Workshop 'Barriers to Open Data' Apps4Finland



Ville Meloni

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Barriers and their solutions‘making #opendata work’

Apps4Finland Workshop

Helsinki, 21 November 2011

tonzijlstra.euknowledge work, learning, social media

community steward

Networked life, networked work, networked learningDigital Disruption Wave

disruption wave

untapped abundance

Networked life, networked work, networked learning

Costs too much; Whatʼs the business case; Has commercial value; Possible privacy issues; Confidential info; Itʼs not ours, and we donʼt know who owns it; Itʼs not ours and supplier wonʼt allow it; The quality isnʼt very good; We donʼt know where it is; Not our job; Itʼs in a useless format anyway; I donʼt have the authority; People will misuse the data; People will use it wrongly; Only we understand our data; Weʼll get sued; Files are just too big; Too little bandwith; It starts with this, but whereʼs the end? Itʼs there, but canʼt be opened; Data is dated/too old; Itʼs not in digital format; Is this even legal?; Our Minister says no; We never have done this before, why start now?; I donʼt see the use; Nobody will be interested; No time; No resources; Just do FOIA requests; Weʼll publish it redacted; Itʼs not complete; It contains errors; Itʼs commercially sensitive; Combining this with other data is dangerous; People will come to wrong conclusions; People will get lost and confused; It will trigger endless discussions; We canʼt confirm or deny we have that data; Weʼll get feedback, and canʼt handle that; Our IT supplier says itʼs not possible; Our IT supplier will charge too much; Our site will crash; Itʼs already online! (but in unfindable PDFs); If people download it and use it later it will be outdated; I canʼt take responsibility for all the reuse; People will get angry; Our data is in contradiction to the data of the department that is in charge of the topic; Only we truly understand.....statistics/meteo/geo/laws; Weʼll disrupt the market; It will only be used to attack us.

excuses or reasonable questions?

SharePSI workshop: barriersSee

access to data still main issue!

tools emerging

finding ways to work with data


transition for government

typical for new skies

social ‘scaffolding’ = main ‘fix’


Deal with it!

SharePSI workshop: barriersSee

routes to solutions (feedback loops)

axis of solutions• top - middle - bottom

• short - mid - long term

• transition - the new ‘normal’

• small - medium - large scale

• all at the same time


• technically open

• legally open

• organizationally / socially open

four typical approaches

• catering

• solving the wrong issues

• falling into the compliance trap

• skipping the ‘social scaffolding’

that won’t help, unless ...

The ‘re-user’ does not exist

‘Re-use’ can’t be predicted

four typical approaches

• catering

• solving the wrong issues

• falling into the compliance trap

• skipping the ‘social scaffolding’

that won’t help, unless ...

is it you that should solve it?

four typical approaches

• catering

• solving the wrong issues

• falling into the compliance trap

• skipping the ‘social scaffolding’

that won’t help, unless ...

Compliance Trap

Networked life, networked work, networked learning

Work differently?(lower budgets, more efficient, more effective)

Use different instruments!(open data)

making #opendata a gov instrument

making #opendata a social object

public space maintenance in Enschede

Patient opinions (UK)

1) your issue 2) connected data 3) new ways

four typical approaches

• catering

• solving the wrong issues

• falling into the compliance trap

• skipping the ‘social scaffolding’

that won’t help, unless ...

Networked life, networked work, networked learning

know the gov does not exist. find 1 civil servant

find 1 civil servant ~ find 1 citizen

CreditsAll photos: Ton Zijlstra, by nc saExcept where mentioned on the photo.

Slides: Ton Zijlstra, by

Slides: ton@tonzijlstra.euSkype: ton_zylstra

tonzijlstra.euknowledge work, learning, social media
