Zelda's zoo adventure


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Zelda’s Zoo Adventure

By Amanda and Laura

Today Zelda is going on a field trip to the zoo with her class. Zelda is really excited. She has never been to the zoo.

Zelda is so excited that when they arrive at the zoo, she runs off!

The first thing Zelda sees are the monkeys.

The first thing Zelda sees are the elephants.

As Zelda walked to the cage, the monkeys were making a lot of racket. Zelda looked around and noticed the cage was open. Zelda was curious so she walked in.

As Zelda walked in a monkey jumped on her. This distracted her, and all the other monkeys ran out of the cage into the zoo. Zelda didn’t know what to do, so she…

yelled for help.

ran and got a zookeeper.

As Zelda yelled for help, her teacher came running. She yelled at Zelda and told her this never would have happened if she would have stayed with her class. When Zelda turned around, all the monkeys had returned to their cage.

racket - a loud noise

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distracted - to lose attention to what’s going on

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The zookeeper came to the rescue. He blew his whistle, and all the monkeys came running back into their cage. Then the zoo- keeper let Zelda feed the monkey a banana.

When she got to the elephants there was a long line of people. Zelda realized they were waiting in line to ride the elephants. She really wanted to do this, but she didn’t have any money so she…

asked someone

for money.cut in line.

Zelda walked up to some lady and pulled her skirt. The lady turned around and to Zelda’s surprise, it was her teacher. Zelda’s teacher was furious at her for running off, but she still gave her the money so she could ride the elephant.

Zelda was very sneaky as she walked to the front of the line. Zelda cut in front of the first child, and it turned out to be one of her classmates. The child screamed for her teacher, and when the teacher got there she yelled at Zelda and told her she could never come back to the zoo.
