Helanka Vacations - Taking Great Photos

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Taking Great Travel Pictures

Know when to use a tripodTripods don’t need to be used during the daytime, but it can be really fun [for taking] these longer exposure pictures, and most cameras these days have an automatic mode that will give you this type of long-exposure night photography.

Get up early

In cities, of course, one advantage to getting up and out early in the morning is that you have the streets and parks to yourself, And out in the woods, or on the beach, or in the desert, morning light is often perfect for capturing a mood of stillness and quiet that simply isn’t there when the sun is up.

Take time to find charactersYou can probably find events and places that are sure to have genuinely interesting characters. Don’t avoid those places. The lesson here is that travel photography should not just be about the landmarks you’ll see, but also about the people you’ll see at those landmarks. Turn people-watching into candid photography. Haputale, Sri Lanka

Find a guide

There is a huge advantage to finding local tour guides when you’re travelling, whether you’re going abroad or someplace not too far off. Guides can get you access to places you wouldn’t otherwise find. They’ll know the less-visited areas, or the really beautiful, secret locales. Basically, hiring a guide can dramatically increase your chances of getting memorable shots.

Keep your camera by your side

Unplanned moments can be great. It’s kind of the inverse of making sure you get out and do specific things that you know will result in opportunities for good pictures. Keep your eyes open, and your camera by your side.

Bring a Friend

You'll end up feeling more of a connection to the images you bring back from vacation, if you make sure you include friends or family in the pictures. You're going to be able to find a postcard of a famous anywhere, but making sure that somebody you're traveling with is included in a good number of your pictures can make them so much more compelling. Elephant climbing a rock. Yala, Sri Lanka

Turn Off Your FlashSo many of us make time for trips to galleries and museums when we vacation, when you go into a museum, you'll often be asked to turn off your flash. Many people think that's a problem, and they try to sneak photos with their flash on. But really, you shouldn't be using your flash in a museum -- not only for the art's sake, but for your own pictures' sake, too. You're probably going to get bad lighting, no depth, and harsh reflections using your flash. Just turn it off.

Know Your LocationOne of the basic rules for taking good travel pictures: be prepared. Know the location you're traveling to. Read up on it, check blogs and photography sites, and find out what other people have done when traveling there. Make sure your gear is safe and you have what you need. You just never know what you're going to run into

Tell a Story With Very LittleYou have to look for a scene that will tell a complete story with minimal effort on your part. Just pay attention, and you'll find scenes that are happening in front of you. If you're staying somewhere for a few days, keep an eye out for interesting routines, rituals, and there might be a story there that you can catch in one photo. Ahungalle. Sri Lanka

Get Up ThereIf you're visiting somewhere, and you don't know what you're doing or where to go in a new town, always go up. If you go uphill or to the tops of buildings -- or the top of anything –

you're pretty much guaranteed to have a good time, and get some good photos. Plus, when you're high above a city, or overlooking a valley, or wherever, feel free to focus on the people around you, rather than what everyone else is focusing on. Taking pictures of people taking pictures can sometimes produce great pictures!Ref BBC / Tyler Stalman, visit stalman.ca. Mihintale, Sri Lanka
