Last minute hotels

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A quick inspirational guide to last minute holidays. Enjoy!

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Last minute holidays?

With the arrival of budget airlines, it is now much easier and much cheaper to get abroad. There are more and more last minute deals that include flights & accommodation to many European destinations, as well as to further away


Major Destination from the UK in 2011

Spain – especially the Balearic and Canary Islands.

France – especially to the Provence region, to Brittany and last but not least Paris!

Greece – especially to Rhodes and Corfu

Turkey – mainly to Bodrum

USA – with a majority to Florida

Major Destination from the UK in 2011

Egypt – especially to Sharm El Sheikh


The Caribbean – mainly to the Dominican Republic




Most of the cheaper flights and last minute hotel deals have departure times which are very early in the morning. There are a few ways to counter this! You can either leave in the middle of the night, but this would mean driving and leaving your car at the airport car park.

There is also the option of staying in airport hotels, to get a good night’s sleep and make the most of the first day in your destination.

The final option is to spend the night in the airport – which can be very uncomfortable.

The options are there – your time to choose!

Have a browse on the Superbreak website to browse some great last minute hotel deals in the UK and abroad. Make the most of your

May bank holiday by booking a last minute holiday. Enjoy!