Why Erlang? - Bar Camp Atlanta 2008



My talk at Bar Camp Atlanta, 10/18/08. Why Erlang? A brief introduction to the Erlang Programming Language and why you should use it.

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Why Erlang?

Brad AndersonBarCamp AtlantaOct. 18, 2008

brad@sankatygroup.comtwitter: @boorad

http://boorad.weebly.comblog url (for now)

Huh? Erlang?

Programming Language created at Ericsson (20 yrs old now)

Designed for scalable, long-lived systems

Compiled, Functional, Dynamically Typed, Open Source

20 yrs old, open source since mid-90ʼs, iirc.

like a mobile telephone grid

compiled (but to bytecode for a VM)

open source, but no access to VCS, just tarballs

3 Biggies

Massively Concurrent

Seamlessly Distributed

Fault Tolerant

Why Erlang?

Here are my three big ticket items - massively concurrent - seamlessly distributed into multi-machine clusters - extremely fault tolerant

Great for my projects - data storage & retrieval - scalable web apps

Maybe not so hot for computationally intensive projects - unless they lend themselves to parallelism

Big #1 - Concurrent

User space “green” threads

VM manages processes across kernel threads to maximize CPU utilization across all available cores

Quad core? Almost 4 times faster

No mutable data structuresuserspace threads != OS threads, so we can have thousands or more of these little guys

32- and 64-core processors coming

Properly written Erlang code will run N times faster on an N core processor.

I have spawned 500,000 processes on my MBP - didnʼt sweat

no mutable data == no locks, mutexes, semaphores == easy to parallelize

Big #1 - Concurrent

image: http://english.people.com.cn/200512/21/images/pop2.jpg

Processes are self-contained

Think of objects in Java, Python, etc.

Each process has its own stack

GC is per-process

If a process crashes, it does not affect any other processes

Message Passing Concurrency

No Shared Memory - I have mine, you have yours. Two separate brains.

To change your memory, I send you a message.

We understand concurrency Erlang-style, because the world outside of programming is parallel

Big #1 - Concurrent-module(test).-compile(export_all).

start() -> spawn(fun() -> loop([]) end).

rpc(Pid, Query) -> Pid ! {self(), Query}, receive {Pid, Reply} -> Reply end.

loop(X) -> receive Any -> io:format(“Received:~p~n”, [Any]), loop(X) end.

Programming Erlang First Edition - Joe Armstrongstart/0 will spawn the new process, firing off loop/1

loop/1 is tail recursive and waits for a message

rpc/2 is how you send a message in

Big #2 - Distributed

Nodes are separate OS processes, instances of the VM

They are completely separate from each other, but connect to form a cluster

Processes can be started on any node in the cluster

So, start up two nodes on different servers, and you are distributed.

Big #2 - Distributed

here we have different nodes started on different machines that form clusters.

There are three clusters split across three machines, but I could reallocate if Red needed more horses

All of this is fairly seamless - if a new node shows up, itʼs added to the cluster and can begin to handle new processes for the cluster

Big #3 - Fault Tolerant

Links are formed between processes

If a process exits abnormally, all linked processes exit too.

System processes trap exits. Instead of exiting, they receive a message with the Pid and exit status of linked processes

Back to our real-world thinking, If someone dies, people will notice

The mobile telecom system of the UK is a PROD Erlang application.

9 nines of reliablility - 32ms of downtime per year

Big #3 - Fault Tolerant

Supervision Trees

Worker processes do the real work

Supervisor processes monitor workers and restart them as needed

Supervisors can also monitor other supervisors

Other Goodies

Lists & Comprehensions

Pattern Matching

Higher-Order Functions

bit syntax

Live Code reloading

ets & dets




Lisp or Python comprehensions - leads us to map/reduce goodness

Pattern Matching from Prolog, very cool for elegant coding

functions are first class, can be passed around, and maintain scope for closures

bit syntax is great for working w/ protocols

live code reloading helps with those 9 nines, no downtime

ets & dets are efficient term storage mechanisms

Mnesia - built in distributed database, no need for ORM, no impedence mismatch, stores Erlang terms

OTP - libraries!

Dialyzer - code coverage, type analysis

Erlang Hotness

Facebook Chat







github / Engine Yard



Yahoo! delicious2

Facebook Chat - already huge, new feature had to scale, chose Erlang

Meebo - web-based IM

RabbitMQ - super-scalable message broker

ejabberd - super scalable XMPP server

OpenPoker - high volume poker server

CouchDB - document database, stores JSON docs, not relational

Scalaris - Distributed Key Value System, colossal amounts of data, ACID, very fast retrieval

github / Engine Yard - project provisioning

Yaws - super scalable web server (ditto for mochiweb)

delicious2 used Erlang to port data to new system, role in PROD system now?

Yaws vs. Apache


throughput (KB/s) vs load

Apache (blue, green) dies when running load of 4000 parallel sessions

red curve is yaws on NFS, blue is Apache running on NFS, green is Apache on local file system


Joe Armstrong

Programming Erlang - http://www.pragprog.com/titles/jaerlang


Toby DiPasquale - http://cbcg.net/talks/erlang.pdf

Sam Tesla - http://www.alieniloquent.com/talks/ErlangConcepts.pdf
