WWF's Confluence Intranet Journey


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September 2011

WWF’s social intranet journey

Adrian Cockle

Friday, 23 September 11

Hi there, lovely to be here. Want to talk about the journey we’ve taken over the last 18 months - from creaking old fashioned intranet to a modern, social intranet powered by confluence.

Friday, 23 September 11

Just to avoid any confusion - pandas, not wrestlers. largest and most respected independent conservation organisations – supported by 5 million people and active in over 100 countries on five continents.I head up the online team in WWF-UK - 350 ppl across 4 locations

A little bit of history...

Friday, 23 September 11

First, a little bit of history.


Friday, 23 September 11

First, a little background. Our intranet, Arena, first launched back in 2001

Friday, 23 September 11

To put that in perspective, in 2001 Facebook, twitter, Myspace and YouTube didn't exist; Google had only just started making money

Friday, 23 September 11

Wikipedia launched and

Friday, 23 September 11

Brian won the second series of Big Brother.

So, in web terms it was getting on a bit...

Friday, 23 September 11

Beige beauty.BottleneckHTML Transit - published via formatted Word Docs

FormalDictatedTablets of stone



Friday, 23 September 11

There's been a real change in how people use the web - a power shift from the few to the many.

Friday, 23 September 11

It wasn't too far back that Encyclopedia Britannica was the font of all knowledge

Friday, 23 September 11. These days, Wikipedia is more likely to be the first stop - a site edited by tens of thousands of volunteers around the world, and no writers or editors on the payroll.

bit.ly/rockdotsFriday, 23 September 11

Watch the evolution of a wiki article

Friday, 23 September 11

Confluence used within the WWF network

Friday, 23 September 11

Doing all this was a pretty big job, so luckily we had some help. The 40 members of the Grapevine have been great. They've been getting their teams' content updated and in the new system, acting as guinea pigs and giving us feedback on the progress.

Friday, 23 September 11

We ran a survey to learn how you all use it - what you find useful, what you like, what you don't and what you'd like to change.

We found that the biggest problem was that it was hard to find the information you need quickly. There was too much out of date stuff, no search engine and navigation that didn't really help. That was out starting point for the new version.

Friday, 23 September 11

We ran workshops back in January to design the navigation and one person in particular was a huge help, although she doesn't know it


Friday, 23 September 11

- Mary! We tried to keep her in mind as an example of someone using Arena 2 without a technical background. Making it easy to use by everyone was a key aim.

Friday, 23 September 11

Here’s the homepage. The look and feel matched our external site when we launched it - down to using the green button (donate on wwf.org.uk) as a big signpost to “How do I...?” a bit like FAQs. Survey - downloading forms.

We used some custom code to create a more editorially controlled version than the traditional dashboard as user testing showed that quite a lot of testers found it quite confusing. We’re going to have a play with the new Adaptavist hompage plugin though - the current one isn’t as flexbile as we’d like. Each chunk is an include from another page.

Friday, 23 September 11

One of our bug bears is the number of emails we receive. We had a objective to reduce the number of all staff ones sent. The first target was the daily list of sarnies available in our cafe.

Anyone interested can hit the ‘watch’ button to get their own email notifications.

Friday, 23 September 11

There are daily ‘LOST MUG’ emails too, so we put together a page for that too!

Friday, 23 September 11

We’re a global organisation, so we embedded a google map with 180 of our projects around the world so staff can explore the breadth of our work.

Friday, 23 September 11

We’re using Arena for much more two-way and peer-to-peer communication too. We’re embedding polldaddy polls to get quick feedback on all sorts of topics - from the latest Action magazine to gauging opinions before and after our internal lunchtime debates.

Friday, 23 September 11

We’re even getting staff from around the org using much more advanced features of confluence, like creating thumbnail galleries using attached images.

Friday, 23 September 11

The most complicated bit of in-house development was this google maps hack to create a lift sharing tool.

Friday, 23 September 11

Love this - nightly email with everything that’s changed.

Friday, 23 September 11

Over the 18 months since launch encouraging managers to include elements of sharing in people’s annual review objectives.

Friday, 23 September 11

Tracking progress against objectives regularly - 35% of users taking richer action - createm edit, comment. Needed a bit of custom development to track some of this.

Now track all of that, plus top pages, top edits, #unique contributors

Friday, 23 September 11

Show one page - indicator of success.

Friday, 23 September 11

Friday, 23 September 11

Also, brief note on Yammer.Looking at integration. R&DOnline weekly updates

Friday, 23 September 11also, bullshit.



“If you try to reduce all the noise in your system you eventually lose any signal. Our attempts to protect ourselves from rubbish can mean we lose the gold dust”

Friday, 23 September 11




Friday, 23 September 11
