In the Shadow of The Tree

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YOU CAN WATCH THIS PRESENTATION IN MUSIC HERE (You have a link on the first slide): you!Like every city we visited in Iran, the town was green with tree-lined avenues and parks.A tree, as a man, is a vertical figure projected toward Heaven. It is a symbol, because of its vital strength - annually renewed during the cycle of the seasons, reminding us of the victory of life over death. Because of this, trees have had a deep religious meaning. For ancient people, it represented the divinity and its shadow was a gift from the gods.

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Susa (also called Shushan, Greek Susiane), was one of the city-states of ancient Elam which later became the winter capital of the Persian Achaemenian kings (c. 675 - 330 BCE). There is evidence that Susa has been continuously inhabited from 4,200 BCE placing it among the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world. In addition, there are traces at Susa of a village inhabited around 7,000 BCE and painted pottery dating from ca. 5,000 BCE at the site.

Susa (numit, de asemenea, Shushan sau Susiana), a fost unul dintre oraşele-stat ale Elamului, care mai târziu a devenit capitala de iarnă a regilor persani Ahemenizi (c. 675 - 330 î.Hr.). Există dovezi că Susa a fost locuită continuu din 4200 î.Hr, situându-se printre cele mai vechi oraşe locuite continuu din lume. În plus, există urmele unui sat locuit în jur de anul 7.000 î.Hr iar la sit s-a găsit ceramică pictată datând din jurul anului 5000 î.Hr. 

Sunlight and its effects were an important factor of structural design not only in Persian gardens but also in Persian cities. Textures and shapes were specifically chosen by architects to harness the light.Iran's dry heat makes shade important in gardens, which would be nearly unusable without it. Trees and trellises largely feature as biotic shade; pavilions, passages and walls are also structurally prominent in blocking the sun.

Soarele şi efectele razelor solare au reprezentat un factor important pentru organizarea grădinilor persane dar şi pentru amenajarea oraşelor. Tipul copacilor decorativi a fost ales special pentru filtrarea luminii. Soarele fierbinte din Iran face umbra foarte importantă şi necesară. Copaci, pasaje acoperite, coridoare şi mai ales persienele (obloanele cu lame înguste aşezate orizontal).... asigură maximum de umbră posibil

Callistemon is a genus of 34 species of shrubs in the family Myrtaceae, all of which are endemic to Australia. Callistemons can be propagated either by cuttings (some species more easily than others), or from the rounded seeds. Flowering is normally in spring and early summer (October–December), but conditions may cause flowering at other times of the year. In India, bottlebrush plants/trees are grown in gardens. Their leaves have a lovely fragrance which gets released on crushing the leaves with hands.

Callistemon este un gen ce cuprinde 34 de specii de arbuşti din familia Myrtacee, originari din Australia. Ei se înmulţesc prin butaşi (unele specii mai uşor decât altele), sau prin seminţe. Înfloresc în mod normal primăvara şi la începutul verii dar în condiţii propice pot înflori şi în alte perioade ale anului. Frunzele lor emană un miros foarte plăcut când sunt zdrobite cu mâna.

Susa flourished until about 640 BC., when Assyrians plundered it.  Darius I built palaces in the city in the late 500's BC., and made it a capital of the Persian Empire. Susa declined after Alexander the Great conquered it in the late 300 BC.

Susa a devenit o importantă cetate elamită cam pe la mijlocul mileniului al III-lea şi a ajuns la o mare dezvoltare sub domnia lui Untash Gal, care şi-a stabilit aici capitala administrativă şi a întemeiat Choga Zanbil, centrul religios al regatului. Shush a fost incendiată în jurul anului 640 î.Hr. de către asirianul Ashurbanipal, care a distrus în acelaşi timp şi Choga Zanbil. Epoca sa de aur a început odată cu venirea la domnie a lui Cyrus cel Mare, întemeietorul imperiului ahemenid al Iranului.

The verdant gardens of ancient Persia are a testament to this highly developed culture's resource fulness and ability to not only source and direct water and irrigate the land in a hostile environment, but then to transform it into a manmade paradise.

Susa appears several times in the Bible, where it is called "Shushan".The Old Testament story of Esther took place in Susa. The tomb of Daniel is said to be in Susa.

Susa apare de mai multe ori în Biblie, unde este numită "Shushan“.Cartea Esterei din Vechiul Testament relatează fapte care au avut loc la Susa.Mormântul prorocului Daniel este declarat a fi în Susa.

Mive (Derakhte konar) (also known as "Sedr")

Zizyphus Spina Christi (Sedr)The leaves of this plant, which are locally known as “Sedr” and “Konar”, have been used for washing the hair and body. Plant leaves are also used in Iranian folk medicine as an antiseptic, antifungal and anti-inflammatory agent, and for healing skin diseases such as atopic dermatitis

Frunzele acestei plante, un soi de jujuba, cunoscută sub numele de "Sedr" sau "Kunar", sunt folosite pentru spălarea părului şi corpului. Frunzele sunt, de asemenea, utilizate în medicina populară iraniană ca antiseptic, antifungic şi anti-inflamator, sau în vindecarea unor afecţiuni dermatologice cum ar fi dermatita atopică

Mive (Derakhte konar) (also known as "Sedr")

Mive fruitsthe same size of very black cherries.>shape: sphere (almost). more like a tiny apple.>taste: green: tart, cross between apple/pear/?>ripe: smooth texture, some sweet, some sour>color: yellow/green/red>tree size: I think they grow almost at the same rate as walnut trees.>picking techniques: kids: climb tree, or fire projectile at high velocity at branches bearing high concentrations of the fruit.> grownups: get the kids to do it.

Text : Internet

Pictures: Sanda Foişoreanu

Nicoleta Leu


Copyright: All the images belong to their authors

Arangement: Sanda Foişoreanu Parvin Javdan - Daramad Homayoun;Arian Band – Afsoongar

A tree, as a man, is a vertical figure projected toward Heaven. It is a symbol, because of its vital strength - annually renewed during the cycle of the seasons, reminding us of the victory of life over death. Because of this, trees have had a deep religious meaning. For ancient people, it represented the divinity and its shadow was a gift from the gods.
