la Cattedrale di Noto

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Unfortunately, the cathedral's dome (cupola) collapsed due to an earthquake a few years ago. The Cathedral, symbol of the Baroque of Val di Noto, which was reopened in 2007 eleven years after the earthquake that had devastated, saw in 2010 the inauguration of the frescoes in the dome, made by Oleg Supereco, and windows of the drum, Francesco Mori. The church symbol the Garden of Stone, recognized World Heritage Site UNESCO, have also concluded the work of construction of the altar, ambone and the cross, made by the sculptor Giuseppe Ducrot.Noto is, quite simply, the apotheosis of Baroque town planning and architecture. Completely destroyed by the terrible 1693 earthquake, it was rebuilt from scratch on a new site, about 10km from the old centre. In Noto's main square, the Piazza Municipio, you'll find the Cathedral of Noto. Unfortunately, the cathedral's dome (cupola) collapsed due to an earthquake a few years ago. The Palazzo Vescovile (Bishop's Palace) is next to the cathedral while the town hall is opposite, across the square.YOU CAN WATCH THIS PRESENTATION IN MUSIC HERE: have the link on the first slide)

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Considered Sicily's "Baroque City," Noto is in the province of Syracuse, in the southeastern corner of Sicily. The town is located about 35 kilometers southwest of the city of Syracuse. Old Noto was completely destroyed in the extremely violent earthquake that struck Eastern Sicily in 1693, a quake that heavily damaged Catania and Syracuse also. The present site of Noto was rebuilt from scratch, and almost entirely in the Baroque style, the prevailing style of building in Sicily at the time.

Considerat oraşul barocului sicilian, Noto se află în provincia Siracuza, în colţul de sudest al Siciliei, la o distanţă de circa 35 de kilometri de Siracuza. Vechiul Noto a fost complet distrus de cutremurul devastator din anul 1693 care a provocat mari pagube şi în Siracuza şi Catania. Noul oraş construit din ruine este realizat aproape în totalitate în stil baroc, stilul la modă în Sicilia în acea perioadă.

"To have seen Italy without having seen Sicily is not to have seen Italy at all, for Sicily is the clue to everything." Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Johann Wolfgang Goethe:

“D’you know the land where lemons bloom,Gold-orange glows in dark leaves’ gloom,Where soft wind from blue heaven blows,Where myrtle silent, laurel high repose?You know it well?O there, O thereWould I, with you, beloved, dwell”.

„Cunoşti tu oare ţara în care înfloresc lămâii?Unde portocale aurii licăresc în bezna frunzişului întunecat,Unde zefirul adie blând din cerul azuriu,Şi unde mirtul tăcut şi laurul te vrăjesc? O ştii tu oare?Oh, acolo, acolo aş merge iubito cu tine”.

In Noto's main square, the Piazza Municipio, we find the Cathedral of Noto.

În piaţa principală a oraşului, Piazza Municipio, se află Catedrala Sf. Nicolae

The Palazzo Vescovile (Bishop's Palace) is next to the cathedral.Lângă Catedrală se află Palatul Episcopal

The Palazzo Vescovile (Bishop's Palace)Lângă Catedrală se află Palatul Episcopal

From the terrace over St. Carlo Borromeo

Unfortunately, the cathedral's dome (cupola) collapsed due to an earthquake a few years ago (1996) but was rebuilt. Cupola care s-a prăbuşit în anul 1996 din nou, a fost refăcută iar pictura cupolei a fost terminată de curând

The main building material used was local compacted limestone, a substance that seemingly absorbs the sun’s aureate rays and transforms them into a soft golden-honeyed glow. The effect at sunset is quite something.Principalul material de construcţie folosit a fost calcarul, care datorită expunerii la razele soarelui, din calcar alb în decursul secolelor s-a transformat în calcar cafeniu. La apusul soarelui el devine auriu, efectul fiind spectaculos.

Portale in bronzo della Cattedrale, su cui è raffigurata la vita di San Corrado Confalonieri, santo patrono di Noto, opera dello scultore siciliano Giuseppe Pirrone (1982).

Uşile de bronz de la poarta principală reprezintă scene din viaţa sfântului Corrado Confalonieri, patronul spiritulal al oraşului, realizate în anul 1982 de sculptorul sicilian Giuseppe Pirrone

Giuseppe Pirrone (1982).

the frescoes in the dome, made by Oleg Supereco, and windows of the drum, Francesco Mori.

In August of 2010 Russian artist Oleg Supereco completed his heroically scaled frescoes for the rebuilt cathedral of Noto in Sicily

the altar, the ambone and the cross was made by the sculptor Giuseppe Ducrot.

the altar was made by the sculptor Giuseppe Ducrot.

Russian artist Oleg Supereco completed his heroically scaled frescoes for the rebuilt cathedral of Noto in Sicily

Russian artist Oleg Supereco completed his heroically scaled frescoes for the rebuilt cathedral of Noto in Sicily

Russian artist Oleg Supereco completed his heroically scaled frescoes for the rebuilt cathedral of Noto in Sicily

the frescoes in the dome, made by Oleg Supereco, and windows of the drum, Francesco Mori.

Sound: Cantico delle creature - Angelo Branduardi

Preghiera San Francesco - Cantico delle creature

Text: Internet

Pictures : Sanda Foişoreanu

InternetCopyright: All the images belong to their authors.

Arangement: Sanda Foiş
