My eBay http://www.meetup.com/eBay‐as‐second‐income‐and‐hobby‐surf‐shop‐or‐sale/ 

eBay as second income and hobby surf shop or sale 

(3) My Company 


Regretfully the new technology allow to include in "chain email" JPG. To delete this JPG is a really waste of time 

for the intended recipient.  Not only but to many do not know how to send email to multiple recipient.  Providing 

email address of the recipient to everybody. 

Provided with my best knowledge with the hope to contribute to the well been of the Internet user. Best regards  Andrea(mr)  http://www.lamarstone.tel/ Click or copy in your browser the hyperlink, there are the co‐ordinate for your information. To avoid our emails being seen as junk, please add our "From" address to your Address Book. 

Dp: H:\ALPHA\AGSTORY\What is Chain Email.docx