Alba Iulia, Coronation Cathedral

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The first cathedral built after the Great Union in 1918 was the Coronation Cathedral which was constructed in 1921-1922. Built for a specific purpose: to be the place of coronation of King Ferdinand and Queen Mary as kings of all Romanians and Romania reunited after World War, it is a synthesis of many Romanian architectural and traditional decorative elements. Catedrala Încoronării din Alba Iulia, cu hramul Sfânta Treime, a fost construită cu sprijinul Casei Regale a României, după planurile arhitectului Victor


Lucrările au fost începute la 28

martie 1921 şi au fost finalizate la

mijlocul lunii septembrie 1922,

la 8 octombrie având loc sfinţirea şi

primirea hramului Sfinţilor

Arhangheli Mihail şi Gavril, în

memoria primului întregitor al românilor şi

patron al evenimentului

Bell Tower

A 58m-tall bell tower marks the main entrance to the complex.

În curtea acestei biserici a avut loc în data de 15 octombrie 1922 ceremonia de încoronare a Regelui Ferdinand şi a Reginei Maria ca suverani ai României Mari. După ce Miron Cristea, Patriarhul României, a ţinut în catedrală o Liturghie solemnă şi a sfinţit coroanele regale

Arhitectura în stil bizantin a fost inspirată de Biserica Domnească din Târgovişte, vechiul loc de încoronare pentru voievozii valahi

The cathedral is designed in the shape of a Greek circumscribed cross, and surrounded by a wall of decorative colonnades enclosing its peaceful gardens within

Edificiul are formă de cruce greacă înscrisă. Intrarea în biserică se face printr-un pridvor deschis cu arcade mari, sprijinite pe patru coloane cu capiteluri. În nişele laterale din pridvor sunt fixate patru plăci de marmură cu inscripţii comemorative

Here in Alba Iulia was the first Romania Unification from 1599 to 1601 by Prince Mihai Viteazu (Michael the Brave) and also the second one on 1st December 1918 (the Big Unification of Romania).

On both entrance sides are the

portraits of King Ferdinand and

Queen Mary. The portraits have been restored after 1989, having been covered

in paint during the communist regime

Pictura murală a fost realizată de pictorul Costin Petrescu. De o parte i de alta a ș

intrării, apar portretele suveranilor

României Mari, Regele Ferdinand I Întregitorul i regina ș

Maria. În timpul regimului comunist, cele două portrete

au fost acoperite cu o peliculă de vopsea, fiind restaurate după


Ferdinand I King of Romania from 1914 to 1927

Queen Marie of Romania (1875-1938)

Queen Marie of Romania (1875-1938)Statue by Stefan Ciprian Bintintan

Text: Internet

Pictures: Sanda Foişoreanu

Otilia Contraş

InternetCopyright: All the images belong to their authors

Presentation: Sanda Foiş

Sound: Cor bãrbãtesc Moisei - Iartã-mã, Doamne!

The first cathedral built after the Great Union in 1918 was the Coronation Cathedral which was constructed in 1921-1922 and is a synthesis of many Romanian architectural and traditional decorative elements. It was built for a specific purpose: to be the place of coronation of King Ferdinand and Queen Mary as kings of all Romanians and Romania reunited after World War. In 1948, the gate marked the integration of the clergy and of the Christians of the United Romanian Church under the Romanian Orthodox Church. The cathedral became a symbol of the Romanian history and culture.The Coronation Cathedral (Romanian: Catedrala Încoronării), dedicated to the Holy Trinity and the Holy Archangels Michael and Gabriel was erected following the plans of the architect Victor tefănescu and with the support of the ȘRomanian Royal House. The church has a byzantine architecture.The entrance is made by means of a closed stoop designed with large arches sustained upon 4 columns ending in capitals. There are marble commemorative plates placed inside the stoop’s side alcoves. These are representations of the New Testament’s printing ordered by the metropolitan bishop Simion tefan in 1648, as well as scenes from the 1600 ȘUnion under Mihai Viteazu, Horea, Clo ca and Cri an’s martyrdom and the spiritual union of the Romanian people.ș șThe oak altarpiece, furniture and stand are decorated according to the so called „Brâncoveanu” tradition.King Ferdinand and Queen Mary’s coronation ceremony took place inside the cathedral’s yard. The coronation didn’t take place inside the church, king Ferdinand being a catholic didn’t agree with a Romanian orthodox metropolitan bishop laying the crown on his head. Therefore, he crowned himself. He was the one to place the crown on the queen’s head as well.The church’s name was turned into the „Romanian Orthodox Reunification Cathedral” in 1948. Ceremonia de încoronare a Regelui Ferdinand şi a Reginei Maria ca suverani ai României Maria avut loc în faţa clopotniţei, unde a fost amenajată o scenă îmbrăcată în pânză roşie, pe care era înălţat baldachinul încoronării, întreţesut cu brocart roşu şi galben pe un fond alb. Încoronarea nu s-a făcut în catedrală deoarece Ferdinand, care era de religie catolică, nu a dorit să fie încoronat de un membru al Bisericii Ortodoxe. Astfel, Ferdinand şi-a aşezat singur pe cap Coroana de Oţel, după care a pus coroana de aur pe capul soţei sale îngenunchiate