Guanqian street in suzhou (蘇州觀前街)

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Guanqian St. in Suzhou蘇州觀前街


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Guanqian Street Guanqian Street is a street in Suzhou, Jiangsu Province, China. The street is located in Suzhou city centre, an area covering 0.52 square kilometres, the commercial part of the city. It is an old street consisting of a Grand Taoist Building group, which has a long history of more than 1,300 years. The Temple of the Lord, its name is Sanqing Temple. The street is named for a temple-Xuanmiao Temple, which is on the street, because it is in front of the temple. This street has existed since 1930 and has been renovated many times since then. On June 1982, the street was designated by the municipal authority as a “walking street” and a new night market was established. The street has been honoured as the one of the Four Most Famous Walking Streets in China (other three: Nanjing’s Fuzimiao, Shanghai’s Cheng Huang Miao and Beijing’s Tianqiao). Lying in the downtown core of Suzhou, the main theme of the street involves eating, shopping and entertaining. There are hundreds of shops, restaurants, bars, stores and clubs in old fashioned structures surrounded by colorful signs and neon lights along the street. The location of this 150-year-old street lying in front of the Xuanmiao Taoist temple explains its name, which means "before a temple". The street running 760 metres long, consists of the eastern, middle and western sections. The eastern part is filled with nice ancient buildings of historical significance. The middle is mainly the temple and fashionable shops occupy the western part. Strolling on Guanqian Street is a favorite pastime of the locals. Now, the restored street attracts not only Suzhou people but also visitors, as it is an attraction blending business, culture, religion and food delights. There are many features of the street, including the famous century-old shops such as Huangtianyuan,

Sanwanchang, Caizhizhai and so on, which gain an international reputation. It is precisely the existence of these century-old shops that make the Guanqian Street not only become a typical commercial street, but also illustrate the culture of Suzhou. Tourists at home and broad are attracted by these century-old shops because there is variety of Jiangnan dishes available in those century-old shops. Meanwhile, some of the shops have a long history of more than 100 years, which gives the tourists deep impressions and many of the tourists visiting Guanqian street just come to enjoy the delicious food.

W 觀前街 Guanqian Street 觀前街 Guanqian Street E

Xuanmiao Temple(The Temple of Mystery) 玄妙觀

Taijian Alley 太監弄 Bifeng Lane 碧風坊 (Famous Catering St.)

LinDun R

d 臨頓路

Palace Lane 宮巷

觀前街 觀前街是中國,江蘇省,蘇州市的一條街。這條街位於蘇州市中心,面積 0.52 平方公里,是城市的商業區域。 這條老街包含了大群的道教建築,已有 1,300 多年的悠久歷史。主殿稱為三清殿。老

街位於玄妙觀的前面,因此被命名為觀前街。自 1930 年到現在已經過多次整修, 1982 年 6月由市政當局指定為「步行街」,並設立了夜市。觀前街是中國四大著名步行街之一(其他三處是:南京的夫子廟,上海的城隍廟和北京的天橋)。觀前街坐落在蘇州市中心的核心區,街道主要是以餐飲,購物和娛樂為主。數以百計的

傳統建築商店、餐館、酒吧和俱樂部,沿街圍繞著五顏六色的招牌和霓虹燈。這條 150 年的街道橫臥在道教玄妙觀之前,說明了街的名字是在「道觀之前」的位置。街道縱長


…街道具有很多面貌,其中百年老店包括著名的,如黃天源,三萬昌,采芝齋 等,都享有國際聲譽。正是這些百年老店,使觀前街不僅是一個典型的商業街,同時也顯示出了蘇州文化的所在。一些超過百年歷史的商店,給遊客帶來深刻的印象,遊客被這些百年老店吸引,因為不同的店家各自擁有各種各樣的江南菜餚,許多來到觀前街造訪的遊客,只是為了來享受美味的食物。

There are sightseeing rickshaws at the LinDun Rd which is at the east end of Guanqian Street. 觀前街東端,臨頓路上的觀光人力車。

TsuhFang Bridge, connect LinDun Rd and Guanqian St. 醋坊橋,連結臨頓路和觀前街

The east archway of Guanqian Street.觀前街東側牌樓。

Guanqian Pedestrianized Shopping Street觀前步行購物街

The 760 m Guanqian Street equipped with electric cars, you can get on and off at anywhere of the street, costs 2 yuan / person. 觀前街全長 760 米,備有電動車代步,在街道任何地點均可上下車,費用 2 元 / 每人。

Lu Gao Jian 陸稿薦Located at the east end of Guanqian street, Lu Gao Jian is a take-out restaurant that offers the finest cut of meat in Suzhou. The shop was founded in the Qing dynasty in 1663 and is especially famous for braised pork with soy sauce. Other specialties include the honey sauce duck and braised pork head with soy sauce.位於觀前街東端街頭,陸稿薦是一家外賣餐廳,在蘇州提供最棒的肉類零切販售。該店建始於 1663 年清朝時期,特別有名的是紅燒肉。其他特色菜包括蜜汁鴨,紅燒豬頭肉…。

San Wan Chang Teahouse 三萬昌茶館San Wan Chang is the most famous brand name of tea in Suzhou. San Wan Chang, since from year 1855, is now boasting a history of more than 100 years. There are many outlets in Suzhou including coffee and tea houses, and tea shops. 三萬昌在蘇州是最有名的招牌茶館。從 1855 年到現在超過百年歷史,在蘇州有許多分店,包括咖啡館、茶館和茶葉店舖。

East Section of Guanqian Street lined with old buildings. 觀前街東段老建築林立。

Beautiful historic buildings漂亮的歷史古建築群

Dao Xiang Cun cake shop


Dao Xiang Cun 稻香村"Chinese century-old shop" Dao Xiang Cun, founded in Qing Dynasty in 1773, is a production of pastry brand in Suzhou. Its Suzhou-style moon cake making skills are included in "Chinese intangible cultural heritage protection list."「中華老字號」蘇州稻香村,在公元 1773 年創始於清朝,是蘇州一個生產糕點的品牌。其蘇式月餅製作技藝被列入「中國非物質文化遺產保護名錄」。

Cai Zhi Zhai, a Suzhou-style famous food store in Suzhou蘇州觀前街老字號采芝齋

Suzhou Cai Zhi Zhai founded in the year 1870, has been 130 years of history. 蘇州采芝齋創始於公元 1870 年,至今已有 130 多年曆史。Cai Zhi Zhai traditional products were Suzhou-style candy, pastries, roasted goods, preserves, and savory food five categories. 采芝齋的傳統產品為蘇式糖果、糕點、炒貨、 蜜餞和鹹味 5 大類。Cai Zhi Zhai sell shrimp seed dried sea fish, shrimp seed soy sauce, cream seeds, jujube paste sesame cake, sesame halva have become a household name in Suzhou local specialty.采芝齋出售的蝦籽鯗魚、蝦籽醬油、奶油瓜子、棗泥麻餅、芝麻酥糖等已成為蘇州家喻戶曉的本地特產

Suzhou Cai Zhi Zhai 蘇州采芝齋

Cai Zhi Zhai

Local specialties 本地特產Shrimp seed dried sea fish 蝦籽鯗魚Suzhou-style pastries 蘇式糕點Bianjian bamboo shoots 扁尖筍

Cai Zhi Zhai

Ye Shou He

Ye Shou He 葉受和Located near Cai Zhi Zhai is another famous shop selling Suzhou pastries. The wa-di-su, a crisp cake made in the shape of socks, and suanmei-tang (plum juice) are especially good here. The dried tofu is another popular snack here.是另一家著名出售蘇州糕點的商店,靠近采芝齋。這裡特別好吃的是襪底酥,一種襪子形狀的酥餅,與酸梅湯(梅汁)。豆干在這裡是另一種流行的小吃。

Huang Tian Yuan Dumpling Shop黃天源糕餅店

Inside of the Huang Tian Yuan Dumpling Shop黃天源糕餅店內部

The old brand Huang Tian Yuan, especially its main shop on Guanqian Shopping Street, is one of the best places to visit for local snacks. Their rice cakes are available in different flavors: sesame, peanut, red bean, etc. During spring , you can find people queuing up to buy the qing-tuan-zi (green glutinous rice balls).老牌黃天源,觀前步行街主要店家,是參觀當地小吃最好的地方之一。他有不同口味的年糕:芝麻,花生,紅豆等。在春天,你可以發現人們排隊買青糰子(綠色湯圓)。

The gate of Taoist temple Xuanmiao 道教廟宇玄妙觀山門

Guanqian Street middle section archway觀前街中段牌樓靈星門

American fast food has captured the Guanqian Street 美國速食店已經攻佔觀前街

Guanqian Pedestrian Street is just ahead of Xuanmiao Taoist Temple.玄妙道觀的前方就是觀前步行街。

Due to commercial considerations, the gate of Xuanmiao temple on the Guanqian Street has become a gold jewelry shop.


Another San Wan Chang Teahouse 另一家三萬昌茶館

American fast food Mcdald’s美國速食店麥當勞

West Section of Guanqian Street teeming with modern and chic shops.觀前街西段充滿著現代時尚商店。

Follow the popular music beats, silversmith was knocking the silver bar, quite interesting! 銀匠隨著熱門音樂節拍敲打銀條,相當有趣!

Xinhua Bookstore 新華書店

Beef noodle shop opened by Taiwanese owner台灣老闆開的牛肉麵店

Silk Shop 絲綢店

There are many gold shops and silver houses on the Guanqian St


The only bank on Guanqian Street - Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC)觀前街上唯一的銀行 - 中國工商銀行

Suzhou-style restroom 具有蘇州風味的洗手間

Matro department store 美羅 百貨公司

Matro department store 美羅 百貨公司

The west archway of Guanqian Street.觀前街西側牌樓。

Renmin Road under renovation人民路整修中 Chinese Music :未識綺羅香